- Oct 15, 2020
Yassine Doghri authored
- add installGateway to app config - update route names and groups - remove `author_name` and `author_email` from `episodes` table - remove `author_name` and `author_email` from `podcasts` table - remove `owner_id` + add `created_by` and `updated_by` fields in `podcasts` and `episodes` tables - remove unnecessary comments in database fields - remove confirm password inputs from auth forms for better ux - rename `pub_date` field to `published_at` and add publication time field in episode form closes #14, #28
Yassine Doghri authored
- add .editorconfig file - format all files to comply with castopod's coding style - switch parsedown dependency with commonmark library to better follow commonmark spec for markdown - add prettier command to format all project files at once closes #16
Yassine Doghri authored
- add AuthSeeder to bootstrap authorization data and remove UserSeeder - create a superadmin group having all authorizations - refactor routes and controller methods to separate get and post requests - refactor admin views with a title section in layout - add contributors section to podcasts to manage contributions (add, edit roles and remove) closes #3, #18
Yassine Doghri authored
- overwrite myth/auth config with castopod app needs - create custom views for users authentication - add admin area bootstrapped by admin controller - shift podcast and episodes crud to admin area - reorganize view layouts - update docs for database migration - add myth-auth to DEPENDENCIES.md closes #11
Yassine Doghri authored
- throw not found page error if no podcast in podcast controller - delete unnecessary unknownuseragents view
Yassine Doghri authored
- refactor model / entity and controller logic for DRY code - update episodes and podcasts migrations - define callbacks for podcast and episode models for enclosure update and cache clearing
Yassine Doghri authored
- refactor episode, podcast and category entities to add dynamic properties - refactor Routes when adding feed route - update migration files to better fit itunes' and rss' specs - update podcast and episode forms - add SimpleRSSElement class to Libraries - add rss_helper - update home controller to redirect if system has only one podcast
Yassine Doghri authored
- add $mediaRoot parameter in app config - add and refactor helpers : id3, media and url - add basic vscode settings for code formatting in devcontainer.json - set post_max_size to Dockerfile
Yassine Doghri authored
- add james-heinrich/getid3 library as a dependency to composer.json - update DEPENDENCIES.md file - fix episodes table migration script - add js devDependencies: prettier, @prettier/plugin-php and lint-staged to automatically format staged files before commit - reformat all files to the prettier format - refactor code by separating some logic as helper functions - overwrite existing files when uploading new files with the same name fixes #1
Yassine Doghri authored