- Oct 15, 2020
Yassine Doghri authored
- add back to previous page button to 404 page - replace public/favicon.ico
Yassine Doghri authored
ignore all contents of media folder except index.html file in .gitignore fixes #52
- https://iabtechlab.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Podcast_Measurement_v2-Dec-20-2017.pdf - no IP address is ever stored on the server. Only aggregate data is stored in the dababase. - rolling 24-hour window - castopod does not do pre-load - IP Blacklisting https://github.com/client9/ipcat - user-agent Filtering https://github.com/opawg/user-agents - ignores 2 bytes range "Range: 0-1" (performed by official Apple iOS Podcast app) - in case of partial content, adds up all requests to check >1mn was downloaded - identifying Uniques is done with a combination of IP Address and User Agent - add AMcharts - add some graphs - add regions to analytics - add ipcat blacklist - enhance useragents performances - add filesize and header size in order to calculate 1mn downloads - update publisher ID3 field - update castopod icon - add disclaimer and warning import form translation - update docs/setup-development.md closes #10
Yassine Doghri authored
- resize uploaded image to thumbnail, medium, large, feed, and id3 formats - set image url formats where adapted in views - set format sizes and extensions in Images config file for customization - add validation for image uploads: `min_dims` and `is_image_squared` - update codeigniter4 and myth-auth php packages to latest develop versions - update npm packages to latest versions - update public/.htaccess closes #6
Yassine Doghri authored
- generate .env file to configure instance's environment - add phpdotenv dependency to verify .env file - add AppSeeder to call all required seeds at once - add env and superadmin form views using form helpers closes #2
Yassine Doghri authored
- add james-heinrich/getid3 library as a dependency to composer.json - update DEPENDENCIES.md file - fix episodes table migration script - add js devDependencies: prettier, @prettier/plugin-php and lint-staged to automatically format staged files before commit - reformat all files to the prettier format - refactor code by separating some logic as helper functions - overwrite existing files when uploading new files with the same name fixes #1
Yassine Doghri authored
- add node service in docker-compose.yml - update .devcontainer Dockerfile by adding node, npm and vim - init package.json for npm with tailwindcss, postcss, commitlint and commitizen as dev dependencies - update default layout main header and footer - replace CI's welcome_message.php with home.php listing all podcasts - add AUTHORS.md file - add docs folder in which to place castopod's technical documentation