

 * @copyright  2021 Podlibre
 * @license    https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html AGPL3
 * @link       https://castopod.org/

namespace Modules\Fediverse\Models;

use CodeIgniter\Database\BaseResult;
use CodeIgniter\Database\Query;
use CodeIgniter\Events\Events;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\URI;
use CodeIgniter\I18n\Time;
use Exception;
use Michalsn\Uuid\UuidModel;
use Modules\Fediverse\Activities\AnnounceActivity;
use Modules\Fediverse\Activities\CreateActivity;
use Modules\Fediverse\Activities\DeleteActivity;
use Modules\Fediverse\Activities\UndoActivity;
use Modules\Fediverse\Entities\Actor;
use Modules\Fediverse\Entities\Post;
use Modules\Fediverse\Objects\TombstoneObject;

class PostModel extends UuidModel
     * @var string
    protected $table = 'activitypub_posts';

     * @var string
    protected $primaryKey = 'id';

     * @var string[]
    protected $uuidFields = ['id', 'in_reply_to_id', 'reblog_of_id'];

     * @var string[]
    protected $allowedFields = [

     * @var string
    protected $returnType = Post::class;

     * @var bool
    protected $useSoftDeletes = false;

     * @var bool
    protected $useTimestamps = true;

    protected $updatedField;

     * @var array<string, string>
    protected $validationRules = [
        'actor_id' => 'required',
        'message_html' => 'max_length[500]',

     * @var string[]
    protected $beforeInsert = ['setPostId'];

    public function getPostById(string $postId): ?Post
        $cacheName = config('Fediverse')
            ->cachePrefix . "post#{$postId}";
        if (! ($found = cache($cacheName))) {
            $found = $this->find($postId);

                ->save($cacheName, $found, DECADE);

        return $found;

    public function getPostByUri(string $postUri): ?Post
        $hashedPostUri = md5($postUri);
        $cacheName =
                ->cachePrefix . "post-{$hashedPostUri}";
        if (! ($found = cache($cacheName))) {
            $found = $this->where('uri', $postUri)

                ->save($cacheName, $found, DECADE);

        return $found;

     * Retrieves all published posts for a given actor ordered by publication date
     * @return Post[]
    public function getActorPublishedPosts(int $actorId): array
        $cacheName =
                ->cachePrefix .
        if (! ($found = cache($cacheName))) {
            $found = $this->where([
                'actor_id' => $actorId,
                'in_reply_to_id' => null,
                ->where('`published_at` <= NOW()', null, false)
                ->orderBy('published_at', 'DESC')

            $secondsToNextUnpublishedPost = $this->getSecondsToNextUnpublishedPosts($actorId);

                ->save($cacheName, $found, $secondsToNextUnpublishedPost ? $secondsToNextUnpublishedPost : DECADE);

        return $found;

     * Returns the timestamp difference in seconds between the next post to publish and the current timestamp. Returns
     * false if there's no post to publish
    public function getSecondsToNextUnpublishedPosts(int $actorId): int | false
        $result = $this->select('TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, NOW(), `published_at`) as timestamp_diff')
                'actor_id' => $actorId,
            ->where('`published_at` > NOW()', null, false)
            ->orderBy('published_at', 'asc')

        return $result !== []
            ? (int) $result[0]['timestamp_diff']
            : false;

     * Retrieves all published replies for a given post. By default, it does not get replies from blocked actors.
     * @return Post[]
    public function getPostReplies(string $postId, bool $withBlocked = false): array
        $cacheName =
                ->cachePrefix .
            "post#{$postId}_replies" .
            ($withBlocked ? '_withBlocked' : '');

        if (! ($found = cache($cacheName))) {
            if (! $withBlocked) {
                    ->join('activitypub_actors', 'activitypub_actors.id = activitypub_posts.actor_id', 'inner')
                    ->where('activitypub_actors.is_blocked', 0);

            $this->where('in_reply_to_id', $this->uuid->fromString($postId) ->getBytes())
                ->where('`published_at` <= NOW()', null, false)
                ->orderBy('published_at', 'ASC');
            $found = $this->findAll();

                ->save($cacheName, $found, DECADE);

        return $found;

     * Retrieves all published reblogs for a given post
     * @return Post[]
    public function getPostReblogs(string $postId): array
        $cacheName =
                ->cachePrefix . "post#{$postId}_reblogs";

        if (! ($found = cache($cacheName))) {
            $found = $this->where('reblog_of_id', $this->uuid->fromString($postId) ->getBytes())
                ->where('`published_at` <= NOW()', null, false)
                ->orderBy('published_at', 'ASC')

                ->save($cacheName, $found, DECADE);

        return $found;

    public function addPreviewCard(string $postId, int $previewCardId): Query | bool
        return $this->db->table('activitypub_posts_preview_cards')
                'post_id' => $this->uuid->fromString($postId)
                'preview_card_id' => $previewCardId,

     * Adds post in database along preview card if relevant
     * @return string|false returns the new post id if success or false otherwise
    public function addPost(
        Post $post,
        bool $createPreviewCard = true,
        bool $registerActivity = true
    ): string | false {


        if (! ($newPostId = $this->insert($post, true))) {

            // Couldn't insert post
            return false;

        if ($createPreviewCard) {
            // parse message
            $messageUrls = extract_urls_from_message($post->message);

            if (
                $messageUrls !== [] &&
                ($previewCard = get_or_create_preview_card_from_url(new URI($messageUrls[0]))) &&
                ! $this->addPreviewCard($newPostId, $previewCard->id)
            ) {
                // problem when linking post to preview card
                return false;

        model('ActorModel', false)
            ->where('id', $post->actor_id)

        if ($registerActivity) {
            // set post id and uri to construct NoteObject
            $post->id = $newPostId;
            $post->uri = url_to('post', $post->actor->username, $newPostId);

            $createActivity = new CreateActivity();
            $noteObjectClass = config('Fediverse')
                ->set('actor', $post->actor->uri)
                ->set('object', new $noteObjectClass($post));

            $activityId = model('ActivityModel', false)

            $createActivity->set('id', url_to('activity', $post->actor->username, $activityId));

            model('ActivityModel', false)
                ->update($activityId, [
                    'payload' => $createActivity->toJSON(),

        Events::trigger('on_post_add', $post);



        return $newPostId;

    public function editPost(Post $updatedPost): bool

        // update post create activity schedule in database
        $scheduledActivity = model('ActivityModel', false)
                'type' => 'Create',
                'post_id' => $this->uuid

        // update published date in payload
        $newPayload = $scheduledActivity->payload;
        $newPayload->object->published = $updatedPost->published_at->format(DATE_W3C);
        model('ActivityModel', false)
            ->update($scheduledActivity->id, [
                'payload' => json_encode($newPayload, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR),
                'scheduled_at' => $updatedPost->published_at,

        // update post
        $updateResult = $this->update($updatedPost->id, $updatedPost);

        Events::trigger('on_post_edit', $updatedPost);



        return $updateResult;

     * Removes a post from the database and decrements meta data
    public function removePost(Post $post, bool $registerActivity = true): BaseResult | bool

        model('ActorModel', false)
            ->where('id', $post->actor_id)

        if ($post->in_reply_to_id !== null) {
            // Post to remove is a reply
            model('PostModel', false)
                ->where('id', $this->uuid->fromString($post->in_reply_to_id) ->getBytes())

            Events::trigger('on_reply_remove', $post);

        // remove all post reblogs
        foreach ($post->reblogs as $reblog) {
            // FIXME: issue when actor is not local, can't get actor information

        // remove all post replies
        foreach ($post->replies as $reply) {

        // check that preview card is no longer used elsewhere before deleting it
        if (
            $post->preview_card &&
                ->where('preview_card_id', $post->preview_card->id)
                ->countAll() <= 1
        ) {
            model('PreviewCardModel', false)->deletePreviewCard($post->preview_card->id, $post->preview_card->url);

        if ($registerActivity) {
            $deleteActivity = new DeleteActivity();
            $tombstoneObject = new TombstoneObject();
            $tombstoneObject->set('id', $post->uri);
                ->set('actor', $post->actor->uri)
                ->set('object', $tombstoneObject);

            $activityId = model('ActivityModel', false)

            $deleteActivity->set('id', url_to('activity', $post->actor->username, $activityId));

            model('ActivityModel', false)
                ->update($activityId, [
                    'payload' => $deleteActivity->toJSON(),

        $result = model('PostModel', false)

        Events::trigger('on_post_remove', $post);



        return $result;

    public function addReply(
        Post $reply,
        bool $createPreviewCard = true,
        bool $registerActivity = true
    ): string | false {
        if (! $reply->in_reply_to_id) {
            throw new Exception('Passed post is not a reply!');


        $postId = $this->addPost($reply, $createPreviewCard, $registerActivity);

        model('PostModel', false)
            ->where('id', $this->uuid->fromString($reply->in_reply_to_id) ->getBytes())

        Events::trigger('on_post_reply', $reply);



        return $postId;

    public function reblog(Actor $actor, Post $post, bool $registerActivity = true): string | false

        $reblog = new Post([
            'actor_id' => $actor->id,
            'reblog_of_id' => $post->id,
            'published_at' => Time::now(),

        // add reblog
        $reblogId = $this->insert($reblog);

        model('ActorModel', false)
            ->where('id', $actor->id)

        model('PostModel', false)
            ->where('id', $this->uuid->fromString($post->id)->getBytes())

        if ($registerActivity) {
            $announceActivity = new AnnounceActivity($reblog);

            $activityId = model('ActivityModel', false)

            $announceActivity->set('id', url_to('activity', $post->actor->username, $activityId));

            model('ActivityModel', false)
                ->update($activityId, [
                    'payload' => $announceActivity->toJSON(),

        Events::trigger('on_post_reblog', $actor, $post);



        return $reblogId;

    public function undoReblog(Post $reblogPost, bool $registerActivity = true): BaseResult | bool

        model('ActorModel', false)
            ->where('id', $reblogPost->actor_id)

        model('PostModel', false)
            ->where('id', $this->uuid->fromString($reblogPost->reblog_of_id) ->getBytes())

        if ($registerActivity) {
            $undoActivity = new UndoActivity();
            // get like activity
            $activity = model('ActivityModel', false)
                    'type' => 'Announce',
                    'actor_id' => $reblogPost->actor_id,
                    'post_id' => $this->uuid

            $announceActivity = new AnnounceActivity($reblogPost);
            $announceActivity->set('id', url_to('activity', $reblogPost->actor->username, $activity->id),);

                ->set('actor', $reblogPost->actor->uri)
                ->set('object', $announceActivity);

            $activityId = model('ActivityModel', false)

            $undoActivity->set('id', url_to('activity', $reblogPost->actor->username, $activityId));

            model('ActivityModel', false)
                ->update($activityId, [
                    'payload' => $undoActivity->toJSON(),

        $result = model('PostModel', false)

        Events::trigger('on_post_undo_reblog', $reblogPost);



        return $result;

    public function toggleReblog(Actor $actor, Post $post): void
        if (
            ! ($reblogPost = $this->where([
                'actor_id' => $actor->id,
                'reblog_of_id' => $this->uuid
        ) {
            $this->reblog($actor, $post);
        } else {

    public function clearCache(Post $post): void
        $cachePrefix = config('Fediverse')

        $hashedPostUri = md5($post->uri);

        model('ActorModel', false)
            ->deleteMatching($cachePrefix . "post#{$post->id}*");
            ->deleteMatching($cachePrefix . "post-{$hashedPostUri}*");

        if ($post->in_reply_to_id !== null) {

        if ($post->reblog_of_id !== null) {

     * @param array<string, array<string|int, mixed>> $data
     * @return array<string, array<string|int, mixed>>
    protected function setPostId(array $data): array
        $uuid4 = $this->uuid->{$this->uuidVersion}();
        $data['data']['id'] = $uuid4->toString();

        if (! isset($data['data']['uri'])) {
            $actor = model('ActorModel', false)
                ->getActorById((int) $data['data']['actor_id']);

            $data['data']['uri'] = url_to('post', $actor->username, $uuid4->toString());

        return $data;