<?php /** * @copyright 2020 Podlibre * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html AGPL3 * @link https://castopod.org/ */ namespace App\Controllers; use App\Models\EpisodeModel; use App\Models\PodcastModel; class Episode extends BaseController { protected \App\Entities\Podcast $podcast; protected ?\App\Entities\Episode $episode; public function _remap($method, ...$params) { $podcast_model = new PodcastModel(); $this->podcast = $podcast_model->where('name', $params[0])->first(); if (count($params) > 1) { $episode_model = new EpisodeModel(); if ( !($this->episode = $episode_model ->where([ 'podcast_id' => $this->podcast->id, 'slug' => $params[1], ]) ->first()) ) { throw \CodeIgniter\Exceptions\PageNotFoundException::forPageNotFound(); } } return $this->$method(); } public function index() { // The page cache is set to a decade so it is deleted manually upon podcast update $this->cachePage(DECADE); self::triggerWebpageHit($this->podcast->id); $data = [ 'podcast' => $this->podcast, 'episode' => $this->episode, ]; return view('episode', $data); } }