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  • Learn to ignore specific revisions
    COMPOSER_VERSION=$(echo "$VERSION" | perl -pe 's/(?<=[alpha|beta])\.//g')
    # replace composer.json version using jq
    echo "$( jq '.version = "'$COMPOSER_VERSION'"' composer.json )" > composer.json
    # replace CP_VERSION constant in app/config/constants
    sed -i "s/^defined('CP_VERSION').*/defined('CP_VERSION') || define('CP_VERSION', '$VERSION');/" ./app/Config/Constants.php
    # install wget to download archives
    apt-get install wget
    # download GeoLite2-City archive and extract it to writable/uploads
    wget -c "$MAXMIND_LICENCE_KEY&suffix=tar.gz" -O - | tar -xz -C ./writable/uploads/
    # rename extracted archives' folders
    mv ./writable/uploads/GeoLite2-City* ./writable/uploads/GeoLite2-City
    # install rsync for file transfers
    apt-get install rsync -y
    # create castopod folder bundle: uses .rsync-filter (-F) file to copy only needed files
    rsync -aF --progress . ./castopod