diff --git a/docs/src/ar/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/ar/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/ar/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/ar/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/ar/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/ar/getting-started/install.md index 41b5153c8d07bec857baae19ab95b3982a46aeb8..92537f824ae56c5f37b9817156b32230a28a6c1a 100644 --- a/docs/src/ar/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/ar/getting-started/install.md @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/br/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/br/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/br/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/br/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/br/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/br/getting-started/install.md index 39c53c325d05741d0cfe85bc9614ecd17d9854c2..5ce6df8d2f9596667c8a651f8f8197a24f7dcaa1 100644 --- a/docs/src/br/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/br/getting-started/install.md @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/ca/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/ca/getting-started/docker.md index 390be5b2dab2d554731dc91e3a4832c69a64c730..676a9f77e19f51144035ca54f9217b8f1c31a482 100644 --- a/docs/src/ca/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/ca/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**castopod/app**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): el paquet incloent Castopod i totes les dependències - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): una diff --git a/docs/src/ca/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/ca/getting-started/install.md index 63ceaa50aaca7134a7854831605cd45684d7c44e..c2b1a87a005687ced56b188008b8961a23948779 100644 --- a/docs/src/ca/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/ca/getting-started/install.md @@ -186,15 +186,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Paquets de la comunitat diff --git a/docs/src/ca/index.md b/docs/src/ca/index.md index ae9868687a96cba505e26600c9cb998bf7efb4de..12326ac99d34f1570861530608e6d1f3219d01fa 100644 --- a/docs/src/ca/index.md +++ b/docs/src/ca/index.md @@ -59,91 +59,85 @@ molt petita. ## Motivació -L'ecosistema de podcasting ès descentralitzat per naturalesa: podeu crear el -vostre podcast com a fitxer RSS, publicar-lo a la web i compartir-lo a tot arreu -en lÃnia. +The podcasting ecosystem is decentralized by nature: you can create your podcast +as an RSS file, publish it on the web and have it shared everywhere online. -De fet, és un dels únics mitjans que s'han mantingut durant molt de temps -(dècades!). +It is in fact one of the only media to have stayed this way for a long time. -A mesura que els usos evolucionen, cada vegada hi ha més gent que s'incorpora -als podcasts: ja siguin els creadors que troben noves maneres de compartir les -seves idees o els oients a la recerca de millors continguts. +As usages are evolving, more and more people are getting into podcasts: whether +it is creators finding new ways to share their ideas, or listeners in the search +for better content. -Essent el podcasting cada cop més utilitzat, algunes empreses intenten -canviar-lo cap a un mitjà més controlat i centralitzat, creant plataformes de -publicació sota el seu control. +With podcasting becoming more widely used, some companies are trying to shift it +towards a more controlled and centralized medium. -Castopod es va crear amb l'objectiu de proporcionar una alternativa oberta i -sostenible per a que allotjeu els vostres podcasts, promovent la -descentralització i aixà garantir que la creativitat dels podcasters pugui -expressar-se. +Castopod was created in an effort to provide an open and sustainable alternative +to hosting your podcasts, promoting decentralization to ensure that podcasters +creativity can express itself. -Aquest projecte és impulsat per la comunitat de codi obert, i concretament pels -moviments [Fediverse](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/) i \[Podcasting -2.0\](https://podcastindex .org/). +This project is pushed by the open-source community, and specifically by the +[Fediverse](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/) and +[Podcasting 2.0](https://podcastindex.org/) movements. ## Comparació amb altres solucions -Creiem que una mateixa solució no és necessà riament adequada per a tothom, depèn -molt de les vostres necessitats. Per tant, aquà us mostrem comparacions amb -altres eines per ajudar-vos a determinar si Castopod és l'adequat per a -vosaltres. +We believe that a solution is not necessarily right for everyone, it highly +depends on your needs. So, here are comparisons with other tools to help you to +gauge whether Castopod is the right fit for you. ### Castopod vs Wordpress -Casopod es coneix sovint com "el Wordpress per a podcasts" a causa de les -similituds entre els dos. D'alguna manera això és cert. I, de fet, Castopod es -va inspirar molt en l'ecosistema de Wordpress, veient la facilitat d'adopció per -part de la comunitat i el nombre de llocs web que l'executen. +Castopod is often referred to as "the Wordpress for podcasts" because of the +similarities between the two. In some ways this is true. And actually, Castopod +was greatly inspired by the Wordpress ecosystem, seeing the ease of adoption +from the community and the number of websites running it. -Igual que Wordpress, Castopod és gratuït i de codi obert, fet amb PHP amb una -base de dades MySQL i està empaquetat de manera que es pot instal·lar fà cilment -a la majoria del servidors web. +Just like Wordpress, Castopod is free & open source, built using PHP with a +MySQL database and is packaged in a way that you can easily install on most web +servers. -Wordpress és una manera fantà stica de crear el vostre lloc web i ampliar-lo amb -complements per obtenir el que voleu. És un CMS complet que us ajuda a tenir -qualsevol tipus de lloc web en lÃnia. +Wordpress is a great way to create your website and extend it with plugins to +get what you want. It is a full fledged CMS that helps you get any type of +website online. -D'altra banda, Castopod està pensat per atendre les necessitats dels podcasters -especÃficament, centrant-se en el podcasting i res més. No necessiteu cap -complement o connector per començar el vostre viatge de podcasting. +On the other hand, Castopod is meant to address the podcasters needs +specifically, focusing on podcasting, and nothing else. You don't need any +plugin to get you started on your podcasting journey. -Això permet optimitzar els processos especÃfics del podcasting: des de la -creació dels teus podcasts i la publicació de nous episodis fins a la difusió, -el mà rqueting i l'anà lisi estadÃstica. +This allows optimizing the processes specific to podcasting: ranging from the +creation of your podcasts and the publication of new episodes all the way to +broadcasting, marketing and analytics. -Finalment, depenent de les vostres necessitats, Wordpress i Castopod poden -conviure fins i tot, ja que comparteixen els mateixos requisits! +Finally, depending on your needs, Wordpress and Castopod can even live side by +side as they share the same requirements! ### Castopod vs Funkwhale -Funkwhale és un servidor de música de codi obert, modern i auto-allotjat. Igual -que Castopod, Funkwhale es troba al Fediverse, una xarxa social descentralitzada -que permet la interoperabilitat entre ambdues. +Funkwhale is a self-hosted, modern free and open-source music server. Just as +Castopod, Funkwhale is on the fediverse, a decentralized social network allowing +interoperability between the two. -Funkwhale es va construir inicialment al voltant de la música. I més tard, a -mesura que el projecte anava evolucionant, es va introduir la possibilitat -d'allotjar podcasts. +Funkwhale was initially built around music. And later on, as the project +evolved, the ability to host podcasts was introduced. -A diferència de Funkwhale, Castopod ha estat dissenyat i construït exclusivament -al voltant del podcasting. Això permet una implementació més fà cil de funcions -relacionades amb l'ecosistema del podcasting, com ara les funcions del -podcasting 2.0 (transcripcions, capÃtols, geo-localitzacions, persones, ...). +Unlike Funkwhale, Castopod has been designed and built around podcasting +exclusively. This allows easier implementation for features related to the +podcasting ecosystem, such as the podcasting 2.0 features (transcripts, +chapters, locations, persons, …). -Per tant, probablement haurÃeu d'utilitzar Funkwhale si voleu allotjar la vostra -música i utilitzar Castopod si voleu allotjar els vostres podcasts. +So, you should probably use Funkwhale if you want to host your music, and use +Castopod if you want to host your podcasts. ### Castopod vs altres plataformes de podcast -Hi ha moltes solucions per allotjar els vostres podcasts, algunes de les quals -són realment fantà stiques i [moltes](https://podcastindex.org/apps) s'estan -incorporant al carro Podcasting 2.0. com Castopod! +There are many solutions for you to host your podcasts, some of which are really +great and [a lot of them](https://podcastindex.org/apps) are jumping into the +Podcasting 2.0 wagon just like Castopod! Cadascuna d'aquestes solucions difereix entre si, podeu comparar-les amb la [llista de funcions](#caracterÃstiques). -Dit això, hi ha dues diferències principals amb altres solucions de podcasting: +That being said, there are two main differences with other podcasting solutions: - Castopod es pot auto-allotjar i és la única solució que us permet mantenir el control total sobre el que produïu. A més, com que és de codi obert, fins i @@ -155,15 +149,15 @@ Dit això, hi ha dues diferències principals amb altres solucions de podcasting ## Col·laborar -Us agrada Castopod i voleu ajudar? Fes una ullada a la documentació següent per -començar. +Love Castopod and would like to help? Take a look at the following documentation +to get you started. ### Codi de conducta -Castopod ha adoptat un codi de conducta que esperem que els participants del -projecte compleixin. Si us plau, llegiu el -[manual CODE_OF_CONDUCT](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) -perquè pugueu entendre quines accions seran o no tolerades. +Castopod has adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to +adhere to. Please read the +[CODE_OF_CONDUCT manual](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) +so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated. ### Guia de col·laboració @@ -173,8 +167,8 @@ i millores, i com construir i prova els teus canvis a Castopod. ## Col·laboradors ✨ -Grà cies a aquestes persones meravelloses -([clau emoji](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)): +Thanks goes to these wonderful people +([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)): <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> @@ -252,22 +246,21 @@ Grà cies a aquestes persones meravelloses <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:END --> -Aquest projecte segueix l'especificació -[all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors). -Benvingudes les col·laboracions de qualsevol mena! +This project follows the +[all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) +specification. Contributions of any kind welcome! ## Contacte -Podeu contactar amb nosaltres per demanar ajuda o fer qualsevol pregunta que -tingueu via: +You may reach us for help or ask any question you have on: - [Discord](https://castopod.org/discord) (per a la interacció directa amb desenvolupadors i la comunitat) - [Seguiment d'incidències](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/issues) (per a sol·licituds de noves funcionalitats i informes d'errors) -Alternativament, podeu seguir-nos a les plataformes de xarxes socials per rebre -notÃcies sobre Castopod: +Alternatively, you can follow us on social media platforms to get news about +Castopod: - [podlibre.social](https://podlibre.social/@Castopod) (instà ncia de Mastodon) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/castopod) @@ -276,9 +269,9 @@ notÃcies sobre Castopod: ## Patrocinadors -El desenvolupament continu de Castopod és possible amb el suport dels seus -patrocinadors. Si voleu ajudar, considereu -[patrocinar el desenvolupament de Castopod](https://opencollective.com/castopod/contribute). +The ongoing development of Castopod is made possible with the support of its +backers. If you'd like to help, please consider +[sponsoring Castopod's development](https://opencollective.com/castopod/contribute). <div class="flex flex-wrap gap-x-16 gap-y-8"> <a href="https://adaures.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="/images/sponsors/adaures.svg" alt="Ad Aures Logo" class="h-16" /></a> @@ -289,7 +282,7 @@ patrocinadors. Si voleu ajudar, considereu [GNU Affero General Public License v3.0](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) -Copyright © 2020-avui, [Ad Aures](https://adaures.com/). +Copyright © 2020-present, [Ad Aures](https://adaures.com/). https://img.shields.io/gitlab/v/release/2?color=brightgreen&gitlab_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcode.castopod.org%2F&include_prereleases&label=release https://img.shields.io/github/license/ad-aures/castopod?color=blue https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg diff --git a/docs/src/de/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/de/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/de/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/de/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/de/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/de/getting-started/install.md index b36473af06b21bc189a1ee8fc8e9ebd7bc123c91..f59050e5c35b03dee780c14f118f197cd7ffda04 100644 --- a/docs/src/de/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/de/getting-started/install.md @@ -183,15 +183,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/de/index.md b/docs/src/de/index.md index 78767edd705a8d29ae35acf9574c68a1434cb64d..283999ee4e746d88baa85a4346b139b669227f88 100644 --- a/docs/src/de/index.md +++ b/docs/src/de/index.md @@ -57,66 +57,63 @@ mit einem sehr kleinen Fußabdruck. ## Motivation -Das Podcasting-Ökosystem ist von Natur aus dezentralisiert: Du kannst deinen -Podcast als RSS-Datei erstellen, im Web publizieren und von dort aus überall -online teilen. +The podcasting ecosystem is decentralized by nature: you can create your podcast +as an RSS file, publish it on the web and have it shared everywhere online. -Es ist in der Tat eines der einzigen Medien, die lange Zeit so geblieben sind. +It is in fact one of the only media to have stayed this way for a long time. -Da sich die Nutzungsmöglichkeiten weiterentwickeln, interessieren sich immer -mehr Menschen für Podcasts: seien es Schöpfer, die neue Wege finden, ihre Ideen -zu teilen, oder Zuhörer auf der Suche nach besseren Inhalten. +As usages are evolving, more and more people are getting into podcasts: whether +it is creators finding new ways to share their ideas, or listeners in the search +for better content. -Mit zunehmender Verbreitung des Podcasts versuchen einige Unternehmen, ihn auf -ein stärker kontrollierbares und zentralisiertes Medium zu verlagern. +With podcasting becoming more widely used, some companies are trying to shift it +towards a more controlled and centralized medium. -Castopod wurde in dem Bestreben erstellt, eine offene und nachhaltige -Alternative für das Hosting Ihrer Podcasts zu bieten. Die Förderung der -Dezentralisierung soll sicherstellen, dass sich Podcaster in ihrer Kreativität -frei entfalten können. +Castopod was created in an effort to provide an open and sustainable alternative +to hosting your podcasts, promoting decentralization to ensure that podcasters +creativity can express itself. -Dieses Projekt wird von der Open-Source-Community und speziell von den -[Fediverse](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/) und -[Podcasting 2.0](https://podcastindex.org/) Bewegungen getragen. +This project is pushed by the open-source community, and specifically by the +[Fediverse](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/) and +[Podcasting 2.0](https://podcastindex.org/) movements. ## Vergleiche mit anderen Lösungen -Wir glauben, dass es nicht die eine Lösung für jeden gibt, es ist sehr abhängig -von deinen Bedürfnissen. Also, hier sind Vergleiche mit anderen Tools, die Dir -helfen sollen herauszufinden, ob Castopod das richtige für Dich ist. +We believe that a solution is not necessarily right for everyone, it highly +depends on your needs. So, here are comparisons with other tools to help you to +gauge whether Castopod is the right fit for you. ### Castopod vs Wordpress -Castopod wird oft als "das Wordpress für Podcasts" bezeichnet, da die --Ähnlichkeiten zwischen den beiden übereinstimmen. In gewisser Hinsicht ist das -richtig. Und tatsächlich war Castopod stark vom Wordpress-Ökosystem inspiriert, -da es die einfache Ãœbernahme durch die Community und die Anzahl der Websites, -auf denen es ausgeführt wird, sah. +Castopod is often referred to as "the Wordpress for podcasts" because of the +similarities between the two. In some ways this is true. And actually, Castopod +was greatly inspired by the Wordpress ecosystem, seeing the ease of adoption +from the community and the number of websites running it. -Genau wie Wordpress ist Castopod kostenlos; Open Source, erstellt mit PHP mit -einer MySQL-Datenbank und ist so verpackt, dass Du es auf den Servern der -meisten Websites problemlos installieren kannst. +Just like Wordpress, Castopod is free & open source, built using PHP with a +MySQL database and is packaged in a way that you can easily install on most web +servers. -Wordpress ist ein großartiger Weg, um Deine Website zu erstellen und mit Plugins -zu erweitern, um das zu bekommen, was Du willst. Es ist ein vollwertiges CMS -welches dir hilft, jede Art von Webseite online zu bekommen. +Wordpress is a great way to create your website and extend it with plugins to +get what you want. It is a full fledged CMS that helps you get any type of +website online. -Auf der anderen Seite soll Castopod die Bedürfnisse von Podcastern erfüllen. -Konzentriere Dich ausschließlich aufs Podcasten und sonst nichts. Du benötigst -kein Plugin, um dein Podcasting zu beginnen. +On the other hand, Castopod is meant to address the podcasters needs +specifically, focusing on podcasting, and nothing else. You don't need any +plugin to get you started on your podcasting journey. -Dadurch lassen sich die Podcast-spezifischen Prozesse optimieren: von der -Erstellung Ihrer Podcasts und die Veröffentlichung neuer Folgen bis hin zu -Rundfunk, Marketing und Analytik. +This allows optimizing the processes specific to podcasting: ranging from the +creation of your podcasts and the publication of new episodes all the way to +broadcasting, marketing and analytics. -Schließlich können Wordpress und Castopod je nach Bedarf sogar nebeneinander -existieren, da sie die gleichen Anforderungen haben! +Finally, depending on your needs, Wordpress and Castopod can even live side by +side as they share the same requirements! ### Castopod vs Funkwale -Funkwhale ist ein selbstgehosteter, moderner kostenloser und -Open-Source-Musikserver. Just as Castopod, Funkwhale is on the fediverse, a -decentralized social network allowing interoperability between the two. +Funkwhale is a self-hosted, modern free and open-source music server. Just as +Castopod, Funkwhale is on the fediverse, a decentralized social network allowing +interoperability between the two. Funkwhale was initially built around music. And later on, as the project evolved, the ability to host podcasts was introduced. diff --git a/docs/src/el/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/el/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/el/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/el/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/el/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/el/getting-started/install.md index 41b5153c8d07bec857baae19ab95b3982a46aeb8..92537f824ae56c5f37b9817156b32230a28a6c1a 100644 --- a/docs/src/el/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/el/getting-started/install.md @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/es/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/es/getting-started/docker.md index 0a7d311893f01f00d95d0244d6eb5456718176bc..8cde56a342c26931046a0af2daba759765d1fed3 100644 --- a/docs/src/es/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/es/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod lanza 3 imágenes Docker al DockerHub durante su proceso de construcción automatizada: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): el paquete completo de Castopod con todas las dependencias. - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): una diff --git a/docs/src/es/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/es/getting-started/install.md index 849fd9177a413df51bd695a14660c322d530f6ad..cd0b29a28b9ec5884acd9d8a88074b129a23b2ec 100644 --- a/docs/src/es/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/es/getting-started/install.md @@ -188,15 +188,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Paquetes de la comunidad diff --git a/docs/src/es/index.md b/docs/src/es/index.md index b8b90aa891cf4d697a5da2f958c5d790ba0d4c8d..aaa84a241722981e63c4ba061c228492da906cc7 100644 --- a/docs/src/es/index.md +++ b/docs/src/es/index.md @@ -64,91 +64,85 @@ Castopod es fácil de instalar y se ha desarrollado sobre ## Motivación -El ecosistema de podcasting es descentralizado por naturaleza: puedes crear tu -podcast como un archivo RSS, publicarlo en la web y compartirlo en todas partes. +The podcasting ecosystem is decentralized by nature: you can create your podcast +as an RSS file, publish it on the web and have it shared everywhere online. -De hecho, es uno de los únicos medios de comunicación que se han mantenido asà -durante mucho tiempo. +It is in fact one of the only media to have stayed this way for a long time. -A medida que los usos evolucionan, más y más personas se introducen en el mundo -del podcast: ya sea que sean creadores que buscando nuevas formas de compartir -sus ideas, u oyentes en busca de mejores contenidos. +As usages are evolving, more and more people are getting into podcasts: whether +it is creators finding new ways to share their ideas, or listeners in the search +for better content. -A medida que aumenta el uso del podcast, algunas empresas están tratando de -convertirlo en un medio más controlado y centralizado. +With podcasting becoming more widely used, some companies are trying to shift it +towards a more controlled and centralized medium. -Castopod fue creado en un esfuerzo por aportar una alternativa abierta y -sostenible para alojar tus podcasts, promoviendo la descentralización y asà -garantizar que los podcasters y su creatividad pueda expresarse sin -restricciones. +Castopod was created in an effort to provide an open and sustainable alternative +to hosting your podcasts, promoting decentralization to ensure that podcasters +creativity can express itself. -Este proyecto goza del apoyo de la comunidad de código abierto, y -especÃficamente de los movimientos del -[Fediverso](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/) y el -[Podcasting 2.0](https://podcastindex.org/). +This project is pushed by the open-source community, and specifically by the +[Fediverse](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/) and +[Podcasting 2.0](https://podcastindex.org/) movements. ## Comparación con otras soluciones -Creemos que una misma solución no es necesariamente adecuada para todos, ya que -depende de las necesidades de cada quien. Por lo tanto, vamos a comparar -Castopod con otras herramientas para ayudarte a medir si es el más adecuado para -ti. +We believe that a solution is not necessarily right for everyone, it highly +depends on your needs. So, here are comparisons with other tools to help you to +gauge whether Castopod is the right fit for you. ### Castopod vs. Wordpress -Castopod a menudo lo llaman "el Wordpress para podcasts" debido a las -similitudes entre ambos. En cierto modo es cierto. Y es que en realidad, -Castopod se inspiró en gran medida en el ecosistema de Wordpress, viendo la -facilidad de adopción de la comunidad y el número de sitios web que funcionan -con WP. +Castopod is often referred to as "the Wordpress for podcasts" because of the +similarities between the two. In some ways this is true. And actually, Castopod +was greatly inspired by the Wordpress ecosystem, seeing the ease of adoption +from the community and the number of websites running it. -Al igual que Wordpress, Castopod es software libre, gratuito y de código -abierto, construido con PHP y una base de datos MySQL, y empaquetado de una -manera que puede instalar fácilmente en la mayorÃa de los servidores web. +Just like Wordpress, Castopod is free & open source, built using PHP with a +MySQL database and is packaged in a way that you can easily install on most web +servers. -Wordpress ofrece una buena manera de crear tu sitio web y extenderlo con plugins -para obtener lo que quieres. Es un CMS completo que te ayuda a tener en lÃnea -cualquier tipo de sitio web. +Wordpress is a great way to create your website and extend it with plugins to +get what you want. It is a full fledged CMS that helps you get any type of +website online. -Por otro lado, Castopod está pensado para atender especÃficamente las -necesidades de los podcasters, centrándose en el podcasting y nada más. No -necesitas ningún plugin para empezar con tu viaje por el mundo del podcast. +On the other hand, Castopod is meant to address the podcasters needs +specifically, focusing on podcasting, and nothing else. You don't need any +plugin to get you started on your podcasting journey. -Esto permite optimizar los procesos especÃficos del podcasting: desde la -creación de tus podcasts y la publicación de nuevos episodios hasta la -transmisión, marketing y análisis estadÃstico. +This allows optimizing the processes specific to podcasting: ranging from the +creation of your podcasts and the publication of new episodes all the way to +broadcasting, marketing and analytics. -Por último, dependiendo de sus necesidades, Wordpress y Castopod incluso pueden -convivir codo con codo en el mismo servidor, ¡ya que comparten los mismos -requisitos! +Finally, depending on your needs, Wordpress and Castopod can even live side by +side as they share the same requirements! ### Castopod vs. Funkwhale -Funkwhale es un servidor de música auto-hospedado, moderno y gratuito y de -código abierto. Igual que Castopod, Funkwhale está en el fediverso, una red -social descentralizada, permitiendo la interoperabilidad entre ambos. +Funkwhale is a self-hosted, modern free and open-source music server. Just as +Castopod, Funkwhale is on the fediverse, a decentralized social network allowing +interoperability between the two. -Funkwhale se desarrolló inicialmente en torno a la música. Y más adelante, al -evolucionar como proyecto, se introdujo la capacidad de alojar podcasts. +Funkwhale was initially built around music. And later on, as the project +evolved, the ability to host podcasts was introduced. -A diferencia de Funkwhale, Castopod ha sido diseñado y desarrollado -exclusivamente para el podcasting. Esto permite una implementación más fácil -para funciones relacionadas con el ecosistema del podcasting, tales como las del -podcasting 2.0 (transcripciones, episodios, geo-localizaciones, personas, …). +Unlike Funkwhale, Castopod has been designed and built around podcasting +exclusively. This allows easier implementation for features related to the +podcasting ecosystem, such as the podcasting 2.0 features (transcripts, +chapters, locations, persons, …). -Por lo tanto, probablemente deberÃas usar Funkwhale si quieres alojar tu música -y usar Castopod si quieres alojar tus podcasts. +So, you should probably use Funkwhale if you want to host your music, and use +Castopod if you want to host your podcasts. ### Castopod vs. otras plataformas de podcast -Hay muchas soluciones para alojar tus podcasts, algunas de las cuales son -realmente geniales y \[muchas de ellas\](https://podcastindex. org/apps) están -dando el salto al tren del Podcasting 2.0, ¡como ya ha hecho Castopod! +There are many solutions for you to host your podcasts, some of which are really +great and [a lot of them](https://podcastindex.org/apps) are jumping into the +Podcasting 2.0 wagon just like Castopod! -Cada una de estas soluciones difiere entre sÃ, puedes compararlas en esta -[lista de caracterÃsticas](#features). +Each of these solutions differ from one another, you may compare with the +[list of features](#features). -Dicho esto, hay dos diferencias principales con otras soluciones de podcasting: +That being said, there are two main differences with other podcasting solutions: - Castopod puede ser auto-hospedado en tu propio servidor y es la única solución que te permite mantener un control completo sobre los contenidos que produces. @@ -161,26 +155,26 @@ Dicho esto, hay dos diferencias principales con otras soluciones de podcasting: ## Cómo colaborar -¿Te encanta Castopod y te gustarÃa ayudar? Echa un vistazo a la siguiente -documentación para que puedas empezar. +Love Castopod and would like to help? Take a look at the following documentation +to get you started. ### Código de conducta -Castopod ha adoptado un Código de Conducta al que esperamos que los -participantes del proyecto se adhieran. Por favor, lea el -[manual del CÓDIGO DE CONDUCTA](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) -para que pueda entender qué acciones serán y no serán toleradas. +Castopod has adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to +adhere to. Please read the +[CODE_OF_CONDUCT manual](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) +so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated. ### GuÃa para colaborar -Lee nuestra [guÃa para colaborar](./contributing/guidelines.md) para aprender -más sobre nuestro proceso de desarrollo, cómo proponer correcciones de errores y -sugerir mejoras, y cómo compilar y probar tus cambios en Castopod. +Read our [contributing guide](./contributing/guidelines.md) to learn about our +development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build +and test your changes to Castopod. ## Colaboradores ✨ -Los agradecimientos van a estas estupendas personas -([clave emoji](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)): +Thanks goes to these wonderful people +([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)): <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> @@ -258,20 +252,21 @@ Los agradecimientos van a estas estupendas personas <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:END --> -Este proyecto sigue la especificación -[all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors). ¡Son -bienvenidas colaboraciones de cualquier tipo! +This project follows the +[all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) +specification. Contributions of any kind welcome! ## Contacto -Puedes contactarnos para ayuda o hacer cualquier pregunta que tengas en: +You may reach us for help or ask any question you have on: - [Discord](https://castopod.org/discord) (para interacción directa con desarrolladores y la comunidad) - [Seguimiento de incidencias](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/issues) (para informar de errores y solicitar nuevas funcionalidades) -También puedes seguirnos en redes sociales para obtener noticias sobre Castopod: +Alternatively, you can follow us on social media platforms to get news about +Castopod: - [podlibre.social](https://podlibre.social/@castopod) (instancia de Mastodon) - [[Twitter](https://twitter.com/castopod)](https://twitter.com/castopod) @@ -280,10 +275,9 @@ También puedes seguirnos en redes sociales para obtener noticias sobre Castopod ## Patrocinadores -El desarrollo en curso de Castopod es posible gracias al apoyo de sus -patrocinadores. Si quieres ayudar, por favor considera -[cooperar económicamente](https://opencollective.com/castopod/contribute) con el -desarrollo de Castopod. +The ongoing development of Castopod is made possible with the support of its +backers. If you'd like to help, please consider +[sponsoring Castopod's development](https://opencollective.com/castopod/contribute). <div class="flex flex-wrap gap-x-16 gap-y-8"> <a href="https://adaures.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="/images/sponsors/adaures.svg" alt="Logo de Ad Aures" class="h-16" /></a> @@ -294,7 +288,7 @@ desarrollo de Castopod. [GNU Affero General Public License v3.0](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) -Copyright © 2020-presente, [Ad Aures](https://adaures.com/). +Copyright © 2020-present, [Ad Aures](https://adaures.com/). https://img.shields.io/gitlab/v/release/2?color=brightgreen&gitlab_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcode.castopod.org%2F&include_prereleases&label=release https://img.shields.io/github/license/ad-aures/castopod?color=blue https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg diff --git a/docs/src/fa/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/fa/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/fa/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/fa/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/fa/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/fa/getting-started/install.md index 41b5153c8d07bec857baae19ab95b3982a46aeb8..92537f824ae56c5f37b9817156b32230a28a6c1a 100644 --- a/docs/src/fa/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/fa/getting-started/install.md @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/fr/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/fr/getting-started/docker.md index e673887491ac0b026ed61e9da4b5d0ddc4519fb3..5f2897f9635d9d0f53be321ae3be3701c625c0fe 100644 --- a/docs/src/fr/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/fr/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod envoie 3 images Docker au Hub Docker pendant son processus de construction automatisée : +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/fr/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/fr/getting-started/install.md index 475078093a492e935b40adfd9e3d35c9260a6ea8..4d189246e1e2693c839f4699035701d93230b042 100644 --- a/docs/src/fr/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/fr/getting-started/install.md @@ -188,15 +188,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Paquets fournis par la communauté diff --git a/docs/src/fr/index.md b/docs/src/fr/index.md index 41472a4c774eebc4db87b67b48d21f84e920ac83..4bda8707ebc7de658b05b107ae45a58125f89d22 100644 --- a/docs/src/fr/index.md +++ b/docs/src/fr/index.md @@ -61,88 +61,85 @@ petite taille. ## Pourquoi Castopod ? -L'écosystème du podcast est décentralisé par nature : vous pouvez créer votre -podcast grâce au fichier RSS, le publier sur Internet et le rendre disponible -partout dans le monde. +The podcasting ecosystem is decentralized by nature: you can create your podcast +as an RSS file, publish it on the web and have it shared everywhere online. -C'est en fait l'un des seuls médias à être encore décentralisé aujourd'hui. +It is in fact one of the only media to have stayed this way for a long time. -À mesure que les usages évoluent, de plus en plus de gens se retrouvent autour -du podcast : qu'il s'agisse de créateurs qui y trouvent de nouvelles façons de -partager leurs idées ou d'auditeurs à la recherche de contenus de qualité. +As usages are evolving, more and more people are getting into podcasts: whether +it is creators finding new ways to share their ideas, or listeners in the search +for better content. -Avec l'avènement du podcast, certaines entreprises se dirigent vers un medium -plus centralisé et plus contrôlé. +With podcasting becoming more widely used, some companies are trying to shift it +towards a more controlled and centralized medium. -Castopod a été créé dans le but de fournir une alternative ouverte et durable -pour l'hébergement de vos podcasts, de promouvoir la décentralisation et ainsi -de s'assurer que la créativité des podcasteurs puisse rester libre. +Castopod was created in an effort to provide an open and sustainable alternative +to hosting your podcasts, promoting decentralization to ensure that podcasters +creativity can express itself. -Ce projet s'appuie sur la communauté open-source, plus spécifiquement sur le -[Fédiverse](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/) et sur -[Podcasting 2.0](https://podcastindex.org/). +This project is pushed by the open-source community, and specifically by the +[Fediverse](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/) and +[Podcasting 2.0](https://podcastindex.org/) movements. ## Comparaison avec d'autres solutions -Nous pensons qu'une solution n'est pas adaptée à tous, tout dépend vos besoins. -Voici donc un comparatif avec d'autres outils qui vous aidera à juger si -Castopod est fait pour vous. +We believe that a solution is not necessarily right for everyone, it highly +depends on your needs. So, here are comparisons with other tools to help you to +gauge whether Castopod is the right fit for you. ### Castopod vs Wordpress -Castopod est souvent appelé "Wordpress pour les podcasts" en raison des points -communs entre les deux. D'une certaine manière, c'est vrai. Castopod a -d'ailleurs été inspiré par l'écosystème de Wordpress, en raison de la facilité -grâce à laquelle sa communauté l'a adopté et du nombre de sites Web qui -l'utilisent. +Castopod is often referred to as "the Wordpress for podcasts" because of the +similarities between the two. In some ways this is true. And actually, Castopod +was greatly inspired by the Wordpress ecosystem, seeing the ease of adoption +from the community and the number of websites running it. -Tout comme Wordpress, Castopod est gratuit & open source, utilise PHP et une -base de données MySQL et est fourni en paquet facilement installable sur la -plupart des serveurs web. +Just like Wordpress, Castopod is free & open source, built using PHP with a +MySQL database and is packaged in a way that you can easily install on most web +servers. -Wordpress est un excellent outil pour créer votre site web et de l'étendre avec -des plugins pour faire ce que vous souhaitez. C'est un CMS à part entière qui -vous permet de mettre en line tout type de site web. +Wordpress is a great way to create your website and extend it with plugins to +get what you want. It is a full fledged CMS that helps you get any type of +website online. -Castopod quant à lui est destiné à répondre aux besoins spécifiques des -podcasteurs, en se concentrant sur les podcasts et rien d'autre. Vous n'avez -besoin d'installer aucun plugin pour démarrer votre aventure baladodiffusée. +On the other hand, Castopod is meant to address the podcasters needs +specifically, focusing on podcasting, and nothing else. You don't need any +plugin to get you started on your podcasting journey. -Cela permet d'optimiser tout ce qui est spécifique aux podcasts : de la création -de vos podcasts et la publication de nouveaux épisodes jusqu'à la diffusion, le -marketing et la mesure d'audience. +This allows optimizing the processes specific to podcasting: ranging from the +creation of your podcasts and the publication of new episodes all the way to +broadcasting, marketing and analytics. -Enfin, en fonction de vos besoins, Wordpress et Castopod peuvent même cohabiter -car ils partagent les mêmes pré-requis techniques ! +Finally, depending on your needs, Wordpress and Castopod can even live side by +side as they share the same requirements! ### Castopod vs Funkwhale -Funkwhale est un serveur autohébergé, moderne, libre et open-source, dédié à la -musique. Tout comme Castopod, Funkwhale est sur le Fédivers, un réseau social -décentralisé, ce qui offre une interopérabilité entre eux. +Funkwhale is a self-hosted, modern free and open-source music server. Just as +Castopod, Funkwhale is on the fediverse, a decentralized social network allowing +interoperability between the two. -Funkwhale a été initialement conçu pour la musique. Et plus tard, à mesure que -le projet a évolué, la capacité d'héberger des podcasts a été introduite. +Funkwhale was initially built around music. And later on, as the project +evolved, the ability to host podcasts was introduced. -Contrairement à Funkwhale, Castopod a été pensé et conçu exclusivement pour les -podcasts. Cela permet une implémentation plus naturelle des fonctionnalités -propres à l'écosystème du podcast, comme celles de Podcasting 2.0 -(transcriptions, chapitres, géo-localisation, intervenants …). +Unlike Funkwhale, Castopod has been designed and built around podcasting +exclusively. This allows easier implementation for features related to the +podcasting ecosystem, such as the podcasting 2.0 features (transcripts, +chapters, locations, persons, …). -Vous devriez ainsi probablement utiliser Funkwhale si vous souhaitez héberger -votre musique et vous tourner vers Castopod si vous souhaitez héberger des -podcasts. +So, you should probably use Funkwhale if you want to host your music, and use +Castopod if you want to host your podcasts. ### Castopod vs Autres hébergeurs de podcasts -Il existe de nombreuses solutions pour héberger vos podcasts, dont certaines -excellentes et [de nombreuses](https://podcastindex.org/apps) ont rejoint -Castopod dans le train « Podcasting 2.0 » ! +There are many solutions for you to host your podcasts, some of which are really +great and [a lot of them](https://podcastindex.org/apps) are jumping into the +Podcasting 2.0 wagon just like Castopod! -Chacune de ces solutions a ses particularités, vous pouvez comparer grâce à la -[liste des fonctionnalités](#features). +Each of these solutions differ from one another, you may compare with the +[list of features](#features). -Cela étant, on notera deux différences principales avec les autres solutions : +That being said, there are two main differences with other podcasting solutions: - Castopod peut être auto-hébergé et est la seule solution qui vous permet de garder le contrôle total sur ce que vous produisez. D'autre part, comme il est @@ -154,27 +151,26 @@ Cela étant, on notera deux différences principales avec les autres solutions ## Contribuer -Vous appréciez Castopod et aimeriez donner un coup de main ? Jetez un Å“il à la -documentation suivante pour démarrer. +Love Castopod and would like to help? Take a look at the following documentation +to get you started. ### Code de conduite -Castopod a mis en place un Code de Conduite destiné aux personnes souhaitant -participer au projet. Veuillez lire le manuel -[CODE_OF_CONDUCT](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) -afin de connaitre quelles actions seront et ne seront pas tolérées. +Castopod has adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to +adhere to. Please read the +[CODE_OF_CONDUCT manual](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) +so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated. ### Guide de contribution -Lisez notre [guide de contribution](./contributing/guidelines.md) pour en savoir -plus sur notre processus de développement et comprendre comment proposer des -corrections de bogues et des améliorations, et comment compiler et tester vos -modifications sur Castopod. +Read our [contributing guide](./contributing/guidelines.md) to learn about our +development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build +and test your changes to Castopod. ## Contributeurs ✨ -Merci à toutes ces personnes merveilleuses -([touche emoji](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key) ) : +Thanks goes to these wonderful people +([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)): <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> @@ -252,22 +248,21 @@ Merci à toutes ces personnes merveilleuses <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:END --> -Ce projet suit la spécification -[all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) . -Toutes les contributions sont bienvenues ! +This project follows the +[all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) +specification. Contributions of any kind welcome! ## Contact -Vous pouvez nous joindre pour obtenir de l'aide ou poser toute question que vous -avez sur : +You may reach us for help or ask any question you have on: - [Discord](https://castopod.org/discord) (pour dialoguer en temps réel avec les développeurs et la communauté) - [Suivi de problèmes](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/issues) (pour toute demande de nouvelle fonctionnalité ou rapport de bug) -Autrement, vous pouvez nous suivre sur les réseaux sociaux pour obtenir des -informations à propos de Castopod : +Alternatively, you can follow us on social media platforms to get news about +Castopod: - [podlibre.social](https://podlibre.social/@Castopod) (Instance Mastodon) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/castopod) @@ -276,9 +271,9 @@ informations à propos de Castopod : ## Sponsors -Le développement de Castopod est rendu possible grâce au soutien de ses -parrains. Si vous souhaitez aider, n'hésitez pas à -[parrainer le développement de Castopod](https://opencollective.com/castopod/contribute). +The ongoing development of Castopod is made possible with the support of its +backers. If you'd like to help, please consider +[sponsoring Castopod's development](https://opencollective.com/castopod/contribute). <div class="flex flex-wrap gap-x-16 gap-y-8"> <a href="https://adaures.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="/images/sponsors/adaures.svg" alt="Logo d'Ad Aures" class="h-16" /></a> @@ -287,9 +282,9 @@ parrains. Si vous souhaitez aider, n'hésitez pas à ## Licence -[Licence publique générale GNU Affero v3](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) +[GNU Affero General Public License v3.0](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) -Copyright © 2020-aujourd'hui, [Ad Aures](https://adaures.com/). +Copyright © 2020-present, [Ad Aures](https://adaures.com/). https://img.shields.io/gitlab/v/release/2?color=brightgreen&gitlab_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcode.castopod.org%2F&include_prereleases&label=release https://img.shields.io/github/license/ad-aures/castopod?color=blue https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg diff --git a/docs/src/fr2/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/fr2/getting-started/docker.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/fr2/getting-started/docker.md @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +--- +title: Official Docker images +sidebarDepth: 3 +--- + +# Official Docker images + +Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build +process: + +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit +- [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle + with all of Castopod dependencies +- [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an + Nginx configuration for Castopod +- [**`castopod/video-clipper`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/video-clipper): + an optional image building videoclips thanks to ffmpeg + +Additionally, Castopod requires a MySQL-compatible database. A Redis database +can be added as a cache handler. + +## Supported tags + +- `develop` [unstable], latest development branch build +- `beta` [stable], latest beta version build +- `1.0.0-beta.x` [stable], specific beta version build (since `1.0.0-beta.22`) +- `latest` [stable], latest version build +- `1.x.x` [stable], specific version build (since `1.0.0`) + +## Example usage + +1. Install [docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/) and + [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/) +2. Create a `docker-compose.yml` file with the following: + + ```yml + version: "3.7" + + services: + app: + image: castopod/app:latest + container_name: "castopod-app" + volumes: + - castopod-media:/opt/castopod/public/media + environment: + MYSQL_DATABASE: castopod + MYSQL_USER: castopod + MYSQL_PASSWORD: changeme + CP_BASEURL: "http://castopod.example.com" + CP_ANALYTICS_SALT: changeme + CP_CACHE_HANDLER: redis + CP_REDIS_HOST: redis + networks: + - castopod-app + - castopod-db + restart: unless-stopped + + web-server: + image: castopod/web-server:latest + container_name: "castopod-web-server" + volumes: + - castopod-media:/var/www/html/media + networks: + - castopod-app + ports: + - 8080:80 + restart: unless-stopped + + mariadb: + image: mariadb:10.5 + container_name: "castopod-mariadb" + networks: + - castopod-db + volumes: + - castopod-db:/var/lib/mysql + environment: + MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: changeme + MYSQL_DATABASE: castopod + MYSQL_USER: castopod + MYSQL_PASSWORD: changeme + restart: unless-stopped + + redis: + image: redis:7.0-alpine + container_name: "castopod-redis" + volumes: + - castopod-cache:/data + networks: + - castopod-app + + # this container is optional + # add this if you want to use the videoclips feature + video-clipper: + image: castopod/video-clipper:latest + container_name: "castopod-video-clipper" + volumes: + - castopod-media:/opt/castopod/public/media + environment: + MYSQL_DATABASE: castopod + MYSQL_USER: castopod + MYSQL_PASSWORD: changeme + networks: + - castopod-db + restart: unless-stopped + + volumes: + castopod-media: + castopod-db: + castopod-cache: + + networks: + castopod-app: + castopod-db: + ``` + + You have to adapt some variables to your needs (e.g. `CP_BASEURL`, + `MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD`, `MYSQL_PASSWORD` and `CP_ANALYTICS_SALT`). + +3. Setup a reverse proxy for TLS (SSL/HTTPS) + + TLS is mandatory for ActivityPub to work. This job can easily be handled by + a reverse proxy, for example with [Caddy](https://caddyserver.com/): + + ``` + #castopod + castopod.example.com { + reverse_proxy localhost:8080 + } + ``` + +4. Run `docker-compose up -d`, wait for it to initialize and head on to + `https://castopod.example.com/cp-install` to finish setting up Castopod! + +5. You're all set, start podcasting! 🎙ï¸ðŸš€ + +## Environment Variables + +- **castopod/video-clipper** + + | Variable name | Type (`default`) | Default | + | -------------------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | + | **`CP_DATABASE_HOSTNAME`** | ?string | `"mariadb"` | + | **`CP_DATABASE_NAME`** | ?string | `MYSQL_DATABASE` | + | **`CP_DATABASE_USERNAME`** | ?string | `MYSQL_USER` | + | **`CP_DATABASE_PASSWORD`** | ?string | `MYSQL_PASSWORD` | + | **`CP_DATABASE_PREFIX`** | ?string | `"cp_"` | + +- **castopod/app** + + | Variable name | Type (`default`) | Default | + | ---------------------------- | ----------------------- | ---------------- | + | **`CP_BASEURL`** | string | `undefined` | + | **`CP_MEDIA_BASEURL`** | ?string | `CP_BASEURL` | + | **`CP_ADMIN_GATEWAY`** | ?string | `"cp-admin"` | + | **`CP_AUTH_GATEWAY`** | ?string | `"cp-auth"` | + | **`CP_ANALYTICS_SALT`** | string | `undefined` | + | **`CP_DATABASE_HOSTNAME`** | ?string | `"mariadb"` | + | **`CP_DATABASE_NAME`** | ?string | `MYSQL_DATABASE` | + | **`CP_DATABASE_USERNAME`** | ?string | `MYSQL_USER` | + | **`CP_DATABASE_PASSWORD`** | ?string | `MYSQL_PASSWORD` | + | **`CP_DATABASE_PREFIX`** | ?string | `"cp_"` | + | **`CP_CACHE_HANDLER`** | [`"file"` or `"redis"`] | `"file"` | + | **`CP_REDIS_HOST`** | ?string | `"localhost"` | + | **`CP_REDIS_PASSWORD`** | ?string | `null` | + | **`CP_REDIS_PORT`** | ?number | `6379` | + | **`CP_REDIS_DATABASE`** | ?number | `0` | + | **`CP_EMAIL_SMTP_HOST`** | ?string | `undefined` | + | **`CP_EMAIL_FROM`** | ?string | `undefined` | + | **`CP_EMAIL_SMTP_USERNAME`** | ?string | `"localhost"` | + | **`CP_EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD`** | ?string | `null` | + | **`CP_EMAIL_SMTP_PORT`** | ?number | `25` | + | **`CP_EMAIL_SMTP_CRYPTO`** | [`"tls"` or `"ssl"`] | `"tls"` | + +- **castopod/web-server** + + | Variable name | Type | Default | + | --------------------- | ------- | ------- | + | **`CP_APP_HOSTNAME`** | ?string | `"app"` | diff --git a/docs/src/fr2/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/fr2/getting-started/install.md index 41b5153c8d07bec857baae19ab95b3982a46aeb8..92537f824ae56c5f37b9817156b32230a28a6c1a 100644 --- a/docs/src/fr2/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/fr2/getting-started/install.md @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/fr2/index.md b/docs/src/fr2/index.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..08b037f5f9151efee4a8776ddda5aa760517206f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/fr2/index.md @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +--- +sidebarDepth: 2 +--- + +# Welcome 👋 + +[![release-badge]][release] [![license-badge]][license] [![contributions-badge]][contributions] [![semantic-release-badge]][semantic-release] [![crowdin-badge]][crowdin] [![discord-badge]][discord] [![stars-badge]][stars] + +Castopod is a free & open-source hosting platform made for podcasters who want +engage and interact with their audience. + +Castopod is easy to install and was built on top of +[CodeIgniter4](https://codeigniter.com/), a powerful PHP framework with a very +small footprint. + +<div class="flex items-center"> + <a href="/getting-started/install" class="inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 mx-auto font-semibold text-center text-white rounded-full shadow gap-x-1 bg-pine-500 hover:no-underline hover:bg-pine-600">Install<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-xl text-pine-200"><path fill="currentColor" d="m16.172 11-5.364-5.364 1.414-1.414L20 12l-7.778 7.778-1.414-1.414L16.172 13H4v-2z"></path></svg></a> +</div> + +## Features + +- 🌱 Free & open-source (AGPL v3 License) +- 🔠Focused on data sovereignty: your content, audience, and analytics + belong to you, and you only +- 🪄 Podcasting 2.0 features: GUID, locked, transcripts, funding, + chapters, location, persons, soundbites, … +- 💬 Built-in social network: + - 🚀 Castopod is part of the Fediverse, a decentralized social network + - â¤ï¸ Create posts, share, favourite, and comment on episodes +- 📈 Built-in analytics: + - âš–ï¸ GDPR / CCPA / LGPD compliant + - 🪙 Standard IABv2 audience measurement + - 🡠On-premises analytics, no third party involved +- 📢 Built-in marketing tools: + - ✅ SEO ready (open-graph meta-tags, JSON-LD, …) + - 📱 PWA: install as a standalone app + - 🎨 Customizable theme colors + - 🎬 Generate ready-to-share Video clips from episodes + - 🔉 Generate soundbites + - â–¶ï¸ Embeddable player, embed your episodes on any website +- 💸 Monetization: + - 🔗 Funding links + - 📲 listen-to-click ads + - 🤠value4value / WebMonetization + - 💎 Premium podcasts +- 📡 Publish your episodes everywhere with RSS: + - 📱 On all indexes and apps: Podcast Index, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, + Google Podcasts, Deezer, Podcast Addict, Podfriend, … + - âš¡ Broadcast your episodes instantly with WebSub +- 📥 Podcast import: move your existing podcast into Castopod +- 📤 Move your podcast out of Castopod +- 🔀 Multi-tenant: host as many podcasts as you want +- 👥 Multi-user: add contributors and set roles +- 🌎 i18n support: translated in English, French, Polish, German, + Brazilian Portuguese & Spanish… with + [more to come](https://translate.castopod.org)! + +## Motivation + +The podcasting ecosystem is decentralized by nature: you can create your podcast +as an RSS file, publish it on the web and have it shared everywhere online. + +It is in fact one of the only media to have stayed this way for a long time. + +As usages are evolving, more and more people are getting into podcasts: whether +it is creators finding new ways to share their ideas, or listeners in the search +for better content. + +With podcasting becoming more widely used, some companies are trying to shift it +towards a more controlled and centralized medium. + +Castopod was created in an effort to provide an open and sustainable alternative +to hosting your podcasts, promoting decentralization to ensure that podcasters +creativity can express itself. + +This project is pushed by the open-source community, and specifically by the +[Fediverse](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/) and +[Podcasting 2.0](https://podcastindex.org/) movements. + +## Comparison with other solutions + +We believe that a solution is not necessarily right for everyone, it highly +depends on your needs. So, here are comparisons with other tools to help you to +gauge whether Castopod is the right fit for you. + +### Castopod vs Wordpress + +Castopod is often referred to as "the Wordpress for podcasts" because of the +similarities between the two. In some ways this is true. And actually, Castopod +was greatly inspired by the Wordpress ecosystem, seeing the ease of adoption +from the community and the number of websites running it. + +Just like Wordpress, Castopod is free & open source, built using PHP with a +MySQL database and is packaged in a way that you can easily install on most web +servers. + +Wordpress is a great way to create your website and extend it with plugins to +get what you want. It is a full fledged CMS that helps you get any type of +website online. + +On the other hand, Castopod is meant to address the podcasters needs +specifically, focusing on podcasting, and nothing else. You don't need any +plugin to get you started on your podcasting journey. + +This allows optimizing the processes specific to podcasting: ranging from the +creation of your podcasts and the publication of new episodes all the way to +broadcasting, marketing and analytics. + +Finally, depending on your needs, Wordpress and Castopod can even live side by +side as they share the same requirements! + +### Castopod vs Funkwhale + +Funkwhale is a self-hosted, modern free and open-source music server. Just as +Castopod, Funkwhale is on the fediverse, a decentralized social network allowing +interoperability between the two. + +Funkwhale was initially built around music. And later on, as the project +evolved, the ability to host podcasts was introduced. + +Unlike Funkwhale, Castopod has been designed and built around podcasting +exclusively. This allows easier implementation for features related to the +podcasting ecosystem, such as the podcasting 2.0 features (transcripts, +chapters, locations, persons, …). + +So, you should probably use Funkwhale if you want to host your music, and use +Castopod if you want to host your podcasts. + +### Castopod vs other podcast hosts + +There are many solutions for you to host your podcasts, some of which are really +great and [a lot of them](https://podcastindex.org/apps) are jumping into the +Podcasting 2.0 wagon just like Castopod! + +Each of these solutions differ from one another, you may compare with the +[list of features](#features). + +That being said, there are two main differences with other podcasting solutions: + +- Castopod can be self-hosted and is the only solution that allows you to keep + full control over what you produce. Also, as it is open-source, you can even + customize it as you wish. + +- Castopod is the only solution that currently integrates both a decentralized + social network with ActivityPub as well as many of the podcasting 2.0 + features, hoping to bridge the gap between the two. + +## Contributing + +Love Castopod and would like to help? Take a look at the following documentation +to get you started. + +### Code of conduct + +Castopod has adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to +adhere to. Please read the +[CODE_OF_CONDUCT manual](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) +so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated. + +### Contributing guide + +Read our [contributing guide](./contributing/guidelines.md) to learn about our +development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build +and test your changes to Castopod. + +## Contributors ✨ + +Thanks goes to these wonderful people +([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)): + +<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> +<!-- prettier-ignore-start --> +<!-- markdownlint-disable --> +<table> + <tbody> + <tr> + <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href="https://github.com/yassinedoghri"><img src="https://code.castopod.org/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/3/avatar.png?s=100" width="100px;" alt="Yassine Doghri"/><br /><sub><b>Yassine Doghri</b></sub></a><br /><a href="https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/commits/master" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/issues?author_username=yassinedoghri" title="Bug reports">ðŸ›</a> <a href="https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/commits/master" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/merge_requests?scope=all&state=all&approver_usernames[]=yassinedoghri" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a> <a href="#maintenance-yassinedoghri" title="Maintenance">🚧</a> <a href="#content-yassinedoghri" title="Content">🖋</a> <a href="#design-yassinedoghri" title="Design">🎨</a> <a href="#a11y-yassinedoghri" title="Accessibility">ï¸ï¸ï¸ï¸â™¿ï¸</a> <a href="https://translate.castopod.org" title="Translation">ðŸŒ</a> <a href="#question-yassinedoghri" title="Answering Questions">💬</a> <a href="#mentoring-yassinedoghri" title="Mentoring">🧑â€ðŸ«</a> <a href="#infra-yassinedoghri" title="Infrastructure (Hosting, Build-Tools, etc)">🚇</a> <a 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valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href="https://crowdin.com/profile/liimee"><img src="https://castopod.org/assets/images/castopod-avatar.jpg?s=100" width="100px;" alt="liimee"/><br /><sub><b>liimee</b></sub></a><br /><a href="https://translate.castopod.org" title="Translation">ðŸŒ</a></td> + <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href="https://github.com/ahmedsabouni"><img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/74497842?v=4?s=100" width="100px;" alt="Ahmed Sabouni"/><br /><sub><b>Ahmed Sabouni</b></sub></a><br /><a href="https://translate.castopod.org" title="Translation">ðŸŒ</a></td> + </tr> + </tbody> +</table> + +<!-- markdownlint-restore --> +<!-- prettier-ignore-end --> + +<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:END --> + +This project follows the +[all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) +specification. Contributions of any kind welcome! + +## Contact + +You may reach us for help or ask any question you have on: + +- [Discord](https://castopod.org/discord) (for direct interaction with + developers and the community) +- [Issue tracker](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/issues) (for + feature requests & bug reports) + +Alternatively, you can follow us on social media platforms to get news about +Castopod: + +- [podlibre.social](https://podlibre.social/@Castopod) (Mastodon instance) +- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/castopod) +- [LinkedIn](https://linkedin.com/company/castopod) +- [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/castopod) + +## Sponsors + +The ongoing development of Castopod is made possible with the support of its +backers. If you'd like to help, please consider +[sponsoring Castopod's development](https://opencollective.com/castopod/contribute). + +<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-x-16 gap-y-8"> + <a href="https://adaures.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="/images/sponsors/adaures.svg" alt="Ad Aures Logo" class="h-16" /></a> + <a href="https://nlnet.nl/project/Castopod/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="/images/sponsors/nlnet.svg" alt="NLnet Logo" class="h-16" /></a> +</div> + +## License + +[GNU Affero General Public License v3.0](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) + +Copyright © 2020-present, [Ad Aures](https://adaures.com/). +https://img.shields.io/gitlab/v/release/2?color=brightgreen&gitlab_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcode.castopod.org%2F&include_prereleases&label=release +https://img.shields.io/github/license/ad-aures/castopod?color=blue +https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg +https://img.shields.io/badge/%20%20%F0%9F%93%A6%F0%9F%9A%80-semantic--release-e10079.svg +https://img.shields.io/github/stars/ad-aures/castopod?style=social + +[release]: https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/releases +[license]: https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/LICENSE.md +[contributions]: https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/issues +[semantic-release]: https://github.com/semantic-release/semantic-release +[discord]: https://castopod.org/discord +[stars]: https://github.com/ad-aures/castopod/stargazers +[crowdin]: https://translate.castopod.org/project/castopod diff --git a/docs/src/fr_CA/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/fr_CA/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/fr_CA/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/fr_CA/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/fr_CA/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/fr_CA/getting-started/install.md index 41b5153c8d07bec857baae19ab95b3982a46aeb8..92537f824ae56c5f37b9817156b32230a28a6c1a 100644 --- a/docs/src/fr_CA/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/fr_CA/getting-started/install.md @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/fr_CA/index.md b/docs/src/fr_CA/index.md index f01279e8ac8dfed92948522394eaf7949b9630c5..e17afd7360bca5d5569e618a0a3c89fb6689e13a 100644 --- a/docs/src/fr_CA/index.md +++ b/docs/src/fr_CA/index.md @@ -13,13 +13,6 @@ Castopod is easy to install and was built on top of [CodeIgniter4](https://codeigniter.com/), a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint. -::: info Status - -Castopod is currently in **beta** but already quite stable and used by -podcasters around the world! - -::: - <div class="flex items-center"> <a href="/getting-started/install" class="inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 mx-auto font-semibold text-center text-white rounded-full shadow gap-x-1 bg-pine-500 hover:no-underline hover:bg-pine-600">Install<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-xl text-pine-200"><path fill="currentColor" d="m16.172 11-5.364-5.364 1.414-1.414L20 12l-7.778 7.778-1.414-1.414L16.172 13H4v-2z"></path></svg></a> </div> diff --git a/docs/src/gd/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/gd/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/gd/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/gd/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/gd/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/gd/getting-started/install.md index 41b5153c8d07bec857baae19ab95b3982a46aeb8..92537f824ae56c5f37b9817156b32230a28a6c1a 100644 --- a/docs/src/gd/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/gd/getting-started/install.md @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/gd/index.md b/docs/src/gd/index.md index a1e433ba258a24943cf5bee5b3a9b551b46ab555..e17afd7360bca5d5569e618a0a3c89fb6689e13a 100644 --- a/docs/src/gd/index.md +++ b/docs/src/gd/index.md @@ -286,11 +286,6 @@ https://img.shields.io/github/license/ad-aures/castopod?color=blue https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg https://img.shields.io/badge/%20%20%F0%9F%93%A6%F0%9F%9A%80-semantic--release-e10079.svg https://img.shields.io/github/stars/ad-aures/castopod?style=social -https://img.shields.io/gitlab/v/release/2?color=brightgreen&gitlab_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcode.castopod.org%2F&include_prereleases&label=release -https://img.shields.io/github/license/ad-aures/castopod?color=blue -https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg -https://img.shields.io/badge/%20%20%F0%9F%93%A6%F0%9F%9A%80-semantic--release-e10079.svg -https://img.shields.io/github/stars/ad-aures/castopod?style=social [release]: https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/releases [license]: https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/LICENSE.md diff --git a/docs/src/gl/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/gl/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/gl/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/gl/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/gl/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/gl/getting-started/install.md index 41b5153c8d07bec857baae19ab95b3982a46aeb8..92537f824ae56c5f37b9817156b32230a28a6c1a 100644 --- a/docs/src/gl/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/gl/getting-started/install.md @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/id/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/id/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/id/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/id/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/id/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/id/getting-started/install.md index 41b5153c8d07bec857baae19ab95b3982a46aeb8..92537f824ae56c5f37b9817156b32230a28a6c1a 100644 --- a/docs/src/id/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/id/getting-started/install.md @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/id/index.md b/docs/src/id/index.md index 9375ab155e4f95850bf1ae3caeb0dfda7f696e52..c9fd78e5c9755ae4dfe1b219312d816511f91317 100644 --- a/docs/src/id/index.md +++ b/docs/src/id/index.md @@ -80,16 +80,16 @@ This project is pushed by the open-source community, and specifically by the ## Perbandingan dengan solusi lain -Kami percaya bahwa tidak semua solusi sesuai untuk semua orang, ini sangat -bergantung pada kebutuhan Anda. Jadi, inilah perbandingan dengan alat-alat lain -untuk membantu Anda untuk mengetahui apa Castopod sesuai untuk Anda. +We believe that a solution is not necessarily right for everyone, it highly +depends on your needs. So, here are comparisons with other tools to help you to +gauge whether Castopod is the right fit for you. ### Castopod vs Wordpress -Castopod sering disebut sebagai "Wordpress-nya siniar" karena kemiripan antara -Castopod dan Wordpress. In some ways this is true. And actually, Castopod was -greatly inspired by the Wordpress ecosystem, seeing the ease of adoption from -the community and the number of websites running it. +Castopod is often referred to as "the Wordpress for podcasts" because of the +similarities between the two. In some ways this is true. And actually, Castopod +was greatly inspired by the Wordpress ecosystem, seeing the ease of adoption +from the community and the number of websites running it. Just like Wordpress, Castopod is free & open source, built using PHP with a MySQL database and is packaged in a way that you can easily install on most web @@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ side as they share the same requirements! ### Castopod vs Funkwhale -Funkwhale adalah server musik modern yang dihosting sendiri, gratis dan sumber -terbuka. Just as Castopod, Funkwhale is on the fediverse, a decentralized social -network allowing interoperability between the two. +Funkwhale is a self-hosted, modern free and open-source music server. Just as +Castopod, Funkwhale is on the fediverse, a decentralized social network allowing +interoperability between the two. Funkwhale was initially built around music. And later on, as the project evolved, the ability to host podcasts was introduced. @@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ That being said, there are two main differences with other podcasting solutions: ## Berkontribusi -Suka Castopod dan ingin membantu? Lihat dokumentasi berikut untuk mulai. +Love Castopod and would like to help? Take a look at the following documentation +to get you started. ### Code of conduct @@ -250,8 +251,7 @@ specification. Contributions of any kind welcome! ## Kontak -Anda dapat menghubungi kami untuk mendapatkan bantuan atau untuk menanyakan -pertanyaan di: +You may reach us for help or ask any question you have on: - [Discord](https://castopod.org/discord) (for direct interaction with developers and the community) @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ backers. If you'd like to help, please consider [GNU Affero General Public License v3.0](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) -Hak Cipta © 2020-sekarang, [Ad Aures](https://adaures.com/). +Copyright © 2020-present, [Ad Aures](https://adaures.com/). https://img.shields.io/gitlab/v/release/2?color=brightgreen&gitlab_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcode.castopod.org%2F&include_prereleases&label=release https://img.shields.io/github/license/ad-aures/castopod?color=blue https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg diff --git a/docs/src/it/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/it/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/it/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/it/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/it/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/it/getting-started/install.md index 41b5153c8d07bec857baae19ab95b3982a46aeb8..92537f824ae56c5f37b9817156b32230a28a6c1a 100644 --- a/docs/src/it/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/it/getting-started/install.md @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/ko/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/ko/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/ko/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/ko/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/ko/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/ko/getting-started/install.md index 4cad016e95381318ece5e91aba9e42da24320700..d204abf9ef26b6d0d57a95147c8ef9a19fd4b63f 100644 --- a/docs/src/ko/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/ko/getting-started/install.md @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/nl/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/nl/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/nl/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/nl/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/nl/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/nl/getting-started/install.md index 41b5153c8d07bec857baae19ab95b3982a46aeb8..92537f824ae56c5f37b9817156b32230a28a6c1a 100644 --- a/docs/src/nl/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/nl/getting-started/install.md @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/nn-NO/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/nn-NO/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/nn-NO/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/nn-NO/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/nn-NO/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/nn-NO/getting-started/install.md index 4425c486dc7ee1f9b1c6440c9b15af26660380b7..50438637e4907207344bc7b17c4327667f5c3ef8 100644 --- a/docs/src/nn-NO/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/nn-NO/getting-started/install.md @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Pakker frÃ¥ brukarsamfunnet diff --git a/docs/src/nn-NO/index.md b/docs/src/nn-NO/index.md index a87d29b639cd8d01a306104c74667569a7b7fbe0..68deed077b8381657284eb10bc1db604a71c76fc 100644 --- a/docs/src/nn-NO/index.md +++ b/docs/src/nn-NO/index.md @@ -60,84 +60,85 @@ systemkrav. ## Kvifor Castopod? -Podkasting er i utgangspunktet desentralt: Du kan laga din eigen podkast som ei -RSS-fil, leggja han ut pÃ¥ nettet og dela han kvar som helst. +The podcasting ecosystem is decentralized by nature: you can create your podcast +as an RSS file, publish it on the web and have it shared everywhere online. -Faktisk var podkasting lenge eit av fÃ¥ medium som fungerte pÃ¥ denne mÃ¥ten. +It is in fact one of the only media to have stayed this way for a long time. -Etter som bruken endra seg, vart podkastar vanlegare - anten det var folk som -brukte podkasting til Ã¥ uttrykkja seg og dela tankane sine, eller lyttarar som -sÃ¥g etter betre innhald. +As usages are evolving, more and more people are getting into podcasts: whether +it is creators finding new ways to share their ideas, or listeners in the search +for better content. -NÃ¥r podkasting blir vanlegare, prøver fleire firma Ã¥ driva podkasting i retning -meir sentralisering og kontroll. +With podcasting becoming more widely used, some companies are trying to shift it +towards a more controlled and centralized medium. -Castopod vart til for Ã¥ tilby eit ope og framtidsretta alternativ for Ã¥ -publisera podkastar, med vekt pÃ¥ desentralisering for Ã¥ tryggja at podkastar kan -uttrykkja kreativiteten sin. +Castopod was created in an effort to provide an open and sustainable alternative +to hosting your podcasts, promoting decentralization to ensure that podcasters +creativity can express itself. -Miljøa for open kjeldekode stÃ¥r bak dette prosjektetet, og særleg rørslene bak -[fødiverset](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/) og -[Podcasting 2.0](https://podcastindex.org/). +This project is pushed by the open-source community, and specifically by the +[Fediverse](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/) and +[Podcasting 2.0](https://podcastindex.org/) movements. ## Samanlikning med andre løysingar -Me trur ikkje at ei spesiell løysing er best for alle, det kjem an pÃ¥ kva du -treng. Difor kjem me med ei samanlikning med andre verkty, slik at du kan finna -ut om Castopod er rett for deg. +We believe that a solution is not necessarily right for everyone, it highly +depends on your needs. So, here are comparisons with other tools to help you to +gauge whether Castopod is the right fit for you. ### Castopod og Wordpress -Castopod blir ofte omtala som "Wordpress for podkastar", fordi løysingane er -ganske like. Det stemmer i grunnen. Castopod har fÃ¥tt mykje inspirasjon frÃ¥ -Wordpress-økosystemet, fordi me sÃ¥g kor lett det var Ã¥ ta i bruk og kor mange -nettstader som køyrer det. +Castopod is often referred to as "the Wordpress for podcasts" because of the +similarities between the two. In some ways this is true. And actually, Castopod +was greatly inspired by the Wordpress ecosystem, seeing the ease of adoption +from the community and the number of websites running it. -Nett som Wordpress er Castopod fri og open, bygd med PHP pÃ¥ ein MySQL-database -og pakka slik at du lett kan installera han pÃ¥ dei fleste vevtenarar. +Just like Wordpress, Castopod is free & open source, built using PHP with a +MySQL database and is packaged in a way that you can easily install on most web +servers. -Wordpress er ein fin mÃ¥te Ã¥ laga ei nettside pÃ¥, og utvida ho med tillegg som -inneheld dei funksjonane du treng. Det er eit fullstendig innhaldssystem som kan -laga ei kva som helst nettside. +Wordpress is a great way to create your website and extend it with plugins to +get what you want. It is a full fledged CMS that helps you get any type of +website online. -PÃ¥ andre sida er Castopod laga spesifikt for podkastarar, og legg vekt pÃ¥ -podkasting og ingenting anna. Du treng ingen ekstra programtillegg for Ã¥ starta -med podkasting. +On the other hand, Castopod is meant to address the podcasters needs +specifically, focusing on podcasting, and nothing else. You don't need any +plugin to get you started on your podcasting journey. -PÃ¥ denne mÃ¥ten kan me tilpassa programmet spesielt til podkasting, anten det -gjeld Ã¥ laga nye podkastar og episodar eller Ã¥ kringkasta, marknadsføra og -analysera dei. +This allows optimizing the processes specific to podcasting: ranging from the +creation of your podcasts and the publication of new episodes all the way to +broadcasting, marketing and analytics. -Til slutt: Wordpress og Castopod kan fint bu saman pÃ¥ same nettverten, etter som -dei har same systemkrava! +Finally, depending on your needs, Wordpress and Castopod can even live side by +side as they share the same requirements! ### Castopod og Funkwhale -Funkwhale er ein open og moderne musikktenar du kan køyra sjølv. Nett som -Castopod er Funkwhale pÃ¥ fødiverset, som er eit desentralt sosialt nettverk. -Dermed kan dei prata saman. +Funkwhale is a self-hosted, modern free and open-source music server. Just as +Castopod, Funkwhale is on the fediverse, a decentralized social network allowing +interoperability between the two. -Funkwhale vart i utgangspunktet laga for musikk. Seinare, etter som prosjektet -utvikla seg, vart det mogleg Ã¥ leggja ut podkastar der. +Funkwhale was initially built around music. And later on, as the project +evolved, the ability to host podcasts was introduced. -Ulikt Funkwhale er Castopod utforma og bygd berre for podkastar. Det gjer det -lettare Ã¥ leggja til funksjonar knytt til økosystemet rundt podkastar, slik som -podkasting 2.0-funksjonane (transkribering, kapittel, stader, personar…). +Unlike Funkwhale, Castopod has been designed and built around podcasting +exclusively. This allows easier implementation for features related to the +podcasting ecosystem, such as the podcasting 2.0 features (transcripts, +chapters, locations, persons, …). -For Ã¥ oppsummera bør du truleg bruka Funkwhale om du vil leggja ut musikk, og -Castopod om du vil leggja ut podkastar. +So, you should probably use Funkwhale if you want to host your music, and use +Castopod if you want to host your podcasts. ### Castopod og andre podkastvertar -Det finst mange løysingar for Ã¥ leggja ut podkastar. Nokre av dei er verkeleg -flotte, og [mange av dei](https://podcastindex.org/apps) tek i bruk podkasting -2.0-funksjonar, nett som Castopod! +There are many solutions for you to host your podcasts, some of which are really +great and [a lot of them](https://podcastindex.org/apps) are jumping into the +Podcasting 2.0 wagon just like Castopod! -Kvar av desse løysingane er ulike, og du kan samanlikna dei ved hjelp av -[lista over funksjonar](#features). +Each of these solutions differ from one another, you may compare with the +[list of features](#features). -NÃ¥r det er sagt, er det to hovudpunkt som skil Castopod frÃ¥ andre -podkastløysingar: +That being said, there are two main differences with other podcasting solutions: - Du kan køyra Castopod pÃ¥ di eiga tenarmaskin, og det er den einaste løysinga som gjev deg full kontroll over det du lagar. Og fordi Castopod er open @@ -149,20 +150,21 @@ podkastløysingar: ## Bidra til Castopod -Likar du Castopod og vil bidra? SjÃ¥ pÃ¥ dokumentasjonen nedanfor for Ã¥ koma -i gang. +Love Castopod and would like to help? Take a look at the following documentation +to get you started. ### Ordensreglar -Castopod har laga ordensreglar som me ventar at bidragsytarar fylgjer. Les -[CODE_OF_CONDUCT-dokumentet](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) -for Ã¥ sjÃ¥ kva Ã¥tferd me godtek og ikkje. +Castopod has adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to +adhere to. Please read the +[CODE_OF_CONDUCT manual](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) +so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated. ### Korleis bidra -Les [korleis du bidreg](./contributing/guidelines.md) for Ã¥ lære korleis me -utviklar, korleis du melder inn feil og framlegg til forbetringar, og korleis du -byggjer og prøver ut endringar i Castopod. +Read our [contributing guide](./contributing/guidelines.md) to learn about our +development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build +and test your changes to Castopod. ## Contributors ✨ @@ -287,11 +289,6 @@ https://img.shields.io/github/license/ad-aures/castopod?color=blue https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg https://img.shields.io/badge/%20%20%F0%9F%93%A6%F0%9F%9A%80-semantic--release-e10079.svg https://img.shields.io/github/stars/ad-aures/castopod?style=social -https://img.shields.io/gitlab/v/release/2?color=brightgreen&gitlab_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcode.castopod.org%2F&include_prereleases&label=release -https://img.shields.io/github/license/ad-aures/castopod?color=blue -https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg -https://img.shields.io/badge/%20%20%F0%9F%93%A6%F0%9F%9A%80-semantic--release-e10079.svg -https://img.shields.io/github/stars/ad-aures/castopod?style=social [release]: https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/releases [license]: https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/LICENSE.md diff --git a/docs/src/oc/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/oc/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/oc/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/oc/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/oc/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/oc/getting-started/install.md index 41b5153c8d07bec857baae19ab95b3982a46aeb8..92537f824ae56c5f37b9817156b32230a28a6c1a 100644 --- a/docs/src/oc/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/oc/getting-started/install.md @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/oc/index.md b/docs/src/oc/index.md index 4d37b8674d479df4fc69d2f6b36b9885a037a655..08b037f5f9151efee4a8776ddda5aa760517206f 100644 --- a/docs/src/oc/index.md +++ b/docs/src/oc/index.md @@ -286,11 +286,6 @@ https://img.shields.io/github/license/ad-aures/castopod?color=blue https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg https://img.shields.io/badge/%20%20%F0%9F%93%A6%F0%9F%9A%80-semantic--release-e10079.svg https://img.shields.io/github/stars/ad-aures/castopod?style=social -https://img.shields.io/gitlab/v/release/2?color=brightgreen&gitlab_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcode.castopod.org%2F&include_prereleases&label=release -https://img.shields.io/github/license/ad-aures/castopod?color=blue -https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg -https://img.shields.io/badge/%20%20%F0%9F%93%A6%F0%9F%9A%80-semantic--release-e10079.svg -https://img.shields.io/github/stars/ad-aures/castopod?style=social [release]: https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/releases [license]: https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/LICENSE.md diff --git a/docs/src/pl/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/pl/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/pl/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/pl/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/pl/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/pl/getting-started/install.md index 41b5153c8d07bec857baae19ab95b3982a46aeb8..92537f824ae56c5f37b9817156b32230a28a6c1a 100644 --- a/docs/src/pl/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/pl/getting-started/install.md @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/pt-BR/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/pt-BR/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/pt-BR/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/pt-BR/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/pt-BR/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/pt-BR/getting-started/install.md index 9f96b15031c881296d995dc6b1b228daaba0593c..0593645b88ee95271a2591baa47a7f4333ecaee2 100644 --- a/docs/src/pt-BR/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/pt-BR/getting-started/install.md @@ -186,15 +186,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Pacotes comunitários diff --git a/docs/src/pt-BR/index.md b/docs/src/pt-BR/index.md index 47cb1fcb2bc28044bfcf3744142339dc4dfc7cf0..eef7335207f4533b3b9e49ba3cba6bca960c361c 100644 --- a/docs/src/pt-BR/index.md +++ b/docs/src/pt-BR/index.md @@ -58,87 +58,85 @@ pegada muito pequena. ## Motivação -O ecossistema de podcasting é descentralizado por natureza: você pode criar seu -podcast como um arquivo RSS, publicar na web e compartilhar em qualquer lugar -online. +The podcasting ecosystem is decentralized by nature: you can create your podcast +as an RSS file, publish it on the web and have it shared everywhere online. -Na verdade, é um dos únicos meios de comunicação que permaneceram assim por -muito tempo. +It is in fact one of the only media to have stayed this way for a long time. -À medida que os usos estão evoluindo, mais e mais pessoas estão entrando em -podcasts: sejam criadores encontrando novas maneiras de compartilhar suas ideias -ou então ouvintes em busca de melhor conteúdo. +As usages are evolving, more and more people are getting into podcasts: whether +it is creators finding new ways to share their ideas, or listeners in the search +for better content. -Com a mÃdia podcast se tornando mais amplamente utilizada, algumas empresas -estão tentando mudá-la para um meio mais controlado e centralizado. +With podcasting becoming more widely used, some companies are trying to shift it +towards a more controlled and centralized medium. -O Castopod foi criado em um esforço para fornecer uma alternativa aberta e -sustentável para hospedar seus podcasts, promovendo a descentralização para -garantir que a criatividade dos podcasters possa se expressar. +Castopod was created in an effort to provide an open and sustainable alternative +to hosting your podcasts, promoting decentralization to ensure that podcasters +creativity can express itself. -Este projeto é impulsionado pela comunidade de código aberto e, especificamente, -pelo [Fediverso](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/) e movimentos -[Podcasting 2.0](https://podcastindex.org/). +This project is pushed by the open-source community, and specifically by the +[Fediverse](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/) and +[Podcasting 2.0](https://podcastindex.org/) movements. ## Comparação com outras soluções -Acreditamos que uma solução não é necessariamente certa para todos, depende -muito de suas necessidades. Então, aqui estão comparações com outras ferramentas -para ajudá-lo a avaliar se o Castopod é o ideal para você. +We believe that a solution is not necessarily right for everyone, it highly +depends on your needs. So, here are comparisons with other tools to help you to +gauge whether Castopod is the right fit for you. ### Castopod vs Wordpress -Castopod é frequentemente referido como "o Wordpress para podcasts" por causa -das semelhanças entre os dois. De certa forma, isso é verdade. E, na verdade, o -Castopod foi muito inspirado no ecossistema do Wordpress, vendo a facilidade de -adoção da comunidade e o número de sites rodando ele. +Castopod is often referred to as "the Wordpress for podcasts" because of the +similarities between the two. In some ways this is true. And actually, Castopod +was greatly inspired by the Wordpress ecosystem, seeing the ease of adoption +from the community and the number of websites running it. -Assim como o Wordpress, o Castopod é livre e de código aberto, compilado -utilizando PHP com um banco de dados MySQL e é empacotado de uma forma que você -pode facilmente instalar na maioria dos servidores. +Just like Wordpress, Castopod is free & open source, built using PHP with a +MySQL database and is packaged in a way that you can easily install on most web +servers. -Wordpress é uma ótima maneira de criar seu site e expandi-lo com plugins para -obter o que você quer. É um CMS completo que ajuda você a ter qualquer tipo de -site online. +Wordpress is a great way to create your website and extend it with plugins to +get what you want. It is a full fledged CMS that helps you get any type of +website online. -Por outro lado, o Castopod destina-se a atender especificamente à s necessidades -dos podcasters, concentrando-se em podcasting e nada mais. Você não precisa de -nenhum plug-in para começar sua jornada podcastal. +On the other hand, Castopod is meant to address the podcasters needs +specifically, focusing on podcasting, and nothing else. You don't need any +plugin to get you started on your podcasting journey. -Isso permite otimizar os processos especÃficos do podcasting: desde a criação de -seus podcasts e a publicação de novos episódios até a transmissão, marketing e -estatÃsticas. +This allows optimizing the processes specific to podcasting: ranging from the +creation of your podcasts and the publication of new episodes all the way to +broadcasting, marketing and analytics. -Finalmente, dependendo de suas necessidades, Wordpress e Castopod podem até -conviver lado a lado, pois compartilham os mesmos requisitos! +Finally, depending on your needs, Wordpress and Castopod can even live side by +side as they share the same requirements! ### Castopod vs Funkwhale -Funkwhale é um servidor de música auto-hospedado, moderno, livre e de código -aberto. Assim como o Castopod, o Funkwhale está no fediverso, uma rede social -descentralizada que permite a interoperabilidade entre os dois. +Funkwhale is a self-hosted, modern free and open-source music server. Just as +Castopod, Funkwhale is on the fediverse, a decentralized social network allowing +interoperability between the two. -Funkwhale foi inicialmente construÃdo em torno da música. E mais tarde, à medida -que o projeto evoluiu, a capacidade de hospedar podcasts foi introduzida. +Funkwhale was initially built around music. And later on, as the project +evolved, the ability to host podcasts was introduced. -Ao contrário do Funkwhale, o Castopod foi projetado e construÃdo exclusivamente -para podcasting. Isso permite uma implementação mais fácil para recursos -relacionados ao ecossistema de podcasting, como os recursos de podcasting 2.0 -(transcrições, capÃtulos, locais, pessoas, …). +Unlike Funkwhale, Castopod has been designed and built around podcasting +exclusively. This allows easier implementation for features related to the +podcasting ecosystem, such as the podcasting 2.0 features (transcripts, +chapters, locations, persons, …). -Portanto, você provavelmente deve usar o Funkwhale se quiser hospedar sua música -e usar o Castopod se quiser hospedar seus podcasts. +So, you should probably use Funkwhale if you want to host your music, and use +Castopod if you want to host your podcasts. ### Castopod vs outras hospedagens de podcast -Existem muitas soluções para você hospedar seus podcasts, alguns dos quais são -realmente ótimas e [muitas delas](https://podcastindex.org/apps) estão entrando -na onda do Podcasting 2.0 assim como o Castopod! +There are many solutions for you to host your podcasts, some of which are really +great and [a lot of them](https://podcastindex.org/apps) are jumping into the +Podcasting 2.0 wagon just like Castopod! -Cada uma dessas soluções difere uma da outra, você pode comparar com a -[lista de recursos](#features). +Each of these solutions differ from one another, you may compare with the +[list of features](#features). -Dito isto, existem duas diferenças principais com outras soluções de podcasting: +That being said, there are two main differences with other podcasting solutions: - Castopod pode ser auto-hospedado e é a única solução que permite manter o controle total sobre o que você produz. Além disso, como é de código aberto, @@ -150,25 +148,25 @@ Dito isto, existem duas diferenças principais com outras soluções de podcasti ## Contribuir -Gostou do Castopod e gostaria de ajudar? Dê uma olhada na seguinte documentação -para você começar. +Love Castopod and would like to help? Take a look at the following documentation +to get you started. ### Código de conduta -Castopod adotou um Código de Conduta que esperamos que os participantes do -projeto sigam. Por favor, leia o -[manual CODE_OF_CONDUCT](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) -para que você possa entender quais ações serão e não serão toleradas. +Castopod has adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to +adhere to. Please read the +[CODE_OF_CONDUCT manual](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) +so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated. ### Guia de contribuição -Leia nosso [guia de contribuição](./contributing/guidelines.md) para saber mais -sobre nosso processo de desenvolvimento, como propor correções de bugs e -melhorias e como compilar e testar suas alterações no Castopod. +Read our [contributing guide](./contributing/guidelines.md) to learn about our +development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build +and test your changes to Castopod. ## Contribuidores ✨ -Agradecimento vai para essas pessoas maravilhosas +Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)): <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> @@ -247,21 +245,21 @@ Agradecimento vai para essas pessoas maravilhosas <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:END --> -Este projeto segue a especificação -[all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors). -Contribuições de qualquer tipo bem-vindas! +This project follows the +[all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) +specification. Contributions of any kind welcome! ## Contato -Você pode nos contatar para obter ajuda ou fazer qualquer pergunta que tenha em: +You may reach us for help or ask any question you have on: - [Discord](https://castopod.org/discord) (para interação direta com desenvolvedores e a comunidade) - [Rastreador de problemas](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/issues) (para solicitações de recursos e relatos de bugs) -Como alternativa, você pode nos seguir nas redes sociais para obter notÃcias -sobre o Castopod: +Alternatively, you can follow us on social media platforms to get news about +Castopod: - [podlibre.social](https://podlibre.social/@Castopod) (instância do Mastodon) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/castopod) @@ -270,9 +268,9 @@ sobre o Castopod: ## Apoiadores -O desenvolvimento contÃnuo do Castopod é possÃvel com o apoio de seus -apoiadores. Se você quiser ajudar, por favor considere -[apoiar o desenvolvimento do Castopod](https://opencollective.com/castopod/contribute). +The ongoing development of Castopod is made possible with the support of its +backers. If you'd like to help, please consider +[sponsoring Castopod's development](https://opencollective.com/castopod/contribute). <div class="flex flex-wrap gap-x-16 gap-y-8"> <a href="https://adaures.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="/images/sponsors/adaures.svg" alt="Logo de Ad Aures" class="h-16" /></a> @@ -281,9 +279,9 @@ apoiadores. Se você quiser ajudar, por favor considere ## Licença -[Licença Pública Geral GNU Affero v3.0](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) +[GNU Affero General Public License v3.0](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) -Copyright © 2020-presente, [Ad Aures](https://adaures.com/). +Copyright © 2020-present, [Ad Aures](https://adaures.com/). https://img.shields.io/gitlab/v/release/2?color=brightgreen&gitlab_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcode.castopod.org%2F&include_prereleases&label=release https://img.shields.io/github/license/ad-aures/castopod?color=blue https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg diff --git a/docs/src/pt/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/pt/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/pt/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/pt/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/pt/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/pt/getting-started/install.md index d85df8c090923fd6d3664ca3f54e54726dbfca17..dc19943d53da921bda4691a833d6568bd8649c4b 100644 --- a/docs/src/pt/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/pt/getting-started/install.md @@ -183,15 +183,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/ro/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/ro/getting-started/docker.md index 68557942a6378379ca2343be60a349e620af09be..bd2dcd05f2cf7fe880d8794e832bd034ec3f7fe6 100644 --- a/docs/src/ro/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/ro/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod dă push la 3 imagini Docker pe Docker Hub pe parcursul procesului de compilare automată +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): pachetul aplicaÈ›iei cu toate dependinÈ›ele Castopod - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): o diff --git a/docs/src/ro/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/ro/getting-started/install.md index 41b5153c8d07bec857baae19ab95b3982a46aeb8..92537f824ae56c5f37b9817156b32230a28a6c1a 100644 --- a/docs/src/ro/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/ro/getting-started/install.md @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/ru/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/ru/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/ru/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/ru/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/ru/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/ru/getting-started/install.md index d85df8c090923fd6d3664ca3f54e54726dbfca17..dc19943d53da921bda4691a833d6568bd8649c4b 100644 --- a/docs/src/ru/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/ru/getting-started/install.md @@ -183,15 +183,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/sk/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/sk/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/sk/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/sk/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/sk/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/sk/getting-started/install.md index 41b5153c8d07bec857baae19ab95b3982a46aeb8..92537f824ae56c5f37b9817156b32230a28a6c1a 100644 --- a/docs/src/sk/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/sk/getting-started/install.md @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/sr_Latn/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/sr_Latn/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/sr_Latn/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/sr_Latn/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/sr_Latn/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/sr_Latn/getting-started/install.md index 41b5153c8d07bec857baae19ab95b3982a46aeb8..92537f824ae56c5f37b9817156b32230a28a6c1a 100644 --- a/docs/src/sr_Latn/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/sr_Latn/getting-started/install.md @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/sv/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/sv/getting-started/docker.md index 4b2f94cf70a25bd20dc965034fd9afdab6b1ddcd..819562bdc3163cf93ae744a64682fd24c340fdb1 100644 --- a/docs/src/sv/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/sv/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): apppaketet med alla Castopod-beroenden - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): en diff --git a/docs/src/sv/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/sv/getting-started/install.md index d326defd0fcadeda4f55605af596278ba7e4d0d4..4e19c7612fbefcbf3a72433659f335ebdf7a08b3 100644 --- a/docs/src/sv/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/sv/getting-started/install.md @@ -182,15 +182,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Gemenskapspaket diff --git a/docs/src/sv/index.md b/docs/src/sv/index.md index 2162407940f66cf53eb7a8a08e536ae838493ef7..9e2555f8f420057ab4f421044ba03727d4349ade 100644 --- a/docs/src/sv/index.md +++ b/docs/src/sv/index.md @@ -58,87 +58,85 @@ mycket litet fotavtryck. ## Motivation -Den podcasting ekosystem är decentraliserad av naturen: du kan skapa din podcast -som en RSS-fil, publicera den pÃ¥ webben och fÃ¥ den delad överallt pÃ¥ nätet. +The podcasting ecosystem is decentralized by nature: you can create your podcast +as an RSS file, publish it on the web and have it shared everywhere online. -Det är i själva verket en av de enda medierna som har stannat kvar pÃ¥ detta sätt -under en lÃ¥ng tid. +It is in fact one of the only media to have stayed this way for a long time. -I takt med att användningsomrÃ¥den utvecklas kommer fler och fler människor in i -podcasts: om det är skapare att hitta nya sätt att dela sina idéer, eller -lyssnare i sökningen för bättre innehÃ¥ll. +As usages are evolving, more and more people are getting into podcasts: whether +it is creators finding new ways to share their ideas, or listeners in the search +for better content. -När podcasting blir mer allmänt använd försöker vissa företag flytta den till -ett mer kontrollerat och centraliserat medium. +With podcasting becoming more widely used, some companies are trying to shift it +towards a more controlled and centralized medium. -Castopod skapades i ett försök att ge ett öppet och hÃ¥llbart alternativ för att -vara värd för dina podcasts, främja decentralisering för att säkerställa att -podcastare kreativitet kan uttrycka sig. +Castopod was created in an effort to provide an open and sustainable alternative +to hosting your podcasts, promoting decentralization to ensure that podcasters +creativity can express itself. -Detta projekt drivs av open source-communityn och specifikt av -[Fediverse](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/) och -[Podcasting 2.0](https://podcastindex.org/) rörelser. +This project is pushed by the open-source community, and specifically by the +[Fediverse](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/) and +[Podcasting 2.0](https://podcastindex.org/) movements. ## Jämförelse med andra lösningar -Vi tror att en lösning inte nödvändigtvis är rätt för alla, det mycket beror pÃ¥ -dina behov. SÃ¥, här är jämförelser med andra verktyg för att hjälpa dig att mäta -om Castopod är rätt passform för du. +We believe that a solution is not necessarily right for everyone, it highly +depends on your needs. So, here are comparisons with other tools to help you to +gauge whether Castopod is the right fit for you. ### Castopod vs Wordpress -Castopod kallas ofta för "Wordpress för podcasts" pÃ¥ grund av de likheter mellan -de tvÃ¥. PÃ¥ vissa sätt är detta sant. Och faktiskt, Castopod var mycket -inspirerad av Wordpress ekosystem, se lätthet att adoptera frÃ¥n gemenskapen och -antalet webbplatser som kör den. +Castopod is often referred to as "the Wordpress for podcasts" because of the +similarities between the two. In some ways this is true. And actually, Castopod +was greatly inspired by the Wordpress ecosystem, seeing the ease of adoption +from the community and the number of websites running it. -Precis som Wordpress är Castopod gratis & öppen källkod, byggd med PHP med en -MySQL-databas och är paketerad pÃ¥ ett sätt som du enkelt kan installera pÃ¥ de -flesta webb -servrar. +Just like Wordpress, Castopod is free & open source, built using PHP with a +MySQL database and is packaged in a way that you can easily install on most web +servers. -Wordpress är ett bra sätt att skapa din webbplats och utöka den med plugins för -att fÃ¥ vad du vill. Det är en fullfjädrad CMS som hjälper dig att fÃ¥ nÃ¥gon typ -av webbplats online. +Wordpress is a great way to create your website and extend it with plugins to +get what you want. It is a full fledged CMS that helps you get any type of +website online. -Ã… andra sidan, Castopod är tänkt att ta itu med podcasters behöver specifikt, -med fokus pÃ¥ podcasting, och inget annat. Du behöver inte nÃ¥gon plugin för att -komma igÃ¥ng med din podcasting resa. +On the other hand, Castopod is meant to address the podcasters needs +specifically, focusing on podcasting, and nothing else. You don't need any +plugin to get you started on your podcasting journey. -Detta gör det möjligt att optimera de processer som är specifika för podcasting: -allt frÃ¥n skapandet av dina podcasts och publiceringen av nya avsnitt hela vägen -till sändning, marknadsföring och analys. +This allows optimizing the processes specific to podcasting: ranging from the +creation of your podcasts and the publication of new episodes all the way to +broadcasting, marketing and analytics. -Slutligen, beroende pÃ¥ dina behov, Wordpress och Castopod kan även leva sida vid -sida eftersom de delar samma krav! +Finally, depending on your needs, Wordpress and Castopod can even live side by +side as they share the same requirements! ### Castopod vs Funkwhale -Funkwhale är en självvärd, modern gratis och öppen källkod musikserver. Precis -som Castopod, Funkwhale är pÃ¥ fediverse, ett decentraliserat socialt nätverk som -möjliggör interoperabilitet mellan de tvÃ¥. +Funkwhale is a self-hosted, modern free and open-source music server. Just as +Castopod, Funkwhale is on the fediverse, a decentralized social network allowing +interoperability between the two. -Funkwhale byggdes ursprungligen runt musik. Och senare när projektet utvecklades -introducerades förmÃ¥gan att vara värd för podcasts. +Funkwhale was initially built around music. And later on, as the project +evolved, the ability to host podcasts was introduced. -Till skillnad frÃ¥n Funkwhale har Castopod designats och byggts kring podcasting -exklusivt. Detta möjliggör enklare implementering av funktioner relaterade till -podcasting ekosystem, sÃ¥som podcasting 2.0 funktioner (transkript, kapitel, -platser, personer, …). +Unlike Funkwhale, Castopod has been designed and built around podcasting +exclusively. This allows easier implementation for features related to the +podcasting ecosystem, such as the podcasting 2.0 features (transcripts, +chapters, locations, persons, …). -SÃ¥, du bör förmodligen använda Funkwhale om du vill vara värd för din musik, och -använda Castopod om du vill vara värd för dina podcasts. +So, you should probably use Funkwhale if you want to host your music, and use +Castopod if you want to host your podcasts. ### Castopod vs andra podcast värdar -Det finns mÃ¥nga lösningar för dig att vara värd för dina podcasts, nÃ¥gra av dem -är verkligen bra och [en hel del av dem](https://podcastindex.org/apps) hoppar -in i Podcasting 2. vagn precis som Castopod! +There are many solutions for you to host your podcasts, some of which are really +great and [a lot of them](https://podcastindex.org/apps) are jumping into the +Podcasting 2.0 wagon just like Castopod! -Var och en av dessa lösningar skiljer sig frÃ¥n varandra, kan du jämföra med -[listan över funktioner](#features). +Each of these solutions differ from one another, you may compare with the +[list of features](#features). -Med detta sagt, det finns tvÃ¥ huvudsakliga skillnader med andra podcasting -lösningar: +That being said, there are two main differences with other podcasting solutions: - Castopod kan vara själv värd och är den enda lösningen som gör att du kan hÃ¥lla full kontroll över vad du producerar. Dessutom, eftersom det är öppen @@ -150,27 +148,26 @@ lösningar: ## Hjälp till -Älskar du Castopod och vill hjälpa till? Ta en titt pÃ¥ följande dokumentation -för att fÃ¥ dig igÃ¥ng. +Love Castopod and would like to help? Take a look at the following documentation +to get you started. ### Uppförandekod -Castopod har antagit en uppförandekod som vi förväntar oss projektdeltagare att -hÃ¥lla sig till. Läs -[CODE_OF_CONDUCT manualen](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) -sÃ¥ att du kan förstÃ¥ vilka Ã¥tgärder som kommer och inte kommer -att tolereras. +Castopod has adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to +adhere to. Please read the +[CODE_OF_CONDUCT manual](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) +so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated. ### Bidragande guide -Läs vÃ¥r [bidragande guide](./contributing/guidelines.md) för att lära dig om vÃ¥r -utvecklingsprocess, hur du föreslÃ¥r buggfixar och förbättringar, och hur du -bygger och testar dina ändringar till Castopod. +Read our [contributing guide](./contributing/guidelines.md) to learn about our +development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build +and test your changes to Castopod. ## Alla bidragsgivare ✨ -Tack gÃ¥r till dessa underbara människor -([emoji nyckel](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)): +Thanks goes to these wonderful people +([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)): <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> @@ -248,20 +245,21 @@ Tack gÃ¥r till dessa underbara människor <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:END --> -Detta projekt följer specifikationen -[för alla bidragsgivare](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) . -Bidrag av nÃ¥got slag välkomna! +This project follows the +[all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) +specification. Contributions of any kind welcome! ## Kontakt -Du kan nÃ¥ oss för hjälp eller ställa nÃ¥gon frÃ¥ga du har pÃ¥: +You may reach us for help or ask any question you have on: - [Discord](https://castopod.org/discord) (för direkt interaktion med -utvecklare och gemenskapen) - [ÄrendespÃ¥rare](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/issues) (för funktionsförfrÃ¥gningar & felrapporter) -Alternativt kan du följa oss pÃ¥ sociala medier för att fÃ¥ nyheter om Castopod: +Alternatively, you can follow us on social media platforms to get news about +Castopod: - [podlibre.social](https://podlibre.social/@Castopod) (Mastodon instance) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/castopod) @@ -270,9 +268,9 @@ Alternativt kan du följa oss pÃ¥ sociala medier för att fÃ¥ nyheter om Castopo ## Sponsorer -Den pÃ¥gÃ¥ende utvecklingen av Castopod möjliggörs med stöd av sina backers. Om du -vill hjälpa till, överväg -[sponsra Castopods utveckling](https://opencollective.com/castopod/contribute). +The ongoing development of Castopod is made possible with the support of its +backers. If you'd like to help, please consider +[sponsoring Castopod's development](https://opencollective.com/castopod/contribute). <div class="flex flex-wrap gap-x-16 gap-y-8"> <a href="https://adaures.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="/images/sponsors/adaures.svg" alt="Ad Aures Logo" class="h-16" /></a> @@ -281,14 +279,14 @@ vill hjälpa till, överväg ## Licens -[GNU Lesser General Public License](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) +[GNU Affero General Public License v3.0](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) Copyright © 2020-present, [Ad Aures](https://adaures.com/). https://img.shields.io/gitlab/v/release/2?color=brightgreen&gitlab_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcode.castopod.org%2F&include_prereleases&label=release -https://img.shields.io/github/license/ad-aures/castopod?color=blÃ¥ -https://img.shields. o/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg -https://img.shields.io/badge/%20%20%F0%9F%93%A6%F0%9F%9A%80-semantik--release-e10079. -vg https://img.shields.io/github/stars/ad-aures/castopod?style=sociala +https://img.shields.io/github/license/ad-aures/castopod?color=blue +https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg +https://img.shields.io/badge/%20%20%F0%9F%93%A6%F0%9F%9A%80-semantic--release-e10079.svg +https://img.shields.io/github/stars/ad-aures/castopod?style=social [release]: https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/releases [license]: https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/LICENSE.md diff --git a/docs/src/uk/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/uk/getting-started/docker.md index c6e6cb7e658043ba64a02dd11bdf042aa73623fb..91b2ba8f699d2933d56fd31ede55e27220e68b51 100644 --- a/docs/src/uk/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/uk/getting-started/docker.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod pushes 3 Docker images to the Docker Hub during its automated build process: +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app): the app bundle with all of Castopod dependencies - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server): an diff --git a/docs/src/uk/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/uk/getting-started/install.md index 41b5153c8d07bec857baae19ab95b3982a46aeb8..92537f824ae56c5f37b9817156b32230a28a6c1a 100644 --- a/docs/src/uk/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/uk/getting-started/install.md @@ -181,15 +181,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## Community packages diff --git a/docs/src/uk/index.md b/docs/src/uk/index.md index f01279e8ac8dfed92948522394eaf7949b9630c5..e17afd7360bca5d5569e618a0a3c89fb6689e13a 100644 --- a/docs/src/uk/index.md +++ b/docs/src/uk/index.md @@ -13,13 +13,6 @@ Castopod is easy to install and was built on top of [CodeIgniter4](https://codeigniter.com/), a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint. -::: info Status - -Castopod is currently in **beta** but already quite stable and used by -podcasters around the world! - -::: - <div class="flex items-center"> <a href="/getting-started/install" class="inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 mx-auto font-semibold text-center text-white rounded-full shadow gap-x-1 bg-pine-500 hover:no-underline hover:bg-pine-600">Install<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-xl text-pine-200"><path fill="currentColor" d="m16.172 11-5.364-5.364 1.414-1.414L20 12l-7.778 7.778-1.414-1.414L16.172 13H4v-2z"></path></svg></a> </div> diff --git a/docs/src/zh-Hans/getting-started/docker.md b/docs/src/zh-Hans/getting-started/docker.md index 9e5d20ad346193efc51f34b64a83b365d5d7ebbd..4de7be14e054b4c7bccd5099aa9d864dd6cae1d4 100644 --- a/docs/src/zh-Hans/getting-started/docker.md +++ b/docs/src/zh-Hans/getting-started/docker.md @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ sidebarDepth: 3 Castopod 在其自动构建期间会将 3 个 Docker æ˜ åƒæŽ¨é€åˆ° Docker Hub : +- [**`castopod/castopod`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/castopod): an all + in one castopod image using nginx unit - [**`castopod/app`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/app):应用程åºåŒ…ï¼ŒåŒ…å« æ‰€æœ‰ Castopod ä¾èµ–关系 - [**`castopod/web-server`**](https://hub.docker.com/r/castopod/web-server):Castopod diff --git a/docs/src/zh-Hans/getting-started/install.md b/docs/src/zh-Hans/getting-started/install.md index 8e445b7529887596c8a5ea64482cb36e66b45554..079a117e983554813e47cf5cfee599a86b3ffc3b 100644 --- a/docs/src/zh-Hans/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/src/zh-Hans/getting-started/install.md @@ -173,15 +173,16 @@ media.s3.region="your_s3_region" #### S3 config options -| Variable name | Type | Default | -| ------------------------- | ------- | ----------- | -| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | -| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | -| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | -| **`path_style_endpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| Variable name | Type | Default | +| ----------------------- | ------- | ----------- | +| **`endpoint`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`key`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`secret`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`region`** | string | `undefined` | +| **`bucket`** | string | `castopod` | +| **`protocol`** | number | `undefined` | +| **`pathStyleEndpoint`** | boolean | `false` | +| **`keyPrefix`** | string | `undefined` | ## ç¤¾åŒºå¥—é¤ diff --git a/docs/src/zh-Hans/index.md b/docs/src/zh-Hans/index.md index f5889359b4319e20bd4bcaddb8335e358933aca3..3df1351239f334167b470dec490cb2c0a0789714 100644 --- a/docs/src/zh-Hans/index.md +++ b/docs/src/zh-Hans/index.md @@ -54,70 +54,85 @@ Castopod 易于安装,并使用 [CodeIgniter4](https://codeigniter.com/) æž„ ## 创作动机 -æ’客生æ€ç³»ç»Ÿæœ¬è´¨ä¸Šæ˜¯åŽ»ä¸å¿ƒåŒ–çš„ï¼šä½ å¯ä»¥åˆ›å»ºè‡ªå·±çš„æ’客订阅æºï¼Œå°†å…¶å‘布到网络上并在 -线共享。 +The podcasting ecosystem is decentralized by nature: you can create your podcast +as an RSS file, publish it on the web and have it shared everywhere online. -事实上,它是唯一长期ä¿æŒè¿™ç§çŠ¶æ€çš„媒体之一。 +It is in fact one of the only media to have stayed this way for a long time. -éšç€ä¹ 惯的å‘展,越æ¥è¶Šå¤šçš„人开始接触æ’客:å…许创作者寻找新的方å¼æ¥åˆ†äº«ä»–们的想法 -,或是让å¬ä¼—获得更好的内容。 +As usages are evolving, more and more people are getting into podcasts: whether +it is creators finding new ways to share their ideas, or listeners in the search +for better content. -éšç€æ’客的使用越æ¥è¶Šå¹¿æ³›ï¼Œä¸€äº›å…¬å¸æ£è¯•å›¾æŽ§åˆ¶æ’客与集ä¸åŒ–。 +With podcasting becoming more widely used, some companies are trying to shift it +towards a more controlled and centralized medium. -Castopod 的创建旨在æ供一ç§å¼€æ”¾ä¸”å¯æŒç»çš„替代方案æ¥æ‰˜ç®¡ä½ çš„æ’客,促进æƒåŠ›ä¸‹æ”¾ï¼Œ -ç¡®ä¿æ’客å¯ä»¥ç”¨åˆ›é€ 力表达自己。 +Castopod was created in an effort to provide an open and sustainable alternative +to hosting your podcasts, promoting decentralization to ensure that podcasters +creativity can express itself. -æ¤é¡¹ç›®ç”±å¼€æºç¤¾åŒºæŽ¨åŠ¨çš„,特别是 -ç”±[è”邦宇宙](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/) å’Œ -[æ’客 2.0](https://podcastindex.org/) 推动。 +This project is pushed by the open-source community, and specifically by the +[Fediverse](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/) and +[Podcasting 2.0](https://podcastindex.org/) movements. ## 与其他解决方案的对比 -我们相信æ¤è§£å†³æ–¹æ¡ˆä¸ä¸€å®šé€‚åˆæ‰€æœ‰äººï¼Œå®ƒåªå–å†³äºŽä½ æ˜¯å¦éœ€è¦ã€‚ å› æ¤ï¼Œä¸‹é¢æ˜¯ä¸Žå…¶ä»–解 -决方案的比较,å¯å¸®åŠ©åˆ¤æ– Castopod 是å¦é€‚åˆä½ 。 +We believe that a solution is not necessarily right for everyone, it highly +depends on your needs. So, here are comparisons with other tools to help you to +gauge whether Castopod is the right fit for you. ### Castopod 对比 Wordpress -Castopod ç»å¸¸è¢«ç§°ä¸º “æ’客ä¸çš„ Wordpressâ€ï¼Œå› 为两者有很多相似之处。 在æŸäº›æ–¹é¢ï¼Œ -确实如æ¤ã€‚ 实际上,Castopod å—到 WordPress 生æ€çš„æžå¤§å¯å‘,看到了采用社区的易用 -性 以åŠè¿è¡Œå®ƒçš„网站数é‡ã€‚ +Castopod is often referred to as "the Wordpress for podcasts" because of the +similarities between the two. In some ways this is true. And actually, Castopod +was greatly inspired by the Wordpress ecosystem, seeing the ease of adoption +from the community and the number of websites running it. -å°±åƒ Wordpress ä¸€æ ·ï¼ŒCastopod 是å…费且开æºçš„,PHP 构建并使用 MySQL æ•°æ®åº“,å¯ä»¥ -在大多数 Web æœåŠ¡å™¨ä¸Šè½»æ¾å®‰è£…。 +Just like Wordpress, Castopod is free & open source, built using PHP with a +MySQL database and is packaged in a way that you can easily install on most web +servers. -Wordpress æ˜¯åˆ›å»ºä½ çš„ç½‘ç«™ï¼Œå¹¶ä½¿ç”¨æ’件扩展以获得想è¦å†…容的好办法。 这是一个æˆç†Ÿçš„ -CMS,å¯ä»¥å¸®åŠ©ä½ 在线访问任何类型的网站。 +Wordpress is a great way to create your website and extend it with plugins to +get what you want. It is a full fledged CMS that helps you get any type of +website online. -å¦ä¸€æ–¹é¢ï¼ŒCastopod 旨在专门满足æ’客的需求,专注于æ’客,而ä¸æ˜¯å…¶ä»–。 ä½ ä¸éœ€è¦ä»»ä½• -æ’件å³å¯è½»æ¾å¼€å§‹æ’客之旅。 +On the other hand, Castopod is meant to address the podcasters needs +specifically, focusing on podcasting, and nothing else. You don't need any +plugin to get you started on your podcasting journey. -还拥有对æ’客的独特优化:从æ’客的创建和新剧集的å‘布一直到广æ’,è¥é”€å’Œåˆ†æžã€‚ +This allows optimizing the processes specific to podcasting: ranging from the +creation of your podcasts and the publication of new episodes all the way to +broadcasting, marketing and analytics. -最åŽï¼Œæ ¹æ®ä½ 的需è¦ï¼ŒWordpress å’Œ Castopod 甚至å¯ä»¥å…±å˜ï¼Œå› 为他们有相åŒçš„é…置环境 -ï¼ +Finally, depending on your needs, Wordpress and Castopod can even live side by +side as they share the same requirements! ### Castopod 对比 Funkwhale -Funkwhale 是一个自托管ã€çŽ°ä»£ç•Œé¢ã€å…费开æºçš„音ä¹æœåŠ¡å™¨ã€‚ å°±åƒ Castopod ä¸€æ · -,Funkwhale 也ä½äºŽè”邦宇宙ä¸ï¼Œè¿™æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªåŽ»ä¸å¿ƒåŒ–的社交网络,å…许两者的互è”。 +Funkwhale is a self-hosted, modern free and open-source music server. Just as +Castopod, Funkwhale is on the fediverse, a decentralized social network allowing +interoperability between the two. -Funkwhale 最åˆæ˜¯å›´ç»•éŸ³ä¹åˆ¶ä½œçš„。 åŽæ¥ï¼Œéšç€é¡¹ç›®çš„å‘展,引入了托管æ’客的能力。 +Funkwhale was initially built around music. And later on, as the project +evolved, the ability to host podcasts was introduced. -与 Funkwhale ä¸åŒï¼ŒCastopod 是åªå›´ç»•æ’客设计和构建的。 è¿™æ ·å¯ä»¥æ›´ç®€å•åœ°å®žçŽ°ä¸Žæ’ -客相关的生æ€ç³»ç»Ÿï¼Œä¾‹å¦‚æ’客 2.0 åŠŸèƒ½ï¼ˆæŠ¥è¡¨ã€ ç« èŠ‚ã€åœ°ç‚¹ã€äººå‘˜â€¦ï¼‰ã€‚ +Unlike Funkwhale, Castopod has been designed and built around podcasting +exclusively. This allows easier implementation for features related to the +podcasting ecosystem, such as the podcasting 2.0 features (transcripts, +chapters, locations, persons, …). -å› æ¤ï¼Œå¦‚æžœä½ æƒ³æ‰˜ç®¡ä½ çš„éŸ³ä¹åº“ï¼Œä½ å¯èƒ½åº”该使用 Funkwhale,如果您想主æŒä¸€ä¸ªæ’客,请 -使用 Castopod。 +So, you should probably use Funkwhale if you want to host your music, and use +Castopod if you want to host your podcasts. ### Castopod 与其他æ’客 -有许多éžå¸¸æ£’的解决方案å¯ä¾›ä½ 托管æ’客,并 -且[很多](https://podcastindex.org/apps)æ£åœ¨æ上æ’客 2.0 çš„ä¾¿è½¦ï¼Œå°±åƒ Castopod 一 -æ ·ï¼ +There are many solutions for you to host your podcasts, some of which are really +great and [a lot of them](https://podcastindex.org/apps) are jumping into the +Podcasting 2.0 wagon just like Castopod! -这些解决方案å„ä¸ç›¸åŒï¼Œä½ å¯ä»¥å¯¹æ¯” [功能列表](#features)。 +Each of these solutions differ from one another, you may compare with the +[list of features](#features). -è¯è™½å¦‚æ¤ï¼ŒCastopod 与其他æ’客解决方案有两个主è¦åŒºåˆ«ï¼š +That being said, there are two main differences with other podcasting solutions: - Castopod 是自托管的,唯一å…è®¸ä½ æŽ§åˆ¶æ‰€æœ‰æ•°æ®çš„方案。 并且,由于是开æºçš„ï¼Œç”šè‡³å¯ ä»¥æŒ‰è‡ªå·±çš„æƒ³æ³•ä¿®æ”¹ã€‚ @@ -127,14 +142,15 @@ Funkwhale 最åˆæ˜¯å›´ç»•éŸ³ä¹åˆ¶ä½œçš„。 åŽæ¥ï¼Œéšç€é¡¹ç›®çš„å‘展,引 ## 贡献 -喜欢 Castopod 并且想帮忙å—? è¯·æŸ¥çœ‹ä»¥ä¸‹æ–‡æ¡£ä»¥å¸®åŠ©ä½ å…¥é—¨ã€‚ è¯·æŸ¥çœ‹ä»¥ä¸‹æ–‡æ¡£ä»¥å¸®åŠ©ä½ -入门。 +Love Castopod and would like to help? Take a look at the following documentation +to get you started. ### 行为准则 -Castopod å·²ç»é€šè¿‡äº†ä¸€é¡¹è¡Œä¸ºå‡†åˆ™ï¼Œå¹¶å¸Œæœ›æ‰€æœ‰çš„å‚与者都能够éµå¾ªæœ¬è¡Œä¸ºå‡†åˆ™ã€‚ 请阅 -读[行为准则](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) -以便了解哪些行为被å…许,哪些行为ä¸ä¼šè¢«å®¹å¿ã€‚ +Castopod has adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to +adhere to. Please read the +[CODE_OF_CONDUCT manual](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/blob/beta/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) +so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated. ### è´¡çŒ®æŒ‡å— @@ -143,8 +159,8 @@ Castopod å·²ç»é€šè¿‡äº†ä¸€é¡¹è¡Œä¸ºå‡†åˆ™ï¼Œå¹¶å¸Œæœ›æ‰€æœ‰çš„å‚与者都能 ## 贡献者 ✨ -感谢这些了ä¸èµ·çš„人 -([表情符å·é”®](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)): +Thanks goes to these wonderful people +([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)): <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> @@ -222,18 +238,20 @@ Castopod å·²ç»é€šè¿‡äº†ä¸€é¡¹è¡Œä¸ºå‡†åˆ™ï¼Œå¹¶å¸Œæœ›æ‰€æœ‰çš„å‚与者都能 <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:END --> -æ¤é¡¹ç›®éµå¾ª [所有贡献者](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) 规 -范。 欢迎任何形å¼çš„è´¡çŒ®ï¼ +This project follows the +[all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) +specification. Contributions of any kind welcome! ## è”ç³» -ä½ å¯ä»¥è”系我们寻求帮助或æ出任何问题: +You may reach us for help or ask any question you have on: - [Discord](https://castopod.org/discord) (用于与开å‘人员和社区直接互动) - [问题跟踪器](https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/issues)(用于功能请 求和错误报告) -æˆ–è€…ï¼Œä½ å¯ä»¥åœ¨ç¤¾äº¤åª’体上关注我们,以获å–有关 Castopod 的新闻: +Alternatively, you can follow us on social media platforms to get news about +Castopod: - [podlibre.social](https://podlibre.social/@Castopod) (Mastodon 实例) - [推特](https://twitter.com/castopod) @@ -242,8 +260,9 @@ Castopod å·²ç»é€šè¿‡äº†ä¸€é¡¹è¡Œä¸ºå‡†åˆ™ï¼Œå¹¶å¸Œæœ›æ‰€æœ‰çš„å‚与者都能 ## 赞助商 -Castopod çš„å‘展离ä¸å¼€èµžåŠ©å•†çš„支æŒã€‚ å¦‚æžœä½ æƒ³è¦å¸®åŠ©æˆ‘们,请考 -虑[赞助 Castopod çš„å¼€å‘](https://opencollective.com/castopod/contribute). +The ongoing development of Castopod is made possible with the support of its +backers. If you'd like to help, please consider +[sponsoring Castopod's development](https://opencollective.com/castopod/contribute). <div class="flex flex-wrap gap-x-16 gap-y-8"> <a href="https://adaures.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="/images/sponsors/adaures.svg" alt="Ad Aures Logo" class="h-16" /></a> @@ -254,8 +273,7 @@ Castopod çš„å‘展离ä¸å¼€èµžåŠ©å•†çš„支æŒã€‚ å¦‚æžœä½ æƒ³è¦å¸®åŠ©æˆ‘们, [GNU Affero General Public License v3.0](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) -Copyright © 2020-present, [Ad Aures](https://adaures.com/). Copyright © -2020-present, [Ad Aures](https://adaures.com/). +Copyright © 2020-present, [Ad Aures](https://adaures.com/). https://img.shields.io/gitlab/v/release/2?color=brightgreen&gitlab_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcode.castopod.org%2F&include_prereleases&label=release https://img.shields.io/github/license/ad-aures/castopod?color=blue https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg