Forked from
Ad Aures / Castopod
884 commits behind the upstream repository.
Yassine Doghri authored
- update .devcontainer settings: remove auto-formatting for php + set intelephense as default formatter - remove prettier php plugin as it lacks php 8 support - add captain hook action for checking style pre-commit - fix style with ecs on all files except views
Yassine Doghri authored- update .devcontainer settings: remove auto-formatting for php + set intelephense as default formatter - remove prettier php plugin as it lacks php 8 support - add captain hook action for checking style pre-commit - fix style with ecs on all files except views
FeedController.php 1.95 KiB
* @copyright 2020 Podlibre
* @license AGPL3
* @link
namespace App\Controllers;
use App\Models\EpisodeModel;
use App\Models\PodcastModel;
use CodeIgniter\Controller;
use CodeIgniter\Exceptions\PageNotFoundException;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\ResponseInterface;
use Exception;
use Opawg\UserAgentsPhp\UserAgentsRSS;
class FeedController extends Controller
public function index(string $podcastName): ResponseInterface
$podcast = (new PodcastModel())->where('name', $podcastName)
if (! $podcast) {
throw PageNotFoundException::forPageNotFound();
$service = null;
try {
$service = UserAgentsRSS::find($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
} catch (Exception $exception) {
// If things go wrong the show must go on and the user must be able to download the file
log_message('critical', $exception);
$serviceSlug = null;
if ($service) {
$serviceSlug = $service['slug'];
$cacheName =
"podcast#{$podcast->id}_feed" . ($service ? "_{$serviceSlug}" : '');
if (! ($found = cache($cacheName))) {
$found = get_rss_feed($podcast, $serviceSlug);
// The page cache is set to expire after next episode publication or a decade by default so it is deleted manually upon podcast update
$secondsToNextUnpublishedEpisode = (new EpisodeModel())->getSecondsToNextUnpublishedEpisode(
? $secondsToNextUnpublishedEpisode
return $this->response->setXML($found);