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 + README.md
++ UPDATE.md
 - **
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index 7e7091b4011a8272cad4a3217c8035dc8d01f96a..ba68c34bc45a9419e2429c43334aa70105ed5641 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
-# ![Castopod Host](https://podlibre.org/static/images/Castopod-Title.svg)
+<h1 style="text-align: center">
+  <img src="https://podlibre.org/static/images/Castopod-Title.svg" alt="Castopod Host" />
+> ⚠️ **Castopod Host is in alpha version**. It is still under heavy development
+> and may not be 100% stable as new features are being worked on.
 _Castopod Host_ is a free and open-source podcast hosting solution made for
 podcasters who want engage and interact with their audience.
@@ -9,20 +14,26 @@ audience measurements that respect your listeners privacy.
 Whether you choose to install it on your own server or have it hosted by a
 professional, all your data and analytics belong to you and you only!
-![Castopod Mascot](https://podlibre.org/static/images/Castopod-Mascot-Server.svg)
+<div style="text-align: center">
+  <img src="https://podlibre.org/static/images/Castopod-Mascot-Server.svg" alt="Castopod Mascot" />
 You may find Castopod Host's source code on the
 [original repository](https://code.podlibre.org/podlibre/castopod-host) or,
 alternatively, on the
 [github repository (mirror)](https://github.com/podlibre/castopod-host).
-## Installation
+## Install / Update
-To install Castopod Host on your PHP/MySQL server:
+To install or update Castopod Host on your PHP/MySQL server:
 - Download
-  [Castopod Host's latest Package (zip or tar.gz)](https://code.podlibre.org/podlibre/castopod-host/-/releases),
-- Follow the procedure on “[How to install Castopod Host](./INSTALL.md)”.
+  [Castopod Host's latest Package (zip or tar.gz)](https://code.podlibre.org/podlibre/castopod-host/-/releases):
+- Follow one of the procedures on:
+  - [“How to **install** Castopod Host”](./INSTALL.md)
+  - or [“How to **update** Castopod Host”](./UPDATE.md)
 ## Documentation
diff --git a/UPDATE.md b/UPDATE.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b216e0f683479885ffee0b0eb6bfed02297a09d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UPDATE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# How to update Castopod Host <!-- omit in toc -->
+After installing _Castopod Host_, you may want to update your instance to the
+latest version in order to enjoy the latest features ✨, bug fixes 🐛 and
+performance improvements âš¡.
+## Table of contents <!-- omit in toc -->
+- [Manual update instructions](#manual-update-instructions)
+- [Automatic update instructions](#automatic-update-instructions)
+- [Frequently asked questions (FAQ)](#frequently-asked-questions-faq)
+  - [Where can I find my _Castopod Host_ version?](#where-can-i-find-my-castopod-host-version)
+  - [I haven't updated my instance in a long time… What should I do?](#i-havent-updated-my-instance-in-a-long-time-what-should-i-do)
+  - [Should I make a backup before updating?](#should-i-make-a-backup-before-updating)
+## Manual update instructions
+1. Go to the
+   [releases page](https://code.podlibre.org/podlibre/castopod-host/-/releases)
+   and see if your instance is up to date with the latest _Castopod Host_
+   version
+   - cf.
+     [Where can I find my _Castopod Host_ version?](#where-can-i-find-my-castopod-host-version)
+2. Download the latest release package named `Castopod Host Package`, you may
+   choose between the `zip` or `tar.gz` archives
+   - ⚠️ Make sure you download the Castopod Host Package and **NOT** the Source
+     Code
+3. On your server:
+   - Remove all files except `.env` and `public/media`
+   - Copy the new files from the downloaded package into your server
+4. Alpha releases may come with additional update instructions (see
+   [releases page](https://code.podlibre.org/podlibre/castopod-host/-/releases)).
+   They are usually database migration scripts in `.sql` format to update your
+   database schema.
+   - 👉 Make sure you run the scripts on your phpmyadmin panel or using command
+     line to update the database along with the package files!
+   - cf.
+     [I haven't updated my instance in a long time… What should I do?](#i-havent-updated-my-instance-in-a-long-time-what-should-i-do)
+5. ✨ Enjoy your fresh instance, you're all done!
+## Automatic update instructions
+> Coming soon... 👀
+## Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
+### Where can I find my _Castopod Host_ version?
+Go to your _Castopod Host_ admin panel, the version is displayed on the bottom
+right corner.
+Alternatively, you can find the version in the `app > Config > Constants.php`
+### I haven't updated my instance in a long time… What should I do?
+No problem! Just get the latest release as described above. Only, when going
+through the release instructions (4), perform them sequentially, from the oldest
+to the newest.
+> You may want to backup your instance depending on how long you haven't updated
+> _Castopod Host_.
+For example, if you're on `v1.0.0-alpha.42` and would like to upgrade to
+0. (recommended) Make a backup of your files and database.
+1. Download the latest release, overwrite your files whilst keeping `.env` and
+   `public/media`.
+2. Go through each release update instructions sequentially (from oldest to
+   newest) starting with `v1.0.0-alpha.43`, `v1.0.0-alpha.44`,
+   `v1.0.0-alpha.45`, …, `v1.0.0-alpha.58`.
+3. ✨ Enjoy your fresh instance, you're all done!
+### Should I make a backup before updating?
+We advise you do, so you don't lose everything if anything goes wrong!
+More generally, we advise you make regular backups of your Castopod Host files
+and database to prevent you from losing it all…