- Jun 12, 2023
Yassine Doghri authored
update composer dependencies to latest
- Feb 22, 2023
Yassine Doghri authored
- Feb 19, 2022
Yassine Doghri authored
- rename podlibre to adaures - rename castopod-host to castopod - simplify README and redirect to docs site - move INSTALL and UPDATE docs - add new gitlabci pipeline to deploy docs - upgrade node to v16 in Dockerfile
- Jun 11, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
fix some style issues
Yassine Doghri authored
Yassine Doghri authored
- update .devcontainer settings: remove auto-formatting for php + set intelephense as default formatter - remove prettier php plugin as it lacks php 8 support - add captain hook action for checking style pre-commit - fix style with ecs on all files except views
- May 18, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
update composer dependencies
- May 17, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
- fix lazy loading properties + podcast import controller - rename all snake_case variables to camelCase - fix broken routes - refactor Location construction logic and setters
- May 14, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
- May 12, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
- move and refactor Image.php from Libraries to Entities folder - update some database field names / types - update composer packages
Yassine Doghri authored
- update CI process to include quality stage (tests + code review) - add captainhook to install git pre-commit & pre-push hooks - remove .devcontainer Dockerfile to use project's docker-compose services: all services can now be started automatically using vscode - update docs/setup-development.md
- May 03, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
- authenticated pages are not cached - add AnalyticsTrait to register a podcast webpage hit across mutliple controllers - set actor_id as unique in podcasts table - fix issues with preview card not appearing - update codeigniter4-uuid
- Dec 07, 2020
Benjamin Bellamy authored
Closes #83
- Oct 15, 2020
Yassine Doghri authored
- fixes error when running castopod on php<7.4 fixes #23
Yassine Doghri authored
- add .editorconfig file - format all files to comply with castopod's coding style - switch parsedown dependency with commonmark library to better follow commonmark spec for markdown - add prettier command to format all project files at once closes #16
Yassine Doghri authored
- refactor episode, podcast and category entities to add dynamic properties - refactor Routes when adding feed route - update migration files to better fit itunes' and rss' specs - update podcast and episode forms - add SimpleRSSElement class to Libraries - add rss_helper - update home controller to redirect if system has only one podcast
Yassine Doghri authored
- add james-heinrich/getid3 library as a dependency to composer.json - update DEPENDENCIES.md file - fix episodes table migration script - add js devDependencies: prettier, @prettier/plugin-php and lint-staged to automatically format staged files before commit - reformat all files to the prettier format - refactor code by separating some logic as helper functions - overwrite existing files when uploading new files with the same name fixes #1
Yassine Doghri authored
- add node service in docker-compose.yml - update .devcontainer Dockerfile by adding node, npm and vim - init package.json for npm with tailwindcss, postcss, commitlint and commitizen as dev dependencies - update default layout main header and footer - replace CI's welcome_message.php with home.php listing all podcasts - add AUTHORS.md file - add docs folder in which to place castopod's technical documentation
Yassine Doghri authored
Yassine Doghri authored