- Mar 09, 2022
- Feb 24, 2022
Yassine Doghri authored
- add pleroma, misskey and fosspay platforms - update adaures/ipcat-php to fix autoload issue - fix Breez and Podcast Guru icons closes #166, #167, #170
- Dec 29, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
- refactor meta-tags by generating them in the controller and injecting them into the views - use `melbahja/seo` library to build opengraph and twitter meta-tags + schema.org objects
Yassine Doghri authored
- set new colors using the css variables for theming in tailwind.config.js - replace admin and public colors with new variable enabled colors
Yassine Doghri authored
Yassine Doghri authored
fix components in follow and remote action pages by calling new instances directly
Yassine Doghri authored
- add About podcast page - use different layout for episode pages - improve on user feedback with design - restructure app theme folders - update js packages to latest versions
Yassine Doghri authored
Yassine Doghri authored
Yassine Doghri authored
app, admin, install and authentication views are now located in root themes/ folder
Yassine Doghri authored
- create Admin, Analytics, Auth, Fediverse and Install modules in the root modules/ folder - rename ActivityPub to Fediverse
- Jul 12, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
- replace rollup config with vitejs - use vite dev server during development to take advantage of hot module replacement (HMR) - add vite service using Vite library to load css and js assets - update package.json scripts and remove unnecessary dependencies - update scripts/bundle-prepare.sh closes #107
- Apr 02, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
- add "ActivityPub" library to handle server to server federation and basic client to server protocols using activitypub: - add webfinger endpoint to look for actor - add actor definition with inbox / outbox / followers - remote follow an actor - create notes with possible preview cards - interract with favourites, reblogs and replies - block incoming actors and/or domains - broadcast/schedule activities to fediverse followers using a cron task - For castopod, the podcast is the actor: - overwrite the activitypub library for castopod's specific needs - perform basic interactions administrating a podcast to interact with fediverse users: - create notes with episode attachment - favourite and share a note + reply - add specific castopod_namespaces for podcasts and episodes definitions - overwrite CodeIgniter's Route service to include alternate-content option for activitystream requests - update episode publication logic: - remove publication inputs in create / edit episode form - publish / schedule or unpublish an episode after creation - the podcaster publishes a note when publishing an episode - Javascript / Typescript modules: - fix Dropdown.ts to keep dropdown menu in foreground - add Modal.ts for funding links modal - add Toggler.ts to toggle various css states in ui - User Interface: - update tailwindcss to v2 - use castopod's pine and rose colors - update public layout to a 3 column layout - add pages in public for podcast activity, episode list and notes - update episode page to include linked notes - remove previous and next episodes from episode pages - show different public views depending on whether user is authenticated or not - use Kumbh Sans and Montserrat fonts - update CodeIgniter's config files - with CodeIgniter's new requirements, update docker environments are now based on php v7.3 image - move Image entity to Libraries - update composer and npm packages to latest versions closes #69 #65 #85, fixes #51 #91 #92 #88
- Oct 15, 2020
Yassine Doghri authored
- add podcast sidebar navigation - add podcast dashboard with latest episodes - add pagination to podcast episodes - add components helper to reuse ui components (button, data_table, etc.) - enhance podcast and episode forms by splitting them into form sections - add hint tooltips to podcast and episode forms - transform radio inputs as buttons for better ux - replace explicit field by parental_advisory - replace author field by publisher - add podcasts_categories table to set multiple categories - use choices.js to enhance multiselect fields - update Language files - update js dependencies to latest versions closes #31, #9
Yassine Doghri authored
- set and remove platform links for a podcast - remove unnecessary fields from platforms and platform_links tables - add platforms svg icons to show in form - update platform and auth seeders - update svgo config for images
Yassine Doghri authored
- add installGateway to app config - update route names and groups - remove `author_name` and `author_email` from `episodes` table - remove `author_name` and `author_email` from `podcasts` table - remove `owner_id` + add `created_by` and `updated_by` fields in `podcasts` and `episodes` tables - remove unnecessary comments in database fields - remove confirm password inputs from auth forms for better ux - rename `pub_date` field to `published_at` and add publication time field in episode form closes #14, #28
Yassine Doghri authored
- bundle js using parcel - add markdown editor, html editor, dropdown and tooltip features using third-party packages - integrate optimized inline svg icons from RemixIcon using svgo and a php helper - add scripts in package.json to bundle icons, images, css and js - update tailwind config to add purgecss lookups and typography plugin - refactor views to add missing pages in user journey - update admin's holy grail layout using css grid
Yassine Doghri authored
- add AuthSeeder to bootstrap authorization data and remove UserSeeder - create a superadmin group having all authorizations - refactor routes and controller methods to separate get and post requests - refactor admin views with a title section in layout - add contributors section to podcasts to manage contributions (add, edit roles and remove) closes #3, #18
Yassine Doghri authored
- overwrite myth/auth config with castopod app needs - create custom views for users authentication - add admin area bootstrapped by admin controller - shift podcast and episodes crud to admin area - reorganize view layouts - update docs for database migration - add myth-auth to DEPENDENCIES.md closes #11