- Oct 22, 2020
Yassine Doghri authored
- merge publication date fields into one field instanciated with flatpickr datetime picker - get user timezone to convert user publication_date input to UTC - remove setPublishedAt() method from episode entity - add publication pill component to display the episode publication date info - clear cache after episode insert - use CI is_really_writable() helper in install instead of is_writable() - fix latest episodes layout - update tsconfig to only include ts folders - update DEPENDENCIES.md to include flatpickr - add format_duration helper to format episode enclosure duration instead of translating it (causes translation bug) - add Time.ts module to convert UTC time to user localized time for episode publication dates - fix some layout issues - update php and js dependencies to latest versions closes #47
- Oct 15, 2020
Yassine Doghri authored
- add .editorconfig file - format all files to comply with castopod's coding style - switch parsedown dependency with commonmark library to better follow commonmark spec for markdown - add prettier command to format all project files at once closes #16
Yassine Doghri authored
- add node service in docker-compose.yml - update .devcontainer Dockerfile by adding node, npm and vim - init package.json for npm with tailwindcss, postcss, commitlint and commitizen as dev dependencies - update default layout main header and footer - replace CI's welcome_message.php with home.php listing all podcasts - add AUTHORS.md file - add docs folder in which to place castopod's technical documentation