- Feb 03, 2022
Yassine Doghri authored
fix(activitypub): add target actor id to like / announce activities to send directly to note's actor
- Jan 23, 2022
Yassine Doghri authored
- Jan 14, 2022
Yassine Doghri authored
set two toggle switches to run housekeeping tasks seperately if needed
- Jan 06, 2022
Yassine Doghri authored
feat(nodeinfo2): add .well-known route for nodeinfo2 containing metadata about the castopod instance
- Dec 29, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
- update Component class structure and remove component helper function and ComponentLoader - update residual activitypub naming to fediverse
Yassine Doghri authored
- create Admin, Analytics, Auth, Fediverse and Install modules in the root modules/ folder - rename ActivityPub to Fediverse
Yassine Doghri authored
- remove confusing counts for episode (total favourites, total reblogs) - add comments section to episode page to display episode comments + post replies linked to the episode
Yassine Doghri authored
- Nov 22, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
- Jun 23, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
- clarify distiction between the announcement post and the show notes - change "note" occurences in UI by "post" - show warning message explaining why the podcaster should fill the message area - the podcaster can choose to publish the episode with an empty message anyways - redirect user to episode dashboard with error message when episode publication pages are inaccessible instead of showing a 404 error - add a cancel publication button in publish-edit form when episode is scheduled closes #129
Yassine Doghri authored
- Jun 11, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
update types and some remap logic
Yassine Doghri authored
fix some style issues
Yassine Doghri authored
fix episode, podcast and persons forms + episode scheduling
Yassine Doghri authored
- update .devcontainer settings: remove auto-formatting for php + set intelephense as default formatter - remove prettier php plugin as it lacks php 8 support - add captain hook action for checking style pre-commit - fix style with ecs on all files except views
- May 18, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
update composer dependencies
- May 14, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
- May 12, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
- move and refactor Image.php from Libraries to Entities folder - update some database field names / types - update composer packages
Yassine Doghri authored
- update CI process to include quality stage (tests + code review) - add captainhook to install git pre-commit & pre-push hooks - remove .devcontainer Dockerfile to use project's docker-compose services: all services can now be started automatically using vscode - update docs/setup-development.md
- May 03, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
- authenticated pages are not cached - add AnalyticsTrait to register a podcast webpage hit across mutliple controllers - set actor_id as unique in podcasts table - fix issues with preview card not appearing - update codeigniter4-uuid
- Apr 02, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
- add "ActivityPub" library to handle server to server federation and basic client to server protocols using activitypub: - add webfinger endpoint to look for actor - add actor definition with inbox / outbox / followers - remote follow an actor - create notes with possible preview cards - interract with favourites, reblogs and replies - block incoming actors and/or domains - broadcast/schedule activities to fediverse followers using a cron task - For castopod, the podcast is the actor: - overwrite the activitypub library for castopod's specific needs - perform basic interactions administrating a podcast to interact with fediverse users: - create notes with episode attachment - favourite and share a note + reply - add specific castopod_namespaces for podcasts and episodes definitions - overwrite CodeIgniter's Route service to include alternate-content option for activitystream requests - update episode publication logic: - remove publication inputs in create / edit episode form - publish / schedule or unpublish an episode after creation - the podcaster publishes a note when publishing an episode - Javascript / Typescript modules: - fix Dropdown.ts to keep dropdown menu in foreground - add Modal.ts for funding links modal - add Toggler.ts to toggle various css states in ui - User Interface: - update tailwindcss to v2 - use castopod's pine and rose colors - update public layout to a 3 column layout - add pages in public for podcast activity, episode list and notes - update episode page to include linked notes - remove previous and next episodes from episode pages - show different public views depending on whether user is authenticated or not - use Kumbh Sans and Montserrat fonts - update CodeIgniter's config files - with CodeIgniter's new requirements, update docker environments are now based on php v7.3 image - move Image entity to Libraries - update composer and npm packages to latest versions closes #69 #65 #85, fixes #51 #91 #92 #88