<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Config; use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig; class Email extends BaseConfig { public string $fromEmail = 'hello@castopod.local'; public string $fromName = 'Castopod'; public string $recipients; /** * The "user agent" */ public string $userAgent = 'CodeIgniter'; /** * The mail sending protocol: mail, sendmail, smtp */ public string $protocol = 'mail'; /** * The server path to Sendmail. */ public string $mailPath = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; /** * SMTP Server Address */ public string $SMTPHost = ''; /** * SMTP Username */ public string $SMTPUser = ''; /** * SMTP Password */ public string $SMTPPass = ''; /** * SMTP Port */ public int $SMTPPort = 25; /** * SMTP Timeout (in seconds) */ public int $SMTPTimeout = 5; /** * Enable persistent SMTP connections */ public bool $SMTPKeepAlive = false; /** * SMTP Encryption. Either tls or ssl */ public string $SMTPCrypto = 'tls'; /** * Enable word-wrap */ public bool $wordWrap = true; /** * Character count to wrap at */ public int $wrapChars = 76; /** * Type of mail, either 'text' or 'html' */ public string $mailType = 'text'; /** * Character set (utf-8, iso-8859-1, etc.) */ public string $charset = 'UTF-8'; /** * Whether to validate the email address */ public bool $validate = false; /** * Email Priority. 1 = highest. 5 = lowest. 3 = normal */ public int $priority = 3; /** * Newline character. (Use ā\r\nā to comply with RFC 822) */ public string $CRLF = "\r\n"; /** * Newline character. (Use ā\r\nā to comply with RFC 822) */ public string $newline = "\r\n"; /** * Enable BCC Batch Mode. */ public bool $BCCBatchMode = false; /** * Number of emails in each BCC batch */ public int $BCCBatchSize = 200; /** * Enable notify message from server */ public bool $DSN = false; }