<?php declare(strict_types=1); /** * @copyright 2020 Podlibre * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html AGPL3 * @link https://castopod.org/ */ return [ 'all_podcasts' => 'All podcasts', 'no_podcast' => 'No podcast found!', 'create' => 'Create podcast', 'import' => 'Import podcast', 'new_episode' => 'New Episode', 'view' => 'View podcast', 'edit' => 'Edit podcast', 'delete' => 'Delete podcast', 'see_episodes' => 'See episodes', 'see_contributors' => 'See contributors', 'go_to_page' => 'Go to page', 'latest_episodes' => 'Latest episodes', 'see_all_episodes' => 'See all episodes', 'messages' => [ 'createSuccess' => 'Podcast has been successfully created!', 'editSuccess' => 'Podcast has been successfully updated!', 'importSuccess' => 'Podcast has been successfully imported!', ], 'form' => [ 'identity_section_title' => 'Podcast identity', 'identity_section_subtitle' => 'These fields allow you to get noticed.', 'cover' => 'Podcast cover', 'cover_size_hint' => 'Cover must be squared with at least 1400px wide and tall.', 'banner' => 'Podcast banner', 'banner_size_hint' => 'Banner must have a 3:1 ratio with at least 1500px wide.', 'banner_delete' => 'Delete podcast banner', 'title' => 'Title', 'handle' => 'Handle', 'handle_hint' => 'Used to identify the podcast. Uppercase, lowercase, numbers and underscores are accepted.', 'type' => [ 'label' => 'Type', 'episodic' => 'Episodic', 'episodic_hint' => 'If episodes are intended to be consumed without any specific order. Newest episodes will be presented first.', 'serial' => 'Serial', 'serial_hint' => 'If episodes are intended to be consumed in sequential order. The oldest episodes will be presented first.', ], 'description' => 'Description', 'classification_section_title' => 'Classification', 'classification_section_subtitle' => 'These fields will impact your audience and competition.', 'language' => 'Language', 'category' => 'Category', 'category_placeholder' => 'Select a category…', 'other_categories' => 'Other categories', 'parental_advisory' => [ 'label' => 'Parental advisory', 'hint' => 'Does it contain explicit content?', 'undefined' => 'undefined', 'clean' => 'Clean', 'explicit' => 'Explicit', ], 'author_section_title' => 'Author', 'author_section_subtitle' => 'Who is managing the podcast?', 'owner_name' => 'Owner name', 'owner_name_hint' => 'For administrative use only. Visible in the public RSS feed.', 'owner_email' => 'Owner email', 'owner_email_hint' => 'Will be used by most platforms to verify the podcast ownership. Visible in the public RSS feed.', 'publisher' => 'Publisher', 'publisher_hint' => 'The group responsible for creating the show. Often refers to the parent company or network of a podcast. This field is sometimes labeled as ’Author’.', 'copyright' => 'Copyright', 'location_section_title' => 'Location', 'location_section_subtitle' => 'What place is this podcast about?', 'location_name' => 'Location name or address', 'location_name_hint' => 'This can be a real place or fictional', 'monetization_section_title' => 'Monetization', 'monetization_section_subtitle' => 'Earn money thanks to your audience.', 'payment_pointer' => 'Payment Pointer for Web Monetization', 'payment_pointer_hint' => 'This is your where you will receive money thanks to Web Monetization', 'advanced_section_title' => 'Advanced Parameters', 'advanced_section_subtitle' => 'If you need RSS tags that Castopod does not handle, set them here.', 'custom_rss' => 'Custom RSS tags for the podcast', 'custom_rss_hint' => 'This will be injected within the ❬channel❭ tag.', 'new_feed_url' => 'New feed URL', 'new_feed_url_hint' => 'Use this field when you move to another domain or podcast hosting platform. By default, the value is set to the current RSS URL if the podcast is imported.', 'partnership' => 'Partnership', 'partner_id' => 'ID', 'partner_link_url' => 'Link URL', 'partner_image_url' => 'Image URL', 'partner_id_hint' => 'Your own partner ID', 'partner_link_url_hint' => 'The generic partner link address', 'partner_image_url_hint' => 'The generic partner image address', 'status_section_title' => 'Status', 'block' => 'Podcast should be hidden from all platforms', 'complete' => 'Podcast will not be having new episodes', 'lock' => 'Prevent podcast from being copied', 'lock_hint' => 'The purpose is to tell other podcast platforms whether they are allowed to import this feed. A value of yes means that any attempt to import this feed into a new platform should be rejected.', 'submit_create' => 'Create podcast', 'submit_edit' => 'Save podcast', ], 'category_options' => [ 'uncategorized' => 'uncategorized', 'arts' => 'Arts', 'business' => 'Business', 'comedy' => 'Comedy', 'education' => 'Education', 'fiction' => 'Fiction', 'government' => 'Government', 'health_and_fitness' => 'Health & Fitness', 'history' => 'History', 'kids_and_family' => 'Kids & Family', 'leisure' => 'Leisure', 'music' => 'Music', 'news' => 'News', 'religion_and_spirituality' => 'Religion & Spirituality', 'science' => 'Science', 'society_and_culture' => 'Society & Culture', 'sports' => 'Sports', 'technology' => 'Technology', 'true_crime' => 'True Crime', 'tv_and_film' => 'TV & Film', 'books' => 'Books', 'design' => 'Design', 'fashion_and_beauty' => 'Fashion & Beauty', 'food' => 'Food', 'performing_arts' => 'Performing Arts', 'visual_arts' => 'Visual Arts', 'careers' => 'Careers', 'entrepreneurship' => 'Entrepreneurship', 'investing' => 'Investing', 'management' => 'Management', 'marketing' => 'Marketing', 'non_profit' => 'Non-Profit', 'comedy_interviews' => 'Comedy Interviews', 'improv' => 'Improv', 'stand_up' => 'Stand-Up', 'courses' => 'Courses', 'how_to' => 'How To', 'language_learning' => 'Language Learning', 'self_improvement' => 'Self-Improvement', 'comedy_fiction' => 'Comedy Fiction', 'drama' => 'Drama', 'science_fiction' => 'Science Fiction', 'alternative_health' => 'Alternative Health', 'fitness' => 'Fitness', 'medicine' => 'Medicine', 'mental_health' => 'Mental Health', 'nutrition' => 'Nutrition', 'sexuality' => 'Sexuality', 'education_for_kids' => 'Education for Kids', 'parenting' => 'Parenting', 'pets_and_animals' => 'Pets & Animals', 'stories_for_kids' => 'Stories for Kids', 'animation_and_manga' => 'Animation & Manga', 'automotive' => 'Automotive', 'aviation' => 'Aviation', 'crafts' => 'Crafts', 'games' => 'Games', 'hobbies' => 'Hobbies', 'home_and_garden' => 'Home & Garden', 'video_games' => 'Video Games', 'music_commentary' => 'Music Commentary', 'music_history' => 'Music History', 'music_interviews' => 'Music Interviews', 'business_news' => 'Business News', 'daily_news' => 'Daily News', 'entertainment_news' => 'Entertainment News', 'news_commentary' => 'News Commentary', 'politics' => 'Politics', 'sports_news' => 'Sports News', 'tech_news' => 'Tech News', 'buddhism' => 'Buddhism', 'christianity' => 'Christianity', 'hinduism' => 'Hinduism', 'islam' => 'Islam', 'judaism' => 'Judaism', 'religion' => 'Religion', 'spirituality' => 'Spirituality', 'astronomy' => 'Astronomy', 'chemistry' => 'Chemistry', 'earth_sciences' => 'Earth Sciences', 'life_sciences' => 'Life Sciences', 'mathematics' => 'Mathematics', 'natural_sciences' => 'Natural Sciences', 'nature' => 'Nature', 'physics' => 'Physics', 'social_sciences' => 'Social Sciences', 'documentary' => 'Documentary', 'personal_journals' => 'Personal Journals', 'philosophy' => 'Philosophy', 'places_and_travel' => 'Places & Travel', 'relationships' => 'Relationships', 'baseball' => 'Baseball', 'basketball' => 'Basketball', 'cricket' => 'Cricket', 'fantasy_sports' => 'Fantasy Sports', 'football' => 'Football', 'golf' => 'Golf', 'hockey' => 'Hockey', 'rugby' => 'Rugby', 'running' => 'Running', 'soccer' => 'Soccer', 'swimming' => 'Swimming', 'tennis' => 'Tennis', 'volleyball' => 'Volleyball', 'wilderness' => 'Wilderness', 'wrestling' => 'Wrestling', 'after_shows' => 'After Shows', 'film_history' => 'Film History', 'film_interviews' => 'Film Interviews', 'film_reviews' => 'Film Reviews', 'tv_reviews' => 'TV Reviews', ], 'by' => 'By {publisher}', 'season' => 'Season {seasonNumber}', 'list_of_episodes_year' => '{year} episodes ({episodeCount})', 'list_of_episodes_season' => 'Season {seasonNumber} episodes ({episodeCount})', 'no_episode' => 'No episode found!', 'follow' => 'Follow', 'followers' => '{numberOfFollowers, plural, one {<span class="font-semibold">#</span> follower} other {<span class="font-semibold">#</span> followers} }', 'posts' => '{numberOfPosts, plural, one {<span class="font-semibold">#</span> post} other {<span class="font-semibold">#</span> posts} }', 'activity' => 'Activity', 'episodes' => 'Episodes', 'sponsor' => 'Sponsor', 'funding_links' => 'Funding links for {podcastTitle}', 'find_on' => 'Find {podcastTitle} on', 'listen_on' => 'Listen on', ];