
Yassine Doghri
namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseService;

Yassine Doghri
use CodeIgniter\Model;
use App\Authorization\FlatAuthorization;
use App\Authorization\PermissionModel;
use App\Authorization\GroupModel;
use App\Libraries\Negotiate;
use App\Libraries\Router;

Yassine Doghri
use App\Models\UserModel;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\Request;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RequestInterface;
use CodeIgniter\Router\RouteCollectionInterface;

Yassine Doghri
use Myth\Auth\Models\LoginModel;
* Services Configuration file.
* Services are simply other classes/libraries that the system uses
* to do its job. This is used by CodeIgniter to allow the core of the
* framework to be swapped out easily without affecting the usage within
* the rest of your application.
* This file holds any application-specific services, or service overrides
* that you might need. An example has been included with the general
* method format you should use for your service methods. For more examples,
* see the core Services file at system/Config/Services.php.
class Services extends BaseService
* The Router class uses a RouteCollection's array of routes, and determines
* the correct Controller and Method to execute.
public static function router(
?RouteCollectionInterface $routes = null,
?Request $request = null,
bool $getShared = true
): Router {
if ($getShared) {
return static::getSharedInstance('router', $routes, $request);
$routes = $routes ?? static::routes();
$request = $request ?? static::request();
return new Router($routes, $request);
* The Negotiate class provides the content negotiation features for
* working the request to determine correct language, encoding, charset,
* and more.
public static function negotiator(
?RequestInterface $request = null,
bool $getShared = true
): Negotiate {
if ($getShared) {
return static::getSharedInstance('negotiator', $request);
$request = $request ?? static::request();
return new Negotiate($request);
* @return mixed

Yassine Doghri
public static function authentication(
string $lib = 'local',
Model $userModel = null,
Model $loginModel = null,
bool $getShared = true
) {
if ($getShared) {
return self::getSharedInstance(

Yassine Doghri
// config() checks first in app/Config
$config = config('Auth');
$class = $config->authenticationLibs[$lib];
$instance = new $class($config);
if ($userModel === null) {

Yassine Doghri
$userModel = new UserModel();
if ($loginModel === null) {

Yassine Doghri
$loginModel = new LoginModel();
return $instance->setUserModel($userModel)->setLoginModel($loginModel);
* @return mixed

Yassine Doghri
public static function authorization(
Model $groupModel = null,
Model $permissionModel = null,
Model $userModel = null,
bool $getShared = true
) {
if ($getShared) {
return self::getSharedInstance(

Yassine Doghri
if (is_null($groupModel)) {
$groupModel = new GroupModel();
if (is_null($permissionModel)) {
$permissionModel = new PermissionModel();
$instance = new FlatAuthorization($groupModel, $permissionModel);
if (is_null($userModel)) {
$userModel = new UserModel();
return $instance->setUserModel($userModel);
public static function breadcrumb(bool $getShared = true): Breadcrumb
if ($getShared) {
return self::getSharedInstance('breadcrumb');
return new Breadcrumb();