# Setup your development environment <!-- omit in toc --> ## Table of contents <!-- omit in toc --> - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Start docker containers](#start-docker-containers) - [Initialize and populate database](#initialize-and-populate-database) - [Install/Update app dependencies](#installupdate-app-dependencies) - [Start hacking](#start-hacking) - [Going Further](#going-further) - [Useful docker / docker-compose commands](#useful-docker--docker-compose-commands) - [Developing inside a Container](#developing-inside-a-container) - [Known issues](#known-issues) ## Introduction Castopod is a web app based on the `php` framework [CodeIgniter 4](https://codeigniter.com). To setup a dev environment, we use [Docker](https://www.docker.com/). A `docker-compose.yml` and `Dockerfile` are included in the project's root folder to help you kickstart your contribution. > Know that you don't need any prior knowledge of Docker to follow the next > steps. However, if you wish to use your own environment, feel free to do so! ## Pre-requisites 0. Install [docker desktop](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop). 1. Clone castopod project by running: ```bash git clone https://code.podlibre.org/podlibre/castopod.git ``` 2. Create a `.env` file with the minimum required config to connect the app to the database and use redis as a cache handler: ```ini CI_ENVIRONMENT="development" # By default, this is set to true in the app config. # For development, this must be set to false as it is # on a local environment app.forceGlobalSecureRequests=false app.baseURL="http://localhost:8080/" app.mediaBaseURL="http://localhost:8080/" app.adminGateway="cp-admin" app.authGateway="cp-auth" database.default.hostname="mariadb" database.default.database="castopod" database.default.username="podlibre" database.default.password="castopod" cache.handler="redis" cache.redis.host = "redis" # You may not want to use redis as your cache handler # Comment/remove the two lines above and uncomment # the next line for file caching. #cache.handler="file" ``` > _NB._ You can tweak your environment by setting more environment variables in > your custom `.env` file. See the `env` for examples or the > [CodeIgniter4 User Guide](https://codeigniter.com/user_guide/index.html) for > more info. 3. Add the repository you've cloned to docker desktop's `Settings` > `Resources` > `File Sharing`. 4. Install castopod's php dependencies > The project's php dependencies aren't included in the repository, you have to > download them using the composer service defined in `docker-compose.yml` ```bash docker-compose run --rm composer install --ignore-platform-reqs ``` 5. Install castopod's js dependencies > The project's js dependencies aren't included in the repository, you have to > download them using the node service defined in `docker-compose.yml` ```bash docker-compose run --rm node npm install ``` 6. Build assets: javascript, styles, icons and svg images > To generate public assets, you must run the following commands. ```bash docker-compose run --rm node npm run build:js docker-compose run --rm node npm run build:css docker-compose run --rm node npm run build:icons docker-compose run --rm node npm run build:svg docker-compose run --rm node npm run copy:images docker-compose run --rm node npm run copy:fonts ``` ## Start docker containers Go to project's root folder and run: ```bash # starts all services declared in docker-compose.yml file # -d option starts the containers in the background docker-compose up -d # See all running processes (you should see 3 processes running) docker-compose ps # Alternatively, you can check all docker processes (you should see composer and npm with an Exited status) docker ps -a ``` > The `docker-compose up -d` command will boot 4 containers in the background: > > - `castopod_app`: a php based container with CodeIgniter4 requirements > installed > - `castopod_redis`: a [redis](https://redis.io/) database to handle queries > and pages caching > - `castopod_mariadb`: a [mariadb](https://mariadb.org/) server for persistent > data > - `castopod_phpmyadmin`: a phpmyadmin server to visualize the mariadb > database. ## Initialize and populate database 1. Build the database with the migrate command: ```bash # loads the database schema during first migration docker-compose run --rm app php spark migrate -all ``` In case you need to roll back, use this command: ``` # rolls back database schema loading (deletes all tables and their content) docker-compose run --rm app php spark migrate:rollback ``` 2. Populate the database with the required data: ```bash # Populates all required data docker-compose run --rm app php spark db:seed AppSeeder ``` You may also add only data you chose: ```bash # Populates all categories docker-compose run --rm app php spark db:seed CategorySeeder # Populates all Languages docker-compose run --rm app php spark db:seed LanguageSeeder # Populates all podcasts platforms docker-compose run --rm app php spark db:seed PlatformSeeder # Populates all Authentication data (roles definition…) docker-compose run --rm app php spark db:seed AuthSeeder ``` 3. (optionnal) Populate the database with test data: ```bash # Populates test data (login: admin / password: AGUehL3P) docker-compose run --rm app php spark db:seed TestSeeder # Populates with fake podcast analytics docker-compose run --rm app php spark db:seed FakePodcastsAnalyticsSeeder # Populates with fake website analytics docker-compose run --rm app php spark db:seed FakeWebsiteAnalyticsSeeder ``` TestSeeder will add an active superadmin user with the following credentials: - username: **admin** - password: **AGUehL3P** ## Install/Update app dependencies Castopod uses `composer` to manage php dependencies and `npm` to manage javascript dependencies. You can install / update the project's dependencies using both `composer` and `node` services: ```bash # install php dependencies docker-compose run --rm composer install --ignore-platform-reqs # update php dependencies docker-compose run --rm composer update --ignore-platform-reqs ``` > _NB._ composer commands look for the `composer.json` file to find castopod's > php dependencies, all of which live in the `vendor/` folder. For more info, > check out [Composer documentation](https://getcomposer.org/doc/). ```bash # install js dependencies docker-compose run --rm node npm install # update js dependencies docker-compose run --rm node npm update ``` > _NB._ npm commands look for the `package.json` file to find castopod's js > dependencies, all of which live in the `node_modules/` folder. For more info, > check out [NPM documentation](https://docs.npmjs.com/). ## Start hacking You're all set! Start working your magic by updating the project's files! Help yourself to the [CodeIgniter4 User Guide](https://codeigniter.com/user_guide/index.html) for more insights. To see your changes, go to: - [localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080/) for the castopod app - [localhost:8888](http://localhost:8888/) for the phpmyadmin interface: - username: **podlibre** - password: **castopod** --- ## Going Further ### Useful docker / docker-compose commands ```bash # monitor the app container docker-compose logs --tail 50 --follow --timestamps app # interact with redis server using included redis-cli command docker exec -it castopod_redis redis-cli # monitor the redis container docker-compose logs --tail 50 --follow --timestamps redis # monitor the mariadb container docker-compose logs --tail 50 --follow --timestamps mariadb # monitor the phpmyadmin container docker-compose logs --tail 50 --follow --timestamps phpmyadmin # restart docker containers docker-compose restart # Destroy all containers, opposite of `up` command docker-compose down # Rebuild app container docker-compose build app ``` Check [docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/docker/) and [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/reference/) documentations for more insights. ## Developing inside a Container If you're working in VSCode, you can take advantage of the `./.devcontainer/` folder. It defines a development container with preinstalled VSCode extensions so you don't have to worry about them. The container will be loaded with php, composer and git: 1. Install the VSCode extension [Remote - Containers](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers) 2. `Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P` > `Open in container` The VSCode window will reload inside the dev container. You can check that the required packages are running in the console (`Terminal` > `New Terminal`): ```bash php -v composer -V git version ``` For more info, see [VSCode Remote Containers](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/containers) ## Known issues - `Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory` when running `npm install` 👉 By default, docker might not have access to enough RAM. Allocate more memory and run `npm install` again.