Yassine Doghri authoredYassine Doghri authored
- Setup your development environment
- Introduction
- Setup instructions
- 1. Pre-requisites
- 2. (recommended) Develop inside the app Container with VSCode
- 3. Start hacking
- 2-alt. Develop outside the app container
- Going Further
- Install Castopod's dependencies
- Initialize and populate database
- Useful docker / docker-compose commands
- Known issues
- Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
- (Linux) Files created inside container are attributed to root locally
title: Development setup
sidebarDepth: 3
Setup your development environment
Castopod is a web app based on the php
CodeIgniter 4.
We use Docker quickly setup a dev environment. A
and Dockerfile
are included in the project's root folder
to help you kickstart your contribution.
You don't need any prior knowledge of Docker to follow the next steps. However, if you wish to use your own environment, feel free to do so!
Setup instructions
1. Pre-requisites
Install docker.
Clone Castopod project by running:
git clone https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod.git
Create a
file with the minimum required config to connect the app to the database and use redis as a cache handler:CI_ENVIRONMENT="development" # If set to development, you must run `npm run dev` to start the static assets server vite.environment="development" # By default, this is set to true in the app config. # For development, this must be set to false as it is # on a local environment app.forceGlobalSecureRequests=false app.baseURL="http://localhost:8080/" app.mediaBaseURL="http://localhost:8080/" admin.gateway="cp-admin" auth.gateway="cp-auth" database.default.hostname="mariadb" database.default.database="castopod" database.default.username="castopod" database.default.password="castopod" database.default.DBPrefix="dev_" analytics.salt="DEV_ANALYTICS_SALT" cache.handler="redis" cache.redis.host = "redis" # You may not want to use redis as your cache handler # Comment/remove the two lines above and uncomment # the next line for file caching. #cache.handler="file"
NB. You can tweak your environment by setting more environment variables in your custom
file. See theenv
for examples or the CodeIgniter4 User Guide for more info. -
(for docker desktop) Add the repository you've cloned to docker desktop's
>File Sharing
2. (recommended) Develop inside the app Container with VSCode
If you're working in VSCode, you can take advantage of the .devcontainer/
folder. It defines a development environment (dev container) with preinstalled
requirements and VSCode extensions so you don't have to worry about them. All
required services will be loaded automagically!
Install the VSCode extension Remote - Containers
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P
>Open in container
The VSCode window will reload inside the dev container. Expect several minutes during first load as it is building all necessary services.
Note: The dev container will start by running Castopod's php server. During development, you will have to start Vite's dev server for compiling the typescript code and styles:
# run Vite dev server npm run dev
If there is any issue with the php server not running, you can restart them using the following commands:
# run Castopod server php spark serve -
You're all set!
🎉 You're now inside the dev container, you may use the VSCode console (
>New Terminal
) to run any command:# PHP is installed php -v # Composer is installed composer -V # npm is installed npm -v # git is installed git version
For more info, see VSCode Remote Containers
3. Start hacking
You're all set! Start working your magic by updating the project's files! Help yourself to the CodeIgniter4 User Guide for more insights.
To see your changes, go to:
for the Castopod app -
for the phpmyadmin interface:- username: castopod
- password: castopod
2-alt. Develop outside the app container
You do not wish to use the VSCode devcontainer? No problem!
Start docker containers manually:
Go to project's root folder and run:
# starts all services declared in docker-compose.yml file # -d option starts the containers in the background docker-compose up -d # See all running processes (you should see 3 processes running) docker-compose ps # Alternatively, you can check all docker processes docker ps -a
docker-compose up -d
command will boot 4 containers in the background: -
Run any command inside the containers by prefixing them with
docker-compose run --rm app
:# use PHP docker-compose run --rm app php -v # use Composer docker-compose run --rm app composer -V # use npm docker-compose run --rm app npm -v # use git docker-compose run --rm app git version
Going Further
Install Castopod's dependencies
Install php dependencies with Composer
composer install
::: info Note
The php dependencies aren't included in the repository. Composer will check the
files to download the packages with the right versions. The dependencies will live under thevendor/
folder. For more info, check out the Composer documentation.:::
Install javascript dependencies with npm
npm install
::: info Note
The javascript dependencies aren't included in the repository. Npm will check the
files to download the packages with the right versions. The dependencies will live under thenode_module
folder. For more info, check out the NPM documentation.:::
Generate static assets:
# build all static assets at once npm run build:static # build specific assets npm run build:icons npm run build:svg
::: info Note
The static assets generated live under the
folder, it includes javascript, styles, images, fonts, icons and svg files.:::
Initialize and populate database
::: tip Tip
You may skip this section if you go through the install wizard (go to
Build the database with the migrate command:
# loads the database schema during first migration php spark migrate -all
You may need to undo the migration (rollback):
# rolls back database schema (deletes all tables and their content) php spark migrate:rollback
Populate the database with the required data:
# Populates all required data php spark db:seed AppSeeder
You may choose to add data separately:
# Populates all categories php spark db:seed CategorySeeder # Populates all Languages php spark db:seed LanguageSeeder # Populates all podcasts platforms php spark db:seed PlatformSeeder # Populates all Authentication data (roles definition…) php spark db:seed AuthSeeder
(optionnal) Populate the database with test data:
- Populate test data (login: admin / password: AGUehL3P)
php spark db:seed TestSeeder
- Populate with fake podcast analytics:
php spark db:seed FakePodcastsAnalyticsSeeder
- Populate with fake website analytics:
php spark db:seed FakeWebsiteAnalyticsSeeder
TestSeeder will add an active superadmin user with the following credentials:
- username: admin
- password: AGUehL3P
Useful docker / docker-compose commands
- Monitor the app container:
docker-compose logs --tail 50 --follow --timestamps app
- Interact with redis server using included redis-cli command:
docker exec -it castopod_redis redis-cli
- Monitor the redis container:
docker-compose logs --tail 50 --follow --timestamps redis
- Monitor the mariadb container:
docker-compose logs --tail 50 --follow --timestamps mariadb
- Monitor the phpmyadmin container:
docker-compose logs --tail 50 --follow --timestamps phpmyadmin
- Restart docker containers:
docker-compose restart
- Destroy all containers, opposite of
docker-compose down
- Rebuild app container:
docker-compose build app
Check docker and docker-compose documentations for more insights.
Known issues
Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
This happens when running npm install
npm install
(Linux) Files created inside container are attributed to root locally
You may use Linux user namespaces to fix this on your machine:
::: info Note
Replace "username" with your local username
Go to
and add:{ "userns-remap": "username" }
Configure the subordinate uid/guid:
# in /etc/subuid username:1000:1 username:100000:65536
# in /etc/subgid username:1000:1 username:100000:65536
Restart docker:
sudo systemctl restart docker
That's it! Now, the root user in the container will be mapped to the user on your local machine, no more permission issues!
You can check this great article to know more about how it works.