Find us on social media, title with punctuation does not display correctly
Describe the bug
The "find us on social media" section on the site does not display titles with punctuation correctly.
Steps to reproduce
- Make a podcast with punctuation in the tile
- Open website
Expected behavior
Podcast title containing punctuation to display correctly on "find us on social media" section of the castopod website.
Actual behavior
Podcast title punctuation was replaced with (don't know the proper term for it) URL encoding text?
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
Actual title of my podcast is "We Can't Rewind, We've Gone Too Far..." but it displays as "Find We Can't Rewind, We've Gone Too Far..." EDIT (The text gets converted to punctuation by this form! Please see the screenshot for what im referring too.)
- Castopod: [1.2.4]
- OS: [Debian 11]
- Browser: [Tested in Safari, DuckDuckGo]
- Web server: [Apache (installed with the cloud panel tutorial on the blog]
- [any other relevant context...]