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  • adaures/castopod
  • mkljczk/castopod-host
  • spaetz/castopod-host
  • PatrykMis/castopod
  • jonas/castopod
  • ajeremias/castopod
  • misuzu/castopod
  • KrzysztofDomanczyk/castopod
  • Behel/castopod
  • nebulon/castopod
  • ewen/castopod
  • NeoluxConsulting/castopod
  • nateritter/castopod-og
  • prcutler/castopod
14 results
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with 1017 additions and 484 deletions
......@@ -2,20 +2,31 @@
use App\Entities\Person;
use App\Entities\Podcast;
use Cocur\Slugify\Slugify;
use Config\Images;
use Modules\Media\Entities\Image;
* @copyright 2020 Podlibre
* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
if (! function_exists('get_browser_language')) {
* Gets the browser default language using the request header key `HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE`
* Gets the browser default language using the request header key `HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE`. Returns Castopod's default
* locale if `HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE` is null.
* @return string ISO 639-1 language code
function get_browser_language(string $httpAcceptLanguage): string
function get_browser_language(?string $httpAcceptLanguage = null): string
if ($httpAcceptLanguage === null) {
return config('App')->defaultLocale;
$langs = explode(',', $httpAcceptLanguage);
return substr($langs[0], 0, 2);
......@@ -30,105 +41,8 @@ if (! function_exists('slugify')) {
$text = substr($text, 0, strrpos(substr($text, 0, $maxLength), ' '));
// replace non letter or digits by -
$text = preg_replace('~[^\pL\d]+~u', '-', $text);
$unwanted = [
'Š' => 'S',
'š' => 's',
'Đ' => 'Dj',
'đ' => 'dj',
'Ž' => 'Z',
'ž' => 'z',
'Č' => 'C',
'č' => 'c',
'Ć' => 'C',
'ć' => 'c',
'À' => 'A',
'Á' => 'A',
'Â' => 'A',
'Ã' => 'A',
'Ä' => 'A',
'Å' => 'A',
'Æ' => 'AE',
'Ç' => 'C',
'È' => 'E',
'É' => 'E',
'Ê' => 'E',
'Ë' => 'E',
'Ì' => 'I',
'Í' => 'I',
'Î' => 'I',
'Ï' => 'I',
'Ñ' => 'N',
'Ò' => 'O',
'Ó' => 'O',
'Ô' => 'O',
'Õ' => 'O',
'Ö' => 'O',
'Ø' => 'O',
'Œ' => 'OE',
'Ù' => 'U',
'Ú' => 'U',
'Û' => 'U',
'Ü' => 'U',
'Ý' => 'Y',
'Þ' => 'B',
'ß' => 'Ss',
'à' => 'a',
'á' => 'a',
'â' => 'a',
'ã' => 'a',
'ä' => 'a',
'å' => 'a',
'æ' => 'ae',
'ç' => 'c',
'è' => 'e',
'é' => 'e',
'ê' => 'e',
'ë' => 'e',
'ì' => 'i',
'í' => 'i',
'î' => 'i',
'ï' => 'i',
'ð' => 'o',
'ñ' => 'n',
'ò' => 'o',
'ó' => 'o',
'ô' => 'o',
'õ' => 'o',
'ö' => 'o',
'ø' => 'o',
'œ' => 'OE',
'ù' => 'u',
'ú' => 'u',
'û' => 'u',
'ý' => 'y',
'þ' => 'b',
'ÿ' => 'y',
'Ŕ' => 'R',
'ŕ' => 'r',
'/' => '-',
' ' => '-',
$text = strtr($text, $unwanted);
// transliterate
$text = iconv('utf-8', 'us-ascii//TRANSLIT', $text);
// remove unwanted characters
$text = preg_replace('~[^\-\w]+~', '', $text);
// trim
$text = trim($text, '-');
// remove duplicate -
$text = preg_replace('~-+~', '-', $text);
// lowercase
$text = strtolower($text);
return $text;
$slugify = new Slugify();
return $slugify->slugify($text);
......@@ -151,19 +65,21 @@ if (! function_exists('format_duration')) {
if ($seconds < 60) {
return '0:' . sprintf('%02d', $seconds);
if ($seconds < 3600) {
// < 1 hour: returns MM:SS
return ltrim(gmdate('i:s', $seconds), '0');
if ($seconds < 36000) {
// < 10 hours: returns H:MM:SS
return ltrim(gmdate('H:i:s', $seconds), '0');
return gmdate('H:i:s', $seconds);
if (! function_exists('format_duration_symbol')) {
* Formats duration in seconds to an hh(h) mm(min) ss(s) string. Doesn't show leading zeros if any.
......@@ -177,39 +93,42 @@ if (! function_exists('format_duration_symbol')) {
if ($seconds < 60) {
return $seconds . 's';
if ($seconds < 3600) {
// < 1 hour: returns MM:SS
return ltrim(gmdate('i\m\i\n s\s', $seconds), '0');
if ($seconds < 36000) {
// < 10 hours: returns H:MM:SS
return ltrim(gmdate('h\h i\min s\s', $seconds), '0');
return ltrim(gmdate('h\h i\m\i\n s\s', $seconds), '0');
return gmdate('h\h i\min s\s', $seconds);
return gmdate('h\h i\m\i\n s\s', $seconds);
if (! function_exists('podcast_uuid')) {
* Generate UUIDv5 for podcast. For more information, see
function podcast_uuid(string $feedUrl): string
if (! function_exists('generate_random_salt')) {
function generate_random_salt(int $length = 64): string
$uuid = service('uuid');
// 'ead4c236-bf58-58c6-a2c6-a6b28d128cb6' is the uuid of the podcast namespace
return $uuid->uuid5('ead4c236-bf58-58c6-a2c6-a6b28d128cb6', $feedUrl)
$salt = '';
while (strlen($salt) < $length) {
$charNumber = random_int(33, 126);
// Exclude " ' \ `
if (! in_array($charNumber, [34, 39, 92, 96], true)) {
$salt .= chr($charNumber);
return $salt;
if (! function_exists('file_upload_max_size')) {
* Returns a file size limit in bytes based on the PHP upload_max_filesize and post_max_size Adapted from:
......@@ -232,6 +151,7 @@ if (! function_exists('file_upload_max_size')) {
$max_size = $upload_max;
return $max_size;
......@@ -243,7 +163,7 @@ if (! function_exists('parse_size')) {
$size = (float) preg_replace('~[^0-9\.]~', '', $size); // Remove the non-numeric characters from the size.
if ($unit !== '') {
// Find the position of the unit in the ordered string which is the power of magnitude to multiply a kilobyte by.
return round($size * pow(1024, (float) stripos('bkmgtpezy', $unit[0])));
return round($size * 1024 ** ((float) stripos('bkmgtpezy', $unit[0])));
return round($size);
......@@ -254,16 +174,98 @@ if (! function_exists('format_bytes')) {
* Adapted from
function formatBytes(float $bytes, int $precision = 2): string
function formatBytes(float $bytes, bool $is_binary = false, int $precision = 2): string
$units = ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB'];
$units = $is_binary ? ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB'] : ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];
$bytes = max($bytes, 0);
$pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024));
$pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log($is_binary ? 1024 : 1000));
$pow = min($pow, count($units) - 1);
$bytes /= pow(1024, $pow);
$bytes /= ($is_binary ? 1024 : 1000) ** $pow;
return round($bytes, $precision) . $units[$pow];
if (! function_exists('get_site_icon_url')) {
function get_site_icon_url(string $size): string
if (config('App')->siteIcon['ico'] === service('settings')->get('App.siteIcon')['ico']) {
// return default site icon url
return base_url(service('settings')->get('App.siteIcon')[$size]);
return service('file_manager')->getUrl(service('settings')->get('App.siteIcon')[$size]);
if (! function_exists('get_podcast_banner')) {
function get_podcast_banner_url(Podcast $podcast, string $size): string
if (! $podcast->banner instanceof Image) {
$defaultBanner = config('Images')
->podcastBannerDefaultPaths[service('settings')->get('App.theme')] ?? config(
$sizes = config('Images')
$sizeConfig = $sizes[$size];
// return default site icon url
return base_url(
change_file_path($defaultBanner['path'], '_' . $size, $sizeConfig['extension'] ?? null),
$sizeKey = $size . '_url';
return $podcast->banner->{$sizeKey};
if (! function_exists('get_podcast_banner_mimetype')) {
function get_podcast_banner_mimetype(Podcast $podcast, string $size): string
if (! $podcast->banner instanceof Image) {
$sizes = config('Images')
$sizeConfig = $sizes[$size];
// return default site icon url
return array_key_exists('mimetype', $sizeConfig) ? $sizeConfig['mimetype'] : config(
$mimetype = $size . '_mimetype';
return $podcast->banner->{$mimetype};
if (! function_exists('get_avatar_url')) {
function get_avatar_url(Person $person, string $size): string
if (! $person->avatar instanceof Image) {
$defaultAvatarPath = config('Images')
$sizes = config('Images')
$sizeConfig = $sizes[$size];
// return default avatar url
return base_url(change_file_path($defaultAvatarPath, '_' . $size, $sizeConfig['extension'] ?? null));
$sizeKey = $size . '_url';
return $person->avatar->{$sizeKey};
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* @copyright 2020 Podlibre
* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
......@@ -16,21 +16,36 @@ if (! function_exists('render_page_links')) {
* @return string html pages navigation
function render_page_links(string $class = null): string
function render_page_links(?string $class = null, ?string $podcastHandle = null): string
$pages = (new PageModel())->findAll();
$links = anchor(route_to('home'), lang('Common.home'), [
'class' => 'px-2 py-1 underline hover:no-underline focus:ring-accent',
'class' => 'px-2 py-1 underline hover:no-underline',
if ($podcastHandle !== null) {
$links .= anchor(route_to('podcast-links', $podcastHandle), lang('Podcast.links'), [
'class' => 'px-2 py-1 underline hover:no-underline',
$links .= anchor(route_to('credits'), lang('Person.credits'), [
'class' => 'px-2 py-1 underline hover:no-underline focus:ring-accent',
'class' => 'px-2 py-1 underline hover:no-underline',
$links .= anchor(route_to('map'), lang(''), [
'class' => 'px-2 py-1 underline hover:no-underline focus:ring-accent',
'class' => 'px-2 py-1 underline hover:no-underline',
foreach ($pages as $page) {
$links .= anchor($page->link, $page->title, [
'class' => 'px-2 py-1 underline hover:no-underline focus:ring-accent',
$links .= anchor($page->link, esc($page->title), [
'class' => 'px-2 py-1 underline hover:no-underline',
// if set in .env, add legal notice link at the end of page links
if (config('App')->legalNoticeURL !== null) {
$links .= anchor(config('App')->legalNoticeURL, lang('Common.legal_notice'), [
'class' => 'px-2 py-1 underline hover:no-underline',
'target' => '_blank',
'rel' => 'noopener noreferrer',
......@@ -3,16 +3,21 @@
* @copyright 2020 Podlibre
* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
use App\Entities\Category;
use App\Entities\Location;
use App\Entities\Podcast;
use App\Libraries\SimpleRSSElement;
use App\Libraries\RssFeed;
use App\Models\PodcastModel;
use CodeIgniter\I18n\Time;
use Config\Mimes;
use Modules\Media\Entities\Chapters;
use Modules\Media\Entities\Transcript;
use Modules\Plugins\Core\Plugins;
use Modules\PremiumPodcasts\Entities\Subscription;
if (! function_exists('get_rss_feed')) {
......@@ -21,91 +26,165 @@ if (! function_exists('get_rss_feed')) {
* @param string $serviceSlug The name of the service that fetches the RSS feed for future reference when the audio file is eventually downloaded
* @return string rss feed as xml
function get_rss_feed(Podcast $podcast, string $serviceSlug = ''): string
$episodes = $podcast->episodes;
function get_rss_feed(
Podcast $podcast,
string $serviceSlug = '',
?Subscription $subscription = null,
?string $token = null,
): string {
/** @var Plugins $plugins */
$plugins = service('plugins');
$itunesNamespace = '';
$episodes = $podcast->episodes;
$podcastNamespace =
$rss = new RssFeed();
$rss = new SimpleRSSElement(
"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><rss version='2.0' xmlns:itunes='{$itunesNamespace}' xmlns:podcast='{$podcastNamespace}' xmlns:content=''></rss>",
$channel = $rss->addChild('channel');
$atomLink = $channel->addChild('atom:link', null, '');
$atomLink = $channel->addChild('link', null, RssFeed::ATOM_NAMESPACE);
$atomLink->addAttribute('href', $podcast->feed_url);
$atomLink->addAttribute('rel', 'self');
$atomLink->addAttribute('type', 'application/rss+xml');
// websub: add links to hubs defined in config
$websubHubs = config('WebSub')
foreach ($websubHubs as $websubHub) {
$atomLinkHub = $channel->addChild('link', null, RssFeed::ATOM_NAMESPACE);
$atomLinkHub->addAttribute('href', $websubHub);
$atomLinkHub->addAttribute('rel', 'hub');
$atomLinkHub->addAttribute('type', 'application/rss+xml');
if ($podcast->new_feed_url !== null) {
$channel->addChild('new-feed-url', $podcast->new_feed_url, $itunesNamespace);
$channel->addChild('new-feed-url', $podcast->new_feed_url, RssFeed::ITUNES_NAMESPACE);
// the last build date corresponds to the creation of the feed.xml cache
$channel->addChild('lastBuildDate', (new Time('now'))->format(DATE_RFC1123));
$channel->addChild('generator', 'Castopod Host -');
$channel->addChild('generator', 'Castopod -');
$channel->addChild('docs', '');
$channel->addChild('guid', $podcast->guid, $podcastNamespace);
if ($podcast->guid === '') {
// FIXME: guid shouldn't be empty here as it should be filled upon Podcast creation
$uuid = service('uuid');
// 'ead4c236-bf58-58c6-a2c6-a6b28d128cb6' is the uuid of the podcast namespace
$podcast->guid = $uuid->uuid5('ead4c236-bf58-58c6-a2c6-a6b28d128cb6', $podcast->feed_url)
(new PodcastModel())->save($podcast);
$channel->addChild('guid', $podcast->guid, RssFeed::PODCAST_NAMESPACE);
$channel->addChild('title', $podcast->title, null, false);
$channel->addChildWithCDATA('description', $podcast->description_html);
$itunesImage = $channel->addChild('image', null, $itunesNamespace);
$itunesImage = $channel->addChild('image', null, RssFeed::ITUNES_NAMESPACE);
$itunesImage->addAttribute('href', $podcast->cover->feed_url);
$channel->addChild('language', $podcast->language_code);
if ($podcast->location !== null) {
$locationElement = $channel->addChild(
if ($podcast->location instanceof Location) {
$locationElement = $channel->addChild('location', $podcast->location->name, RssFeed::PODCAST_NAMESPACE);
if ($podcast->location->geo !== null) {
$locationElement->addAttribute('geo', $podcast->location->geo);
if ($podcast->location->osm !== null) {
$locationElement->addAttribute('osm', $podcast->location->osm);
if ($podcast->payment_pointer !== null) {
$valueElement = $channel->addChild('value', null, $podcastNamespace);
$valueElement->addAttribute('type', 'webmonetization');
$valueElement->addAttribute('method', '');
$valueElement->addAttribute('suggested', '');
$recipientElement = $valueElement->addChild('valueRecipient', null, $podcastNamespace);
$recipientElement->addAttribute('name', $podcast->owner_name);
$recipientElement->addAttribute('type', 'ILP');
$recipientElement->addAttribute('address', $podcast->payment_pointer);
$recipientElement->addAttribute('split', '100');
->addChild('locked', $podcast->is_locked ? 'yes' : 'no', $podcastNamespace)
->addChild('locked', $podcast->is_locked ? 'yes' : 'no', RssFeed::PODCAST_NAMESPACE)
->addAttribute('owner', $podcast->owner_email);
if ($podcast->imported_feed_url !== null) {
$channel->addChild('previousUrl', $podcast->imported_feed_url, $podcastNamespace);
$channel->addChild('previousUrl', $podcast->imported_feed_url, RssFeed::PODCAST_NAMESPACE);
foreach ($podcast->podcasting_platforms as $podcastingPlatform) {
$podcastingPlatformElement = $channel->addChild('id', null, $podcastNamespace);
$podcastingPlatformElement = $channel->addChild('id', null, RssFeed::PODCAST_NAMESPACE);
$podcastingPlatformElement->addAttribute('platform', $podcastingPlatform->slug);
if ($podcastingPlatform->account_id !== null) {
$podcastingPlatformElement->addAttribute('id', $podcastingPlatform->account_id);
if ($podcastingPlatform->link_url !== null) {
$podcastingPlatformElement->addAttribute('url', htmlspecialchars($podcastingPlatform->link_url));
$podcastingPlatformElement->addAttribute('url', $podcastingPlatform->link_url);
$castopodSocialElement = $channel->addChild('social', null, RssFeed::PODCAST_NAMESPACE);
$castopodSocialElement->addAttribute('priority', '1');
$castopodSocialElement->addAttribute('platform', 'castopod');
$castopodSocialElement->addAttribute('protocol', 'activitypub');
$castopodSocialElement->addAttribute('accountId', "@{$podcast->actor->username}@{$podcast->actor->domain}");
$castopodSocialElement->addAttribute('accountUrl', $podcast->link);
foreach ($podcast->social_platforms as $socialPlatform) {
$socialPlatformElement = $channel->addChild('social', $socialPlatform->account_id, $podcastNamespace,);
$socialPlatformElement->addAttribute('platform', $socialPlatform->slug);
$socialElement = $channel->addChild('social', null, RssFeed::PODCAST_NAMESPACE);
$socialElement->addAttribute('priority', '2');
$socialElement->addAttribute('platform', $socialPlatform->slug);
// TODO: get activitypub info somewhere else
if (in_array(
['mastodon', 'peertube', 'funkwhale', 'misskey', 'mobilizon', 'pixelfed', 'plume', 'writefreely'],
)) {
$socialElement->addAttribute('protocol', 'activitypub');
} else {
$socialElement->addAttribute('protocol', $socialPlatform->slug);
if ($socialPlatform->account_id !== null) {
$socialElement->addAttribute('accountId', esc($socialPlatform->account_id));
if ($socialPlatform->link_url !== null) {
$socialPlatformElement->addAttribute('url', htmlspecialchars($socialPlatform->link_url));
$socialElement->addAttribute('accountUrl', esc($socialPlatform->link_url));
if ($socialPlatform->slug === 'mastodon') {
$socialSignUpelement = $socialElement->addChild('socialSignUp', null, RssFeed::PODCAST_NAMESPACE);
$socialSignUpelement->addAttribute('priority', '1');
parse_url((string) $socialPlatform->link_url, PHP_URL_SCHEME) . '://' . parse_url(
(string) $socialPlatform->link_url,
) . '/public',
parse_url((string) $socialPlatform->link_url, PHP_URL_SCHEME) . '://' . parse_url(
(string) $socialPlatform->link_url,
) . '/auth/sign_up',
$castopodSocialSignUpelement = $castopodSocialElement->addChild(
$castopodSocialSignUpelement->addAttribute('priority', '1');
parse_url((string) $socialPlatform->link_url, PHP_URL_SCHEME) . '://' . parse_url(
(string) $socialPlatform->link_url,
) . '/public',
parse_url((string) $socialPlatform->link_url, PHP_URL_SCHEME) . '://' . parse_url(
(string) $socialPlatform->link_url,
) . '/auth/sign_up',
......@@ -113,23 +192,19 @@ if (! function_exists('get_rss_feed')) {
$fundingPlatformElement = $channel->addChild(
$fundingPlatformElement->addAttribute('platform', $fundingPlatform->slug);
if ($fundingPlatform->link_url !== null) {
$fundingPlatformElement->addAttribute('url', htmlspecialchars($fundingPlatform->link_url));
$fundingPlatformElement->addAttribute('url', $fundingPlatform->link_url);
foreach ($podcast->persons as $person) {
foreach ($person->roles as $role) {
$personElement = $channel->addChild(
$personElement = $channel->addChild('person', $person->full_name, RssFeed::PODCAST_NAMESPACE);
$personElement->addAttribute('img', $person->avatar->medium_url);
$personElement->addAttribute('img', get_avatar_url($person, 'medium'));
if ($person->information_url !== null) {
$personElement->addAttribute('href', $person->information_url);
......@@ -137,14 +212,12 @@ if (! function_exists('get_rss_feed')) {
lang("PersonsTaxonomy.persons.{$role->group}.roles.{$role->role}.label", [], 'en'),
lang("PersonsTaxonomy.persons.{$role->group}.roles.{$role->role}.label", [], 'en'),
htmlspecialchars(lang("PersonsTaxonomy.persons.{$role->group}.label", [], 'en')),
lang("PersonsTaxonomy.persons.{$role->group}.label", [], 'en'),
......@@ -158,30 +231,26 @@ if (! function_exists('get_rss_feed')) {
$podcast->parental_advisory === 'explicit' ? 'true' : 'false',
$podcast->publisher ? $podcast->publisher : $podcast->owner_name,
$channel->addChild('author', $podcast->publisher ?: $podcast->owner_name, RssFeed::ITUNES_NAMESPACE, false);
$channel->addChild('link', $podcast->link);
$owner = $channel->addChild('owner', null, $itunesNamespace);
$owner->addChild('name', $podcast->owner_name, $itunesNamespace);
$owner = $channel->addChild('owner', null, RssFeed::ITUNES_NAMESPACE);
$owner->addChild('email', $podcast->owner_email, $itunesNamespace);
$owner->addChild('name', $podcast->owner_name, RssFeed::ITUNES_NAMESPACE, false);
$owner->addChild('email', $podcast->owner_email, RssFeed::ITUNES_NAMESPACE);
$channel->addChild('type', $podcast->type, $itunesNamespace);
$channel->addChild('type', $podcast->type, RssFeed::ITUNES_NAMESPACE);
$podcast->copyright &&
$channel->addChild('copyright', $podcast->copyright);
if ($podcast->is_blocked) {
$channel->addChild('block', 'Yes', $itunesNamespace);
if ($podcast->is_blocked || $subscription instanceof Subscription) {
$channel->addChild('block', 'Yes', RssFeed::ITUNES_NAMESPACE);
if ($podcast->is_completed) {
$channel->addChild('complete', 'Yes', $itunesNamespace);
$channel->addChild('complete', 'Yes', RssFeed::ITUNES_NAMESPACE);
$image = $channel->addChild('image');
......@@ -189,46 +258,49 @@ if (! function_exists('get_rss_feed')) {
$image->addChild('title', $podcast->title, null, false);
$image->addChild('link', $podcast->link);
if ($podcast->custom_rss !== null) {
'elements' => $podcast->custom_rss,
], $channel);
// run plugins hook at the end
$plugins->rssAfterChannel($podcast, $channel);
foreach ($episodes as $episode) {
if ($episode->is_premium && ! $subscription instanceof Subscription) {
$item = $channel->addChild('item');
$item->addChild('title', $episode->title, null, false);
$enclosure = $item->addChild('enclosure');
$enclosureParams = implode('&', array_filter([
$episode->is_premium ? 'token=' . $token : null,
$serviceSlug !== '' ? '_from=' . urlencode($serviceSlug) : null,
$episode->audio_file_analytics_url .
($serviceSlug === ''
? ''
: '?_from=' . urlencode($serviceSlug)),
$episode->audio_url . ($enclosureParams === '' ? '' : '?' . $enclosureParams),
$enclosure->addAttribute('length', (string) $episode->audio->file_size);
$enclosure->addAttribute('type', $episode->audio->file_mimetype);
$item->addChild('guid', $episode->guid);
$item->addChild('pubDate', $episode->published_at->format(DATE_RFC1123));
if ($episode->location !== null) {
$locationElement = $item->addChild(
if ($episode->location instanceof Location) {
$locationElement = $item->addChild('location', $episode->location->name, RssFeed::PODCAST_NAMESPACE);
if ($episode->location->geo !== null) {
$locationElement->addAttribute('geo', $episode->location->geo);
if ($episode->location->osm !== null) {
$locationElement->addAttribute('osm', $episode->location->osm);
$item->addChildWithCDATA('description', $episode->getDescriptionHtml($serviceSlug));
$item->addChild('duration', (string) $episode->audio->duration, $itunesNamespace);
$item->addChildWithCDATA('description', $episode->description_html);
$item->addChild('duration', (string) round($episode->audio->duration), RssFeed::ITUNES_NAMESPACE);
$item->addChild('link', $episode->link);
$episodeItunesImage = $item->addChild('image', null, $itunesNamespace);
$episodeItunesImage = $item->addChild('image', null, RssFeed::ITUNES_NAMESPACE);
$episodeItunesImage->addAttribute('href', $episode->cover->feed_url);
$episode->parental_advisory &&
......@@ -237,66 +309,97 @@ if (! function_exists('get_rss_feed')) {
$episode->parental_advisory === 'explicit'
? 'true'
: 'false',
$episode->number &&
$item->addChild('episode', (string) $episode->number, $itunesNamespace);
$item->addChild('episode', (string) $episode->number, RssFeed::ITUNES_NAMESPACE);
$episode->season_number &&
$item->addChild('season', (string) $episode->season_number, $itunesNamespace);
$item->addChild('episodeType', $episode->type, $itunesNamespace);
$item->addChild('season', (string) $episode->season_number, RssFeed::ITUNES_NAMESPACE);
$item->addChild('episodeType', $episode->type, RssFeed::ITUNES_NAMESPACE);
// If episode is of type trailer, add podcast:trailer tag on channel level
if ($episode->type === 'trailer') {
$trailer = $channel->addChild('trailer', $episode->title, RssFeed::PODCAST_NAMESPACE);
$trailer->addAttribute('pubdate', $episode->published_at->format(DATE_RFC2822));
$episode->audio_url . ($enclosureParams === '' ? '' : '?' . $enclosureParams),
$trailer->addAttribute('length', (string) $episode->audio->file_size);
$trailer->addAttribute('type', $episode->audio->file_mimetype);
if ($episode->season_number !== null) {
$trailer->addAttribute('season', (string) $episode->season_number);
// add link to episode comments as podcast-activity format
$comments = $item->addChild('comments', null, $podcastNamespace);
$comments = $item->addChild('comments', null, RssFeed::PODCAST_NAMESPACE);
$comments->addAttribute('uri', url_to('episode-comments', $podcast->handle, $episode->slug));
$comments->addAttribute('contentType', 'application/podcast-activity+json');
if ($episode->transcript !== null) {
$transcriptElement = $item->addChild('transcript', null, $podcastNamespace);
if ($episode->getPosts()) {
$socialInteractUri = $episode->getPosts()[0]
$socialInteractElement = $item->addChild('socialInteract', null, RssFeed::PODCAST_NAMESPACE);
$socialInteractElement->addAttribute('uri', $socialInteractUri);
$socialInteractElement->addAttribute('priority', '1');
$socialInteractElement->addAttribute('platform', 'castopod');
$socialInteractElement->addAttribute('protocol', 'activitypub');
if ($episode->transcript instanceof Transcript) {
$transcriptElement = $item->addChild('transcript', null, RssFeed::PODCAST_NAMESPACE);
$transcriptElement->addAttribute('url', $episode->transcript->file_url);
pathinfo($episode->transcript->file_url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)
pathinfo($episode->transcript->file_url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION),
) ?? 'text/html',
// Castopod only allows for captions (SubRip files)
$transcriptElement->addAttribute('rel', 'captions');
// TODO: allow for multiple languages
$transcriptElement->addAttribute('language', $podcast->language_code);
if ($episode->getChapters() !== null) {
$chaptersElement = $item->addChild('chapters', null, $podcastNamespace);
if ($episode->getChapters() instanceof Chapters) {
$chaptersElement = $item->addChild('chapters', null, RssFeed::PODCAST_NAMESPACE);
$chaptersElement->addAttribute('url', $episode->chapters->file_url);
$chaptersElement->addAttribute('type', 'application/json+chapters');
foreach ($episode->soundbites as $soundbite) {
// TODO: differentiate video from soundbites?
$soundbiteElement = $item->addChild('soundbite', $soundbite->title, $podcastNamespace);
$soundbiteElement->addAttribute('start_time', (string) $soundbite->start_time);
$soundbiteElement->addAttribute('duration', (string) $soundbite->duration);
$soundbiteElement = $item->addChild('soundbite', $soundbite->title, RssFeed::PODCAST_NAMESPACE);
$soundbiteElement->addAttribute('startTime', (string) $soundbite->start_time);
$soundbiteElement->addAttribute('duration', (string) round($soundbite->duration, 3));
foreach ($episode->persons as $person) {
foreach ($person->roles as $role) {
$personElement = $item->addChild(
$personElement = $item->addChild('person', esc($person->full_name), RssFeed::PODCAST_NAMESPACE);
lang("PersonsTaxonomy.persons.{$role->group}.roles.{$role->role}.label", [], 'en'),
esc(lang("PersonsTaxonomy.persons.{$role->group}.roles.{$role->role}.label", [], 'en')),
htmlspecialchars(lang("PersonsTaxonomy.persons.{$role->group}.label", [], 'en')),
esc(lang("PersonsTaxonomy.persons.{$role->group}.label", [], 'en')),
$personElement->addAttribute('img', $person->avatar->medium_url);
$personElement->addAttribute('img', get_avatar_url($person, 'medium'));
if ($person->information_url !== null) {
$personElement->addAttribute('href', $person->information_url);
......@@ -305,14 +408,10 @@ if (! function_exists('get_rss_feed')) {
if ($episode->is_blocked) {
$item->addChild('block', 'Yes', $itunesNamespace);
$item->addChild('block', 'Yes', RssFeed::ITUNES_NAMESPACE);
if ($episode->custom_rss !== null) {
'elements' => $episode->custom_rss,
], $item);
$plugins->rssAfterItem($episode, $item);
return $rss->asXML();
......@@ -323,92 +422,22 @@ if (! function_exists('add_category_tag')) {
* Adds <itunes:category> and <category> tags to node for a given category
function add_category_tag(SimpleXMLElement $node, Category $category): void
function add_category_tag(RssFeed $node, Category $category): void
$itunesNamespace = '';
$itunesCategory = $node->addChild('category', '', $itunesNamespace);
$itunesCategory = $node->addChild('category', null, RssFeed::ITUNES_NAMESPACE);
$category->parent !== null
$category->parent instanceof Category
? $category->parent->apple_category
: $category->apple_category,
if ($category->parent !== null) {
$itunesCategoryChild = $itunesCategory->addChild('category', '', $itunesNamespace);
if ($category->parent instanceof Category) {
$itunesCategoryChild = $itunesCategory->addChild('category', null, RssFeed::ITUNES_NAMESPACE);
$itunesCategoryChild->addAttribute('text', $category->apple_category);
$node->addChild('category', $category->parent->apple_category);
$node->addChild('category', $category->apple_category);
if (! function_exists('rss_to_array')) {
* Converts XML to array
* FIXME: param should be SimpleRSSElement
* @return array<string, mixed>
function rss_to_array(SimpleXMLElement $rssNode): array
$nameSpaces = [
$arrayNode = [];
$arrayNode['name'] = $rssNode->getName();
$arrayNode['namespace'] = $rssNode->getNamespaces(false);
foreach ($rssNode->attributes() as $key => $value) {
$arrayNode['attributes'][$key] = (string) $value;
$textcontent = trim((string) $rssNode);
if (strlen($textcontent) > 0) {
$arrayNode['content'] = $textcontent;
foreach ($nameSpaces as $currentNameSpace) {
foreach ($rssNode->children($currentNameSpace) as $childXmlNode) {
$arrayNode['elements'][] = rss_to_array($childXmlNode);
return $arrayNode;
if (! function_exists('array_to_rss')) {
* Inserts array (converted to XML node) in XML node
* @param array<string, mixed> $arrayNode
* @param SimpleRSSElement $xmlNode The XML parent node where this arrayNode should be attached
function array_to_rss(array $arrayNode, SimpleRSSElement &$xmlNode): SimpleRSSElement
if (array_key_exists('elements', $arrayNode)) {
foreach ($arrayNode['elements'] as $childArrayNode) {
$childXmlNode = $xmlNode->addChild(
$childArrayNode['content'] ?? null,
$childArrayNode['namespace'] === []
? null
: current($childArrayNode['namespace'])
if (array_key_exists('attributes', $childArrayNode)) {
foreach (
as $attributeKey => $attributeValue
) {
$childXmlNode->addAttribute($attributeKey, $attributeValue);
array_to_rss($childArrayNode, $childXmlNode);
return $xmlNode;
$node->addChild('category', $category->apple_category);
......@@ -8,125 +8,135 @@ use App\Entities\EpisodeComment;
use App\Entities\Page;
use App\Entities\Podcast;
use App\Entities\Post;
use Melbahja\Seo\MetaTags;
use App\Libraries\HtmlHead;
use Melbahja\Seo\Schema;
use Melbahja\Seo\Schema\Thing;
use Modules\Fediverse\Entities\PreviewCard;
* @copyright 2021 Podlibre
* @copyright 2024 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
if (! function_exists('get_podcast_metatags')) {
function get_podcast_metatags(Podcast $podcast, string $page): string
if (! function_exists('set_podcast_metatags')) {
function set_podcast_metatags(Podcast $podcast, string $page): void
$category = '';
if ($podcast->category->parent_id !== null) {
$category .= $podcast->category->parent->apple_category . ' › ';
$category .= $podcast->category->apple_category;
$schema = new Schema(
new Thing('PodcastSeries', [
'name' => $podcast->title,
'url' => $podcast->link,
'image' => $podcast->cover->feed_url,
'name' => $podcast->title,
'headline' => $podcast->title,
'url' => current_url(),
'sameAs' => $podcast->link,
'identifier' => $podcast->guid,
'image' => $podcast->cover->feed_url,
'description' => $podcast->description,
'webFeed' => $podcast->feed_url,
'author' => new Thing('Person', [
'name' => $podcast->publisher,
'webFeed' => $podcast->feed_url,
'accessMode' => 'auditory',
'author' => $podcast->owner_name,
'creator' => $podcast->owner_name,
'publisher' => $podcast->publisher,
'inLanguage' => $podcast->language_code,
'genre' => $category,
$metatags = new MetaTags();
/** @var HtmlHead $head */
$head = service('html_head');
->title(' ' . $podcast->title . " (@{$podcast->handle})" . ' • ' . lang('Podcast.' . $page))
->image((string) $podcast->cover->large_url)
->title(sprintf('%s (@%s) • %s', $podcast->title, $podcast->handle, lang('Podcast.' . $page)))
->image((string) $podcast->cover->og_url)
->canonical((string) current_url())
->og('image:width', (string) config('Images')->podcastCoverSizes['large']['width'])
->og('image:height', (string) config('Images')->podcastCoverSizes['large']['height'])
->og('image:width', (string) config('Images')->podcastCoverSizes['og']['width'])
->og('image:height', (string) config('Images')->podcastCoverSizes['og']['height'])
->og('locale', $podcast->language_code)
->og('site_name', service('settings')->get('App.siteName'))
->push('link', [
'rel' => 'alternate',
->og('site_name', esc(service('settings')->get('App.siteName')))
->tag('link', null, [
'rel' => 'alternate',
'type' => 'application/activity+json',
'href' => url_to('podcast-activity', $podcast->handle),
if ($podcast->payment_pointer) {
$metatags->meta('monetization', $podcast->payment_pointer);
return '<link type="application/rss+xml" rel="alternate" title="' . $podcast->title . '" href="' . $podcast->feed_url . '" />' . PHP_EOL . $metatags->__toString() . PHP_EOL . $schema->__toString();
'href' => url_to('podcast-activity', esc($podcast->handle)),
])->appendRawContent('<link type="application/rss+xml" rel="alternate" title="' . esc(
) . '" href="' . $podcast->feed_url . '" />' . $schema);
if (! function_exists('get_episode_metatags')) {
function get_episode_metatags(Episode $episode): string
if (! function_exists('set_episode_metatags')) {
function set_episode_metatags(Episode $episode): void
$schema = new Schema(
new Thing('PodcastEpisode', [
'url' => url_to('episode', $episode->podcast->handle, $episode->slug),
'name' => $episode->title,
'image' => $episode->cover->feed_url,
'description' => $episode->description,
'datePublished' => $episode->published_at->format(DATE_ISO8601),
'timeRequired' => iso8601_duration($episode->audio->duration),
'url' => url_to('episode', esc($episode->podcast->handle), $episode->slug),
'name' => $episode->title,
'image' => $episode->cover->feed_url,
'description' => $episode->description,
'datePublished' => $episode->published_at->format(DATE_ATOM),
'timeRequired' => iso8601_duration($episode->audio->duration),
'duration' => iso8601_duration($episode->audio->duration),
'associatedMedia' => new Thing('MediaObject', [
'contentUrl' => $episode->audio->file_url,
'contentUrl' => $episode->audio_url,
'partOfSeries' => new Thing('PodcastSeries', [
'name' => $episode->podcast->title,
'url' => $episode->podcast->link,
'url' => $episode->podcast->link,
$metatags = new MetaTags();
/** @var HtmlHead $head */
$head = service('html_head');
->image((string) $episode->cover->large_url, 'player')
->image((string) $episode->cover->og_url, 'player')
->og('site_name', service('settings')->get('App.siteName'))
->og('image:width', (string) config('Images')->podcastCoverSizes['large']['width'])
->og('image:height', (string) config('Images')->podcastCoverSizes['large']['height'])
->og('site_name', esc(service('settings')->get('App.siteName')))
->og('image:width', (string) config('Images')->podcastCoverSizes['og']['width'])
->og('image:height', (string) config('Images')->podcastCoverSizes['og']['height'])
->og('locale', $episode->podcast->language_code)
->og('audio', $episode->audio_file_opengraph_url)
->og('audio', $episode->audio_opengraph_url)
->og('audio:type', $episode->audio->file_mimetype)
->meta('article:published_time', $episode->published_at->format(DATE_ISO8601))
->meta('article:modified_time', $episode->updated_at->format(DATE_ISO8601))
->meta('article:published_time', $episode->published_at->format(DATE_ATOM))
->meta('article:modified_time', $episode->updated_at->format(DATE_ATOM))
->twitter('audio:partner', $episode->podcast->publisher ?? '')
->twitter('audio:artist_name', $episode->podcast->owner_name)
->twitter('audio:artist_name', esc($episode->podcast->owner_name))
->twitter('player', $episode->getEmbedUrl('light'))
->twitter('player:width', (string) config('Embed')->width)
->twitter('player:height', (string) config('Embed')->height)
->push('link', [
'rel' => 'alternate',
->tag('link', null, [
'rel' => 'alternate',
'type' => 'application/activity+json',
'href' => url_to('episode', $episode->podcast->handle, $episode->slug),
if ($episode->podcast->payment_pointer) {
$metatags->meta('monetization', $episode->podcast->payment_pointer);
return $metatags->__toString() . PHP_EOL . '<link rel="alternate" type="application/json+oembed" href="' . base_url(
route_to('episode-oembed-json', $episode->podcast->handle, $episode->slug)
) . '" title="' . $episode->title . ' oEmbed json" />' . PHP_EOL . '<link rel="alternate" type="text/xml+oembed" href="' . base_url(
route_to('episode-oembed-xml', $episode->podcast->handle, $episode->slug)
) . '" title="' . $episode->title . ' oEmbed xml" />' . PHP_EOL . $schema->__toString();
'href' => $episode->link,
->appendRawContent('<link rel="alternate" type="application/json+oembed" href="' . base_url(
route_to('episode-oembed-json', $episode->podcast->handle, $episode->slug),
) . '" title="' . esc(
) . ' oEmbed json" />' . '<link rel="alternate" type="text/xml+oembed" href="' . base_url(
route_to('episode-oembed-xml', $episode->podcast->handle, $episode->slug),
) . '" title="' . esc($episode->title) . ' oEmbed xml" />' . $schema);
if (! function_exists('get_post_metatags')) {
function get_post_metatags(Post $post): string
if (! function_exists('set_post_metatags')) {
function set_post_metatags(Post $post): void
$socialMediaPosting = new Thing('SocialMediaPosting', [
'@id' => url_to('post', $post->actor->username, $post->id),
'datePublished' => $post->published_at->format(DATE_ISO8601),
'author' => new Thing('Person', [
'@id' => url_to('post', esc($post->actor->username), $post->id),
'datePublished' => $post->published_at->format(DATE_ATOM),
'author' => new Thing('Person', [
'name' => $post->actor->display_name,
'url' => $post->actor->uri,
'url' => $post->actor->uri,
'text' => $post->message,
......@@ -134,16 +144,16 @@ if (! function_exists('get_post_metatags')) {
if ($post->episode_id !== null) {
$socialMediaPosting->__set('sharedContent', new Thing('Audio', [
'headline' => $post->episode->title,
'url' => $post->episode->link,
'author' => new Thing('Person', [
'url' => $post->episode->link,
'author' => new Thing('Person', [
'name' => $post->episode->podcast->owner_name,
} elseif ($post->preview_card !== null) {
} elseif ($post->preview_card instanceof PreviewCard) {
$socialMediaPosting->__set('sharedContent', new Thing('WebPage', [
'headline' => $post->preview_card->title,
'url' => $post->preview_card->url,
'author' => new Thing('Person', [
'url' => $post->preview_card->url,
'author' => new Thing('Person', [
'name' => $post->preview_card->author_name,
......@@ -151,134 +161,132 @@ if (! function_exists('get_post_metatags')) {
$schema = new Schema($socialMediaPosting);
$metatags = new MetaTags();
/** @var HtmlHead $head */
$head = service('html_head');
->title(lang('Post.title', [
'actorDisplayName' => $post->actor->display_name,
->canonical((string) current_url())
->og('site_name', service('settings')->get('App.siteName'))
->push('link', [
'rel' => 'alternate',
->og('site_name', esc(service('settings')->get('App.siteName')))
->tag('link', null, [
'rel' => 'alternate',
'type' => 'application/activity+json',
'href' => url_to('post', $post->actor->username, $post->id),
return $metatags->__toString() . PHP_EOL . $schema->__toString();
'href' => url_to('post', esc($post->actor->username), $post->id),
])->appendRawContent((string) $schema);
if (! function_exists('get_episode_comment_metatags')) {
function get_episode_comment_metatags(EpisodeComment $episodeComment): string
if (! function_exists('set_episode_comment_metatags')) {
function set_episode_comment_metatags(EpisodeComment $episodeComment): void
$schema = new Schema(new Thing('SocialMediaPosting', [
'@id' => url_to(
'datePublished' => $episodeComment->created_at->format(DATE_ISO8601),
'author' => new Thing('Person', [
'datePublished' => $episodeComment->created_at->format(DATE_ATOM),
'author' => new Thing('Person', [
'name' => $episodeComment->actor->display_name,
'url' => $episodeComment->actor->uri,
'url' => $episodeComment->actor->uri,
'text' => $episodeComment->message,
'text' => $episodeComment->message,
'upvoteCount' => $episodeComment->likes_count,
$metatags = new MetaTags();
/** @var HtmlHead $head */
$head = service('html_head');
->title(lang('Comment.title', [
'actorDisplayName' => $episodeComment->actor->display_name,
'episodeTitle' => $episodeComment->episode->title,
'episodeTitle' => $episodeComment->episode->title,
->canonical((string) current_url())
->og('site_name', service('settings')->get('App.siteName'))
->push('link', [
'rel' => 'alternate',
->og('site_name', esc(service('settings')->get('App.siteName')))
->tag('link', null, [
'rel' => 'alternate',
'type' => 'application/activity+json',
'href' => url_to(
return $metatags->__toString() . PHP_EOL . $schema->__toString();
])->appendRawContent((string) $schema);
if (! function_exists('get_follow_metatags')) {
function get_follow_metatags(Actor $actor): string
if (! function_exists('set_follow_metatags')) {
function set_follow_metatags(Actor $actor): void
$metatags = new MetaTags();
/** @var HtmlHead $head */
$head = service('html_head');
->title(lang('Podcast.followTitle', [
'actorDisplayName' => $actor->display_name,
->canonical((string) current_url())
->og('site_name', service('settings')->get('App.siteName'));
return $metatags->__toString();
->og('site_name', esc(service('settings')->get('App.siteName')));
if (! function_exists('get_remote_actions_metatags')) {
function get_remote_actions_metatags(Post $post, string $action): string
if (! function_exists('set_remote_actions_metatags')) {
function set_remote_actions_metatags(Post $post, string $action): void
$metatags = new MetaTags();
/** @var HtmlHead $head */
$head = service('html_head');
->title(lang('Fediverse.' . $action . '.title', [
'actorDisplayName' => $post->actor->display_name,
->canonical((string) current_url())
->og('site_name', service('settings')->get('App.siteName'));
return $metatags->__toString();
->og('site_name', esc(service('settings')->get('App.siteName')));
if (! function_exists('get_home_metatags')) {
function get_home_metatags(): string
if (! function_exists('set_home_metatags')) {
function set_home_metatags(): void
$metatags = new MetaTags();
/** @var HtmlHead $head */
$head = service('html_head');
->canonical((string) current_url())
->og('site_name', service('settings')->get('App.siteName'));
->og('site_name', esc(service('settings')->get('App.siteName')));
return $metatags->__toString();
if (! function_exists('get_page_metatags')) {
function get_page_metatags(Page $page): string
if (! function_exists('set_page_metatags')) {
function set_page_metatags(Page $page): void
$metatags = new MetaTags();
/** @var HtmlHead $head */
$head = service('html_head');
$page->title . service('settings')->get('App.siteTitleSeparator') . service(
->canonical((string) current_url())
->og('site_name', service('settings')->get('App.siteName'));
->og('site_name', esc(service('settings')->get('App.siteName')));
return $metatags->__toString();
......@@ -287,7 +295,7 @@ if (! function_exists('iso8601_duration')) {
function iso8601_duration(float $seconds): string
$days = floor($seconds / 86400);
$seconds %= 86400;
$seconds = (int) $seconds % 86400;
$hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
$seconds %= 3600;
......@@ -3,44 +3,26 @@
* @copyright 2020 Podlibre
* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
if (! function_exists('icon')) {
* Returns the inline svg icon
* @param string $name name of the icon file without the .svg extension
* @param string $class to be added to the svg string
* @return string svg contents
function icon(string $name, string $class = ''): string
$svgContents = file_get_contents('assets/icons/' . $name . '.svg');
if ($class !== '') {
$svgContents = str_replace('<svg', '<svg class="' . $class . '"', $svgContents);
return $svgContents;
if (! function_exists('svg')) {
* Returns the inline svg image
* @param string $name name of the image file without the .svg extension
* @param string $class to be added to the svg string
* @param string|null $class to be added to the svg string
* @return string svg contents
function svg(string $name, ?string $class = null): string
$svgContents = file_get_contents('assets/images/' . $name . '.svg');
if ($class) {
$svgContents = str_replace('<svg', '<svg class="' . $class . '"', $svgContents);
return str_replace('<svg', '<svg class="' . $class . '"', $svgContents);
return $svgContents;
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* @copyright 2020 Podlibre
* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
......@@ -16,13 +16,14 @@ if (! function_exists('host_url')) {
function host_url(): ?string
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
$superglobals = service('superglobals');
if ($superglobals->server('HTTP_HOST') !== null) {
$protocol =
(isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off') ||
($superglobals->server('HTTPS') !== null && $superglobals->server('HTTPS') !== 'off') ||
(int) $superglobals->server('SERVER_PORT') === 443
? 'https://'
: 'http://';
return $protocol . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/';
return $protocol . $superglobals->server('HTTP_HOST') . '/';
return null;
......@@ -31,6 +32,24 @@ if (! function_exists('host_url')) {
* Return the host URL to use in views
if (! function_exists('current_domain')) {
* Returns instance's domain name
function current_domain(): string
/** @var URI $uri */
$uri = current_url(true);
return $uri->getHost() . ($uri->getPort() ? ':' . $uri->getPort() : '');
if (! function_exists('extract_params_from_episode_uri')) {
* Returns podcast name and episode slug from episode string
......@@ -58,7 +77,7 @@ if (! function_exists('extract_params_from_episode_uri')) {
return [
'podcastHandle' => $matches['podcastHandle'],
'episodeSlug' => $matches['episodeSlug'],
'episodeSlug' => $matches['episodeSlug'],
+ en/***
+ fr/***
+ pl/***
+ de/***
+ pt-br/***
+ nn-no/***
+ es/***
+ zh-hans/***
+ ca/***
+ br/***
+ sr-latn/***
- **
* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
return [
'title' => "تعليق {actorDisplayName} على {episodeTitle}",
'back_to_comments' => 'العودة إلى التعليقات',
'form' => [
'episode_message_placeholder' => 'أكتب تعليقاً…',
'reply_to_placeholder' => 'رد على @{actorUsername}',
'submit' => 'ارسل',
'submit_reply' => 'رد',
'likes' => '{numberOfLikes, plural,
one {# like}
other {# likes}
'replies' => '{numberOfReplies, plural,
one {# reply}
other {# replies}
'like' => 'Like',
'reply' => 'رد',
'view_replies' => 'View replies ({numberOfReplies})',
'block_actor' => 'Block user @{actorUsername}',
'block_domain' => 'Block domain @{actorDomain}',
'delete' => 'احذف التعليق',
* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
return [
'yes' => 'نعم',
'no' => 'لا',
'cancel' => 'ألغِ',
'optional' => 'اختياري',
'close' => 'أغلق',
'home' => 'الرئيسية',
'explicit' => 'Explicit',
'powered_by' => 'Powered by {castopod}',
'go_back' => 'العودة',
'play_episode_button' => [
'play' => 'تشغيل',
'playing' => 'Playing',
'read_more' => 'اقرأ المزيد',
'read_less' => 'Read less',
'see_more' => 'الاطّلاع على المزيد',
'see_less' => 'See less',
'legal_notice' => 'Legal notice',
* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
return [
'season' => 'الموسم {seasonNumber}',
'season_abbr' => 'م{seasonNumber}',
'number' => 'الحلقة {episodeNumber}',
'number_abbr' => 'الحلقة {episodeNumber}',
'season_episode' => 'الموسم {seasonNumber} الحلقة {episodeNumber}',
'season_episode_abbr' => 'م{seasonNumber}:ح{episodeNumber}',
'persons' => '{personsCount, plural,
one {# person}
other {# persons}
'persons_list' => 'أشخاص',
'back_to_episodes' => 'العودة إلى حلقات {podcast}',
'comments' => 'التعليقات',
'activity' => 'النشاط',
'chapters' => 'Chapters',
'transcript' => 'Transcript',
'description' => 'وصف الحلقة',
'number_of_comments' => '{numberOfComments, plural,
one {# comment}
other {# comments}
'all_podcast_episodes' => 'كافة حلقات البودكاست',
'back_to_podcast' => 'العودة إلى البودكاست',
'preview' => [
'title' => 'Preview',
'not_published' => 'Not published',
'text' => '{publication_status, select,
published {This episode is not yet published.}
scheduled {This episode is scheduled for publication on {publication_date}.}
with_podcast {This episode will be published at the same time as the podcast.}
other {This episode is not yet published.}
'publish' => 'Publish',
'publish_edit' => 'Edit publication',
'no_chapters' => 'No chapters are available for this episode.',
'download_transcript' => 'Download transcript ({extension})',
'no_transcript' => 'No transcript available for this episode.',
* @copyright 2021 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
return [
'your_handle' => 'Your handle',
'your_handle_hint' => 'Enter the @username@domain you want to act from.',
'follow' => [
'label' => 'تابِع',
'title' => 'تابع {actorDisplayName}',
'subtitle' => 'إنك بصدد متابعة:',
'accountNotFound' => 'لا يمكن العثور على الحساب.',
'remoteFollowNotAllowed' => 'Seems like the account server does not allow remote follows…',
'submit' => 'اتمم المتابعة',
'favourite' => [
'title' => "Favourite {actorDisplayName}'s post",
'subtitle' => 'You are going to favourite:',
'submit' => 'Proceed to favourite',
'reblog' => [
'title' => "Share {actorDisplayName}'s post",
'subtitle' => 'You are going to share:',
'submit' => 'اتمم المشاركة',
'reply' => [
'title' => "Reply to {actorDisplayName}'s post",
'subtitle' => 'You are going to reply to:',
'submit' => 'Proceed to reply',
* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
return [
'all_podcasts' => 'كافة البودكاستات',
'sort_by' => 'ترتيب حسب',
'sort_options' => [
'activity' => 'آخر نشاط',
'created_desc' => 'الأحدث أولًا',
'created_asc' => 'الأقدم أولاً',
'no_podcast' => 'لا يوجد أي بودكاست',
* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
return [
'back_to_home' => 'العودة إلى الرئيسية',
'map' => [
'title' => 'الخريطة',
'description' => 'Discover podcast episodes on {siteName} that are placed on a map! Travel through the map and listen to episodes that talk about specific locations.',
* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
return [
'feed' => 'RSS Podcast feed',
'season' => 'الموسم {seasonNumber}',
'list_of_episodes_year' => 'حلَقات {year} ({episodeCount})',
'list_of_episodes_season' =>
'الموسم {seasonNumber} الحلقات ({episodeCount})',
'no_episode' => 'لم يتم العثور على أية حلقة!',
'follow' => 'متابعة',
'followTitle' => 'تابع {actorDisplayName} على الفديفرس!',
'followers' => '{numberOfFollowers, plural,
one {# follower}
other {# followers}
'posts' => '{numberOfPosts, plural,
one {# post}
other {# posts}
'links' => 'Links',
'activity' => 'النشاط',
'episodes' => 'الحلقات',
'episodes_title' => 'حلقات {podcastTitle}',
'about' => 'عن',
'stats' => [
'title' => 'الإحصائيات',
'number_of_seasons' => '{0, plural,
one {# season}
other {# seasons}
'number_of_episodes' => '{0, plural,
one {# episode}
other {# episodes}
'first_published_at' => 'First episode published on {0, date, medium}',
'sponsor' => 'الراعي',
'funding_links' => 'Funding links for {podcastTitle}',
'find_on' => 'Find {podcastTitle} on',
'listen_on' => 'Listen on',
'persons' => '{personsCount, plural,
one {# person}
other {# persons}
'persons_list' => 'أشخاص',
'castopod_website' => 'Castopod (website)',
* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
return [
'title' => "{actorDisplayName}'s post",
'back_to_actor_posts' => 'العودة إلى منشورات {actor}',
'actor_shared' => 'شاركه {actor}',
'reply_to' => 'رد على @{actorUsername}',
'form' => [
'message_placeholder' => 'اكتب رسالة…',
'episode_message_placeholder' => 'Write a message for the episode…',
'episode_url_placeholder' => 'الوصلة الشبكية للبودكاست',
'reply_to_placeholder' => 'رد على @{actorUsername}',
'submit' => 'ارسل',
'submit_reply' => 'رد',
'favourites' => '{numberOfFavourites, plural,
one {# favourite}
other {# favourites}
'reblogs' => '{numberOfReblogs, plural,
one {# share}
other {# shares}
'replies' => '{numberOfReplies, plural,
one {# reply}
other {# replies}
'expand' => 'Expand post',
'block_actor' => 'احجب المستخدم @{actorUsername}',
'block_domain' => 'احجب النطاق @{actorDomain}',
'delete' => 'احذف المنشور',
* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
return [
'title' => "Evezhiadenn {actorDisplayName} evit {episodeTitle}",
'back_to_comments' => 'Distreiñ d\'an evezhiadennoù',
'form' => [
'episode_message_placeholder' => 'Skrivañ un evezhiadenn…',
'reply_to_placeholder' => 'Respont da @{actorUsername}',
'submit' => 'Kas',
'submit_reply' => 'Respont',
'likes' => '{numberOfLikes, plural,
one {# muiañ-karet}
two {# vuiañ-karet}
few {# muiañ-karet}
many {# muiañ-karet}
other {# muiañ-karet}
'replies' => '{numberOfReplies, plural,
one {# respont}
two {# respont}
few {# respont}
many {# respont}
other {# respont}
'like' => 'Muiañ-karet',
'reply' => 'Respont',
'view_replies' => 'Gwelet an evezhiadennoù ({numberOfReplies})',
'block_actor' => 'Stankañ an implijer·ez @{actorUsername}',
'block_domain' => 'Stankañ @{actorDomain}',
'delete' => 'Dilemel an evezhiadenn',
* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
return [
'yes' => 'Ya',
'no' => 'Ket',
'cancel' => 'Nullañ',
'optional' => 'Diret',
'close' => 'Serriñ',
'home' => 'Degemer',
'explicit' => 'Danvez evit an oadourien',
'powered_by' => 'Lusket gant {castopod}',
'go_back' => 'Mont war-gil',
'play_episode_button' => [
'play' => 'Lenn',
'playing' => 'O lenn',
'read_more' => 'Lenn muioc\'h',
'read_less' => 'Lenn nebeutoc\'h',
'see_more' => 'Gwelet muioc\'h',
'see_less' => 'Gwelet nebeutoc\'h',
'legal_notice' => 'Evezhiadennoù a-fet lezenn',
* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
return [
'season' => 'Koulzad {seasonNumber}',
'season_abbr' => 'K{seasonNumber}',
'number' => 'Rann {episodeNumber}',
'number_abbr' => 'R. {episodeNumber}',
'season_episode' => 'Koulzad {seasonNumber} rann {episodeNumber}',
'season_episode_abbr' => 'K{seasonNumber}:R{episodeNumber}',
'persons' => '{personsCount, plural,
one {# den}
two {# zen}
few {# den}
many {# den}
other {# den}
'persons_list' => 'Emellerien·ezed',
'back_to_episodes' => 'Mont da rannoù {podcast}',
'comments' => 'Evezhiadennoù',
'activity' => 'Oberiantiz',
'chapters' => 'Chabistroù',
'transcript' => 'Transcript',
'description' => 'Deskrivadur ar rann',
'number_of_comments' => '{numberOfComments, plural,
one {# evezhiadenn}
two {# evezhiadenn}
few {# evezhiadenn}
many {# evezhiadenn}
other {# evezhiadenn}
'all_podcast_episodes' => 'Holl rannoù ar podkast',
'back_to_podcast' => 'Mont d\'ar podkast en-dro',
'preview' => [
'title' => 'Rakwel',
'not_published' => 'Diembann',
'text' => '{publication_status, select,
published {N\'eo ket bet embannet ar rann-mañ c\'hoazh.}
scheduled {Raktreset eo an embann a-benn an/ar {publication_date}.}
with_podcast {Ar rann-mañ a vo embannet war un dro gant ar podkast.}
other {N\'eo ket bet embannet ar rann-mañ c\'hoazh.}
'publish' => 'Embann',
'publish_edit' => 'Kemmañ an embannadur',
'no_chapters' => 'N\'eus chabistr ebet evit ar rann.',
'download_transcript' => 'Download transcript ({extension})',
'no_transcript' => 'No transcript available for this episode.',
* @copyright 2021 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
return [
'your_handle' => 'Ho tornell (ho lesanv)',
'your_handle_hint' => 'Skrivit an @anv@domani a fell deoc\'h ober gantañ.',
'follow' => [
'label' => 'Heuliañ',
'title' => 'Heuliañ {actorDisplayName}',
'subtitle' => 'Emaoc\'h o vont da heuliañ:',
'accountNotFound' => 'N\'eo ket bet kavet ar gont-se.',
'remoteFollowNotAllowed' => 'N\'eo ket aotreet heuliañ a-bell gant dafariad ar gont-se war a seblant…',
'submit' => 'Kenderc\'hel gant an heuliañ',
'favourite' => [
'title' => "Ouzhpennañ kemennadenn {actorDisplayName} d'ho re garetañ",
'subtitle' => 'Emaoc\'h o vont da ouzhpennañ d\'ho re garetañ:',
'submit' => 'Kenderc\'hel gant an ouzhpennañ d\'ho re garetañ',
'reblog' => [
'title' => "Rannañ kemennadenn {actorDisplayName}",
'subtitle' => 'Emaoc\'h o vont da rannañ:',
'submit' => 'Kenderc\'hel gant ar rannañ',
'reply' => [
'title' => "Respont da gemennadenn {actorDisplayName}",
'subtitle' => 'Emaoc\'h o vont da respont da:',
'submit' => 'Kenderc\'hel gant ar respont',
* @copyright 2020 Ad Aures
* @license AGPL3
* @link
return [
'all_podcasts' => 'An holl bodkastoù',
'sort_by' => 'Rummañ dre',
'sort_options' => [
'activity' => 'Oberiantiz nevez',
'created_desc' => 'Ar re nevez da gentañ',
'created_asc' => 'A re goshañ da gentañ',
'no_podcast' => 'N\'eo bet kavet podkast ebet',