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edit.php 18.6 KiB
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  • <?= $this->extend('Modules\Admin\Views\_layout') ?>
    <?= $this->section('title') ?>
    <?= lang('Episode.edit') ?>
    <?= $this->endSection() ?>
    <?= $this->section('pageTitle') ?>
    <?= lang('Episode.edit') ?>
    <?= $this->endSection() ?>
    <?= form_open_multipart(route_to('episode-edit', $podcast->id, $episode->id), [
        'method' => 'post',
        'class' => 'flex flex-col',
    ]) ?>
    <?= csrf_field() ?>
    <div class="inline-flex w-full p-2 mb-4 text-sm font-semibold text-yellow-800 bg-red-100 border border-red-300 rounded" role="alert">
        <?= icon('alert', 'mr-2 text-lg flex-shrink-0') .
            lang('Episode.form.warning') ?>
    <?= form_section(
        src="' .
            $episode->image->medium_url .
        alt="' .
            $episode->title .
    <?= component(
        ['text' =>
        lang('Episode.form.audio_file'), 'hint' => lang('Episode.form.audio_file_hint'),],
        ['for' => 'audio_file'],
        'id' => 'audio_file',
        'name' => 'audio_file',
        'class' => 'form-input mb-4',
        'type' => 'file',
        'accept' => '.mp3,.m4a',
    ]) ?>
    <?= component(
        ['text' =>
        lang('Episode.form.image'), 'hint' => lang('Episode.form.image_hint'), 'isOptional' =>     true,],
        ['for' =>
    <?= form_input([
        'id' => 'image',
        'name' => 'image',
        'class' => 'form-input',
        'type' => 'file',
        'accept' => '.jpg,.jpeg,.png',
    ]) ?>
    <small class="mb-4 text-gray-600"><?= lang(
    <?= component(
        ['text' =>
        lang('Episode.form.title'), 'hint' => lang('Episode.form.title_hint'),],
        ['for' =>
    <?= form_input([
        'id' => 'title',
        'name' => 'title',
        'class' => 'form-input mb-4',
        'value' => old('title', $episode->title),
        'required' => 'required',
        'data-slugify' => 'title',
    ]) ?>
    <?= component(
            'text' => lang('Episode.form.permalink')
        ['for' => 'slug',]
    <permalink-edit class="inline-flex items-center mb-4 text-xs" edit-label="<?= lang('Common.edit') ?>" copy-label="<?= lang('Common.copy') ?>" copied-label="<?= lang('Common.copied') ?>">
        <span slot="domain"><?= base_url('/@' . $podcast->handle . '/episodes') . '/' ?></span>
            'id' => 'slug',
            'name' => 'slug',
            'class' => 'form-input flex-1 w-0 text-xs',
            'value' => old('slug', $episode->slug),
            'required' => 'required',
            'data-slugify' => 'slug',
            'slot' => 'slug-input'
    <div class="flex flex-col mb-4 gap-x-2 gap-y-4 md:flex-row">
        <div class="flex flex-col flex-1">
            <?= component('Forms/Label', ['text' => lang('Episode.form.season_number')], ['for' => 'season_number']) ?>
            <?= form_input([
                'id' => 'season_number',
                'name' => 'season_number',
                'class' => 'form-input w-full',
                'value' => old('season_number', $episode->season_number),
                'type' => 'number',
            ]) ?>
        <div class="flex flex-col flex-1">
            <?= component('Forms/Label', ['text' => lang('Episode.form.episode_number')], ['for' => 'episode_number']) ?>
            <?= form_input([
                'id' => 'episode_number',
                'name' => 'episode_number',
                'class' => 'form-input w-full',
                'value' => old('episode_number', $episode->number),
                'type' => 'number',
            ]) ?>
    <?= form_fieldset('', ['class' => 'flex mb-4 gap-1']) ?>
        <?= lang('Episode.form.type.label') .
            hint_tooltip(lang('Episode.form.type.hint'), 'ml-1') ?>
    <?= form_radio(
        ['id' => 'full', 'name' => 'type', 'class' => 'form-radio-btn'],
        old('type') ? old('type') === 'full' : $episode->type === 'full',
    ) ?>
    <label for="full" class="inline-flex items-center">
        <?= lang('Episode.form.type.full') ?>
    <?= form_radio(
        ['id' => 'trailer', 'name' => 'type', 'class' => 'form-radio-btn'],
        old('type') ? old('type') === 'trailer' : $episode->type === 'trailer',
    ) ?>
    <label for="trailer" class="inline-flex items-center">
        <?= lang('Episode.form.type.trailer') ?>
    <?= form_radio(
        ['id' => 'bonus', 'name' => 'type', 'class' => 'form-radio-btn'],
        old('type') ? old('type') === 'bonus' : $episode->type === 'bonus',
    ) ?>
    <label for="bonus" class="inline-flex items-center">
        <?= lang('Episode.form.type.bonus') ?>
    <?= form_fieldset('', ['class' => 'mb-6']) ?>
        <?= lang('Episode.form.parental_advisory.label') .
            hint_tooltip(lang('Episode.form.parental_advisory.hint'), 'ml-1') ?>
    <?= form_radio(
            'id' => 'undefined',
            'name' => 'parental_advisory',
            'class' => 'form-radio-btn',
            ? old('parental_advisory') === 'undefined'
            : $episode->parental_advisory === null,
    ) ?>
    <label for="undefined"><?= lang(
                            ) ?></label>
    <?= form_radio(
            'id' => 'clean',
            'name' => 'parental_advisory',
            'class' => 'form-radio-btn',
            ? old('parental_advisory') === 'clean'
            : $episode->parental_advisory === 'clean',
    ) ?>
    <label for="clean"><?= lang(
                        ) ?></label>
    <?= form_radio(
            'id' => 'explicit',
            'name' => 'parental_advisory',
            'class' => 'form-radio-btn',
            ? old('parental_advisory') === 'explicit'
            : $episode->parental_advisory === 'explicit',
    ) ?>
    <label for="explicit"><?= lang(
                            ) ?></label>
    <?= form_section_close() ?>
    <?= form_section(
        <?= component('Forms/Label', ['text' => lang('Episode.form.description')], ['for' => 'description']) ?>
        <?= component(
                'content' => old('description', $episode->description_markdown, false),
                'id' => 'description',
                'name' => 'description',
                'required' => 'required',
        ) ?>
        <?= component('Forms/Label', 
                'text' => lang('Episode.form.description_footer'),
                'hint' => lang('Episode.form.description_footer_hint'),
                'isOptional' => true
            ['for' => 'description_footer'],
        <?= component(
                'content' => old(
                    $podcast->episode_description_footer_markdown ?? '',
                'id' => 'description_footer',
                'name' => 'description_footer',
    <?= form_section(
    <?= component('Forms/Label',
            'text' => lang('Episode.form.location_name'),
            'hint' => lang('Episode.form.location_name_hint'),
            'isOptional' => true
        ['for' => 'location_name']
    ) ?>
    <?= form_input([
        'id' => 'location_name',
        'name' => 'location_name',
        'class' => 'form-input mb-4',
        'value' => old('location_name', $episode->location_name),
    ]) ?>
    <?= form_section_close() ?>
    <?= form_section(
        lang('Episode.form.additional_files_section_subtitle', [
            'podcastNamespaceLink' =>
            '“<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" style="text-decoration: underline;">podcast namespace</a>”',
    <?= form_fieldset('', ['class' => 'flex flex-col mb-4']) ?>
    <legend><?= lang('Episode.form.transcript') .
                '<small class="ml-1 lowercase">(' .
                lang('Common.optional') .
                ')</small>' .
                hint_tooltip(lang('Episode.form.transcript_hint'), 'ml-1') ?></legend>
    <div class="mb-4 form-input-tabs">
        <input type="radio" name="transcript-choice" id="transcript-file-upload-choice" aria-controls="transcript-file-upload-choice" value="upload-file" <?= $episode->transcript_file_remote_url
                                                                                                                                                                ? ''
                                                                                                                                                                : 'checked' ?> />
        <label for="transcript-file-upload-choice"><?= lang(
                                                    ) ?></label>
        <input type="radio" name="transcript-choice" id="transcript-file-remote-url-choice" aria-controls="transcript-file-remote-url-choice" value="remote-url" <?= $episode->transcript_file_remote_url
                                                                                                                                                                        ? 'checked'
                                                                                                                                                                        : '' ?> />
        <label for="transcript-file-remote-url-choice"><?= lang(
                                                        ) ?></label>
        <div class="py-2 tab-panels">
            <section id="transcript-file-upload" class="flex items-center tab-panel">
                <?php if ($episode->transcript_file) : ?>
                    <div class="flex justify-between">
                        <?= anchor(
                            icon('file', 'mr-2 text-gray-500') .
                                'class' => 'inline-flex items-center text-xs',
                                'target' => '_blank',
                                'rel' => 'noreferrer noopener',
                        ) .
                                icon('delete-bin', 'mx-auto'),
                                    'class' =>
                                    'p-1 bg-red-200 rounded-full text-red-700 hover:text-red-900',
                                    'data-toggle' => 'tooltip',
                                    'data-placement' => 'bottom',
                                    'title' => lang(
                            ) ?>
                <?php endif; ?>
                <?= component( 'Forms/Label',
                        'text' => lang('Episode.form.transcript_file'),
                        'isOptional' => true    
                    ['for' => 'transcript_file', 'class' => 'sr-only'],
                <?= form_input([
                    'id' => 'transcript_file',
                    'name' => 'transcript_file',
                    'class' => 'form-input',
                    'type' => 'file',
                    'accept' => '.txt,.html,.srt,.json',
                ]) ?>
            <section id="transcript-file-remote-url" class="tab-panel">
                <?= component( 'Forms/Label',
                        'text' => lang('Episode.form.transcript_file_remote_url'),
                        'isOptional' => true
                    ['for' => 'transcript_file_remote_url', 'class' => 'sr-only'],
                ) ?>
                <?= form_input([
                    'id' => 'transcript_file_remote_url',
                    'name' => 'transcript_file_remote_url',
                    'class' => 'form-input w-full',
                    'type' => 'url',
                    'placeholder' => 'https://...',
                    'value' => old(
                ]) ?>
    <?= form_fieldset_close() ?>
    <?= form_fieldset('', ['class' => 'flex flex-col mb-4']) ?>
    <legend><?= lang('Episode.form.chapters') .
                '<small class="ml-1 lowercase">(' .
                lang('Common.optional') .
                ')</small>' .
                hint_tooltip(lang('Episode.form.chapters_hint'), 'ml-1') ?></legend>
    <div class="mb-4 form-input-tabs">
        <input type="radio" name="chapters-choice" id="chapters-file-upload-choice" aria-controls="chapters-file-upload-choice" value="upload-file" <?= $episode->chapters_file_remote_url
                                                                                                                                                        ? ''
                                                                                                                                                        : 'checked' ?> />
        <label for="chapters-file-upload-choice"><?= lang(
                                                    ) ?></label>
        <input type="radio" name="chapters-choice" id="chapters-file-remote-url-choice" aria-controls="chapters-file-remote-url-choice" value="remote-url" <?= $episode->chapters_file_remote_url
                                                                                                                                                                ? 'checked'
                                                                                                                                                                : '' ?> />
        <label for="chapters-file-remote-url-choice"><?= lang(
                                                        ) ?></label>
        <div class="py-2 tab-panels">
            <section id="chapters-file-upload" class="flex items-center tab-panel">
                <?php if ($episode->chapters_file) : ?>
                    <div class="flex justify-between">
                        <?= anchor(
                            icon('file', 'mr-2') . $episode->chapters_file,
                                'class' => 'inline-flex items-center text-xs',
                                'target' => '_blank',
                                'rel' => 'noreferrer noopener',
                        ) .
                                icon('delete-bin', 'mx-auto'),
                                    'class' =>
                                    'p-1 bg-red-200 rounded-full text-red-700 hover:text-red-900',
                                    'data-toggle' => 'tooltip',
                                    'data-placement' => 'bottom',
                                    'title' => lang(
                            ) ?>
                <?php endif; ?>
                <?= component( 'Forms/Label',
                        'text' => lang('Episode.form.chapters_file'),
                        'isOptional' => true
                    ['for' => 'chapters_file', 'class' => 'sr-only'],
                ) ?>
                <?= form_input([
                    'id' => 'chapters_file',
                    'name' => 'chapters_file',
                    'class' => 'form-input',
                    'type' => 'file',
                    'accept' => '.json',
                ]) ?>
            <section id="chapters-file-remote-url" class="tab-panel">
            <?= component( 'Forms/Label',
                        'text' =>  lang('Episode.form.chapters_file_remote_url'),
                        'isOptional' => true
                        'for' => 'chapters_file_remote_url',
                        'class' => 'sr-only'
                <?= form_input([
                    'id' => 'chapters_file_remote_url',
                    'name' => 'chapters_file_remote_url',
                    'class' => 'form-input w-full',
                    'type' => 'url',
                    'placeholder' => 'https://...',
                    'value' => old(
                ]) ?>
    <?= form_section(
    <?= component('Forms/Label', 
            'text' => lang('Episode.form.custom_rss'),
            'hint' => lang('Episode.form.custom_rss_hint'),
            'isOptional' => true,
            'for' => 'custom_rss',
    ) ?>
    <?= component('Forms/XMLEditor',
            'content' => old('custom_rss', $episode->custom_rss_string)
            'id' => 'custom_rss',
            'name' => 'custom_rss',
    <?= component(
            'label' => lang('Episode.form.block'),
            'hint' => lang('Episode.form.block_hint')
            'id' => 'block',
            'name' => 'block',
            'value' => 'yes',
            'checked' => old('block', $episode->is_blocked),
    <?= button(
    <?= form_close() ?>
    <?= $this->endSection() ?>