parameters: tmpDir: build/phpstan level: 5 paths: - app - tests bootstrapFiles: - vendor/codeigniter4/codeigniter4/system/Test/bootstrap.php scanDirectories: - app/Helpers - vendor/codeigniter4/codeigniter4/system/Helpers - vendor/myth/auth/src/Helpers excludes_analyse: - app/Config/Routes.php - app/Libraries/Router.php - app/Libraries/ActivityPub/Config/Routes.php - app/Libraries/Analytics/Config/Routes.php - app/Views/* ignoreErrors: - '#Access to property [\$a-zA-Z]+ on an unknown class Myth\\Auth.*#' # TODO: remove when is merged - '#Call to method [\a-zA-Z]+\(\) on an unknown class Myth\\Auth.*#' # to remove as well - '#^Access to an undefined property ActivityPub\\Entities\\Actor#' - '#^Access to an undefined property ActivityPub\\Entities\\Note#' - '#.* is forbidden to use#' - '#^Cognitive complexity for#' - '#^Class cognitive complexity is#' - '#Do not use chained method calls. Put each on separated lines.#' - '#Do not inherit from abstract class, better use composition#' - '#Cannot access property [\$a-z_]+ on ((array\|)?object)#' - '#^Call to an undefined method CodeIgniter\\Database\\BaseBuilder#' - '#^Call to an undefined method CodeIgniter\\Database\\ConnectionInterface#' - '#Access to an undefined property CodeIgniter\\Database\\BaseBuilder::\$pager#' - message: '#Function "function_exists\(\)" cannot be used/left in the code#' paths: - app/Helpers - app/Libraries/ActivityPub/Helpers - app/Libraries/Analytics/Helpers - message: '#Function "property_exists\(\)" cannot be used/left in the code#' path: app/Libraries/ActivityPub/Helpers