<div align="center">
    <a href="https://castopod.org/">
      <img src="https://docs.castopod.org/images/castopod-logo-inline.svg" alt="Castopod" height="64px" />

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Castopod is a free and open-source podcast hosting solution made for podcasters
who want engage and interact with their audience.

> **Status**
> Castopod is currently in **beta** but already quite stable and used by
> podcasters around the world!

## Getting started

To get started with Castopod, you may
[check out the documentation](https://docs.castopod.org/), everything should be

## Security issues and vulnerabilities

If you encounter any security issue or vulnerability in the Castopod source,
please contact us directly by email at

## Contributing

Contributions are always welcome!

See the
[contribution guidelines](https://docs.castopod.org/contributing/guidelines) for
ways to get started.

> **Note**
> Contributions must be made on
> [the original repository](https://code.castopod.org/ad-aures/castopod) to be
> accepted.

## Contact

You may reach us for help or ask any question you have on:

- [Discord](https://castopod.org/discord) (for direct interaction with
  developers and the community)
- [Issue tracker](https://code.castopod.org/ad-aures/castopod/-/issues) (for
  feature requests & bug reports)

Alternatively, you can follow us on social media platforms to get news about

- [podlibre.social](https://podlibre.social/@Castopod) (Mastodon instance)
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/castopod)
- [LinkedIn](https://linkedin.com/company/castopod)
- [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/castopod)

## Sponsors

The ongoing development of Castopod is made possible with the support of its
backers. If you'd like to help, please consider
[sponsoring Castopod's development](https://opencollective.com/castopod/contribute).

      <td align="center">
        <a href="https://docs.castopod.org/images/sponsors/adaures.svg" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img height="48" src="https://docs.castopod.org/images/sponsors/adaures.svg" alt="Netlify" /></a>
      <td align="center">
        <a href="https://nlnet.nl/project/Castopod/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="https://docs.castopod.org/images/sponsors/nlnet.svg" alt="NLnet Logo" height="48" /></a>

## License

[GNU Affero General Public License v3.0](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/)

Copyright © 2020-present, [Ad Aures](https://adaures.com/).

[release]: https://code.castopod.org/ad-aures/castopod/-/releases
[license]: https://code.castopod.org/ad-aures/castopod/-/blob/beta/LICENSE.md
[semantic-release]: https://github.com/semantic-release/semantic-release
[discord]: https://castopod.org/discord
[discord-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/chat-on%20discord-7389D8
[stars]: https://github.com/ad-aures/castopod/stargazers