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  • # [1.0.0-beta.2]( (2022-01-28)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - **migrations:** ignore invalid utf8 chars for media files metadata + update
      transcript parser
    - **video-clips:** set audio codec to aac, fixing audio issue on twitter
    - **video-clips:** set longer podcast and episode lengths for squared format
    13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736
    # 1.0.0-beta.1 (2022-01-23)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - **a11y:** replace active tab color to contrast with background on podcast and
      episode pages
    - **activity-pub:** cache issues when navigating to activity stream urls
    - **activity-pub:** get database records using new model instances
    - **activitypub:** set created_by to null for reblog if no user + update episode
      oembed data
    - add admin-audio-player to vite config to have admin player show up
    - add application/octet-stream mimetype to mp3 and m4a extensions to prevent
      ext_in error
      closes [#145](
    - add category_label component to include parent category in about podcast page
    - add head request to analytics_hit route
    - add missing explicit badge for podcasts and episodes
    - add open graph size for podcast images to replace the inadequate large format
    - add public/media folder to castopod bundle
      closes [#52](
    - add translation key for audio-clipper trim labels
    - add where condition to get episode count without deleted episodes
      closes [#67](
    - **admin:** save block and lock switches
    - **analytics:** redirect to mp3 file even when referer was not set
    - **analytics:** remove charts empty values + remove useless language cache
    - **analytics:** set duration field to precise decimal as episode's audio file
    - **analytics:** update migrations to set decimal precision for latitude and
    - **analytics:** update service management so that it works with new OPAWG slug
    - **audio-clipper:** add mouse position offset when stretching clip to prevent
      content from jumping
    - **audio-clipper:** show audio playing progress + put waveform behind audio
    - **avatar:** use default avatar when no avatar url has been set
      closes [#111](
    - **bundle:** include modules and themes when copying files with rsync
    - **bundle:** update vite input files path + add `set -e` in bash scripts to
      fail if command fails
    - **cache:** add locale for podcast and episode pages + clear some persisting
      cache in models
      closes [#42](
    - **cache:** return a non cached view when connected
    - **cache:** suffix cache names with authenticated for credits, map and pages
    - cast actor_id to pass as int to set_interact_as_actor() function
    - **category:** remove uncategorized option to enforce users in choosing a
    - check for database connection and podcasts table existence before redirecting
      to install
    - check that additional files are valid when creating episode
    - check that note has a preview_card_id before displaying it
      closes [#114](
    - clear cache when deleting podcast banner
    - comment all cache clean after page update to prevent analytics cache deletion
    - **comments:** add comment view partials for public pages
    - correct chart data
    - correct percona compatibility issue
    - correct php-fpm issues
    - correct referrer bug
    - correction for servers with low int precision
    - **cors:** add preflight option routes for episode, podcast and status objects
    - declare typed properties in PHPDoc for php<7.4
      closes [#23](
    - define podcast_id and platform_slug as foreign keys in podcasts_plaforms table
    - define podcastNamespaceLink value
    - **embeddable-player:** enable any ancestor when X-Frame-Options is set on
    - **embed:** open embedded player's links in new tab
    - **episode-form:** show warning to set `memory_limit`, `upload_max_filesize` &
      closes [#5](
    - **episodeCount:** add missing brackets to French language file
    - **episode:** replace guid's empty string value to null
    - **episodes-page:** handle defaultQuery being null when no podcast episodes
      closes [#100](
    - **episodes-table:** set descriptions to be not null
    - **episodes:** add publication status + set publication date to null when none
      has been set
      closes [#70](
    - escape generated feed tag values and remove new lines from public pages meta
      closes [#57](
    - expire default query cache upon scheduled episode publication
      closes [#81](
    - fix layout bugs in admin and update translation files
      closes [#40](
    - **follow:** add missing helpers to Actor controller
    - handle HEAD requests on podcast_feed route
      closes [#79](
    - **images:** set default mimetype if none is specified when getting size info
    - **import-with-escaped-characters:** remove \CodeIgniter\HTTP\URI in
      download_file, closes
    - **import:** add extension when downloading file without + truncate slug if too
    - **import:** add validation for handle field to prevent
      Router.invalidParameterType error
      closes [#119](
    - **import:** cast description's SimpleXMLElement to string
    - **import:** remove query string from files url
    - **import:** save media files during podcast import + set missing media fields
    - **import:** set episode and season numbers to null when not present in item
    - **import:** use <image><url> tag when no <itunes:image> is present
    - include missing variables on public ui's episode page and remote_actions
    - **install:** redirect manually to install wizard on first visit
    - **install:** redirect to host_url install route on instanceConfig validation
    - **install:** redirect to input baseUrl after instance config
      closes [#53](
    - **interact-as:** set actor_id instead of podcast id upon login event
      closes [#104](
    - **json-ld:** add missing properties to PodcastSeries object
    - keep subtitle line breaks when parsing srt file to json
    - **layouts:** replace holy-grail layout with tailwind config + widen public
      podcast layout
    - **map:** update episode markers query to discard unpublished episodes
    - **md-editor:** build new markdown editor with lit +
      closes [#93](
    - minor corrections
    - move analytics to helper
    - **multiselect:** add missing class names in choices options for purge to work
    - **open-graph:** replace non existant episode description to podcast
      description in podcast page
    - **package.json:** update destination of postcss generation scripts
    - **pages:** add locale to page cache
    - **partner:** set correct image URL
    - pass timezone to relative time component to show the localized time in the UI
    - **persons:** prevent overflow of persons list by adding horizontal scroll
    - **persons:** set person picture as optional for better ux
      closes [#125](
    - **platforms:** display platform link only when visible is toggled on
      closes [#39](
    - **podcast-import:** move guid attribute declaration for Episode entity to
      include slug data
    - **pwa:** add scope to webmanifests to allow installing an app per podcast
    - **pwa:** set app display as standalone in the webmanifests
    - re-order graph values
    - redirect to non cached views when authenticated in public views
    - **release:** add missing version number to castopod-host package
    - remove defer from js script declaration as it is a module
    - remove fixed size from podcast sidebar + rearrange account info + space out
      import radio inputs
    - remove required for other_categories field and add podcast_id to latest
      podcasts query
    - remove required property to persons picture
      closes [#125](
    - rename field status to task_status to get scheduled activities
    - rename issue_templates labels
    - rename MyAccount controller file
      closes [#60](
    - rename podcast name to podcast handle to clarify field usage
      closes [#126](
    - reorder fields as composite primary keys for analytics tables
    - replace getWebEnclosureUrl with getEnclosureWebUrl
    - replace hardcoded style links with vite service + set default value for remote
      transcript url
      closes [#149](
    - replace website key for webpages in breadcrumb translate file
    - rewrite regenerate image function to use saveSizes method from Image entity
    - **rss-import:** add Castopod user-agent, handle redirects for downloaded
      files, add Content namespace
    - **rss:** cast number type values to string in rss_helper
      closes [#148](
    - **rss:** do not escape podcast and episode titles in the xml
      closes [#138](
    - **rss:** set ❬itunes:author❭ tag to owner_name if publisher not specified
      closes [#96](
    - **rss:** use originalPath instead of originalMediaPath in Image library
    - save transcript and chapters files to podcasts folder
    - set cache expiration to next note publish to show note on publication date
    - set episode description footer to null when empty value
    - set episode duration translation to hardcoded english
      closes [#64](
    - set episode guid upon episode creation
      closes [#48](
    - set episode numbers during import + remove all custom form_helpers + minor ui
    - set localized slug_field key as string in french language
    - set location to null when getting empty string
    - **settings:** add .jpg extension to site-icon file input to display all jpeg
    - sort episodic podcasts by season
    - **themes:** update themes stylesheet route and remove css extension
    - **types:** update fake seeders types + fix bugs
    - unpublish episode before deleting it + add validation step before deletion
      closes [#112](
    - update .htaccess for shared hosting config
    - update broken contributor dropdown fields
    - update condition in AnalyticsTrait
    - update condition in home controller to redirect to install page
    - update conditions when checking for empty max_episodes and season_number
    - update iso-369 language table seeder
    - update MarkdownEditor component + restyle Button and other components
    - update purgecss content path for php helper files
      closes [#59](
    - update translations for settings' tasks to include what they should be used
    - use slash instead of backslash to call layout
    - **ux:** allow for empty message upon episode publication and warn user on
      closes [#129](
    - **ux:** redirect user to install page on database error in home page
    - **video-clips:** check if created video exists before recreating it and
    - **video-clips:** clear video clip cache after process has finished
    - **video-clips:** create unique temporary files for resources to be deleted
      after generation
    - **video-clips:** tweak portrait parameters to have subtitles display without
    - **xml-editor:** escape xml editor's content + restyle form sections to prevent
    ### Features
    - **activitypub:** add Podcast actor and PodcastEpisode object with comments
    - add alternate rss feed link tag to podcast page head
      closes [#35](
    - add analytics and unknown useragents
    - add audio-clipper toolbar + add video-clip-previewer
    - add audio-clipper webcomponent (wip)
    - add basic stats on podcast about page
    - add breadcrumb in admin area
      closes [#17](
    - add cache to ActivityPub sql queries + cache activity and note pages
    - add CDN url
      closes [#37](
    - add codemirror to display xml editor for custom rss field
    - add cumulative listening time charts
    - add DropdownMenu component + remove global audio player in admin
    - add episode_numbering() component helper to display episode and season numbers
    - add french translation
    - add heading component + update ecs rules to fix views
    - add housekeeping task to run after migrations
    - add install wizard form to bootstrap database and create the first superadmin
      closes [#2](
    - add ISO 3166 country codes
    - add js audio player on podcast, admin and embeddable player pages + fix admon
      episodes ux
      closes [#131](
    - add lock podcast according to the Podcastindex podcast-namespace to prevent
      unauthozized import
    - add map analytics, add episodes analytics, clean analytics page layout,
      translate countries
    - add media entity and link documents, images and audio files to it
    - add Noto Sans Mono font to use for durations + button to access new video clip
      form in list
    - add npm for js dependencies + move src/ files to root folder
    - add Open Graph and Twitter meta tags
      closes [#41](
    - add pages table to store custom instance pages (eg. legal-notice, cookie
      policy, etc.)
      closes [#24](
    - add platform models
    - add platforms form in podcast settings
    - add platforms tables
    - add podcast banner field for each podcast + refactor images configuration
    - add remote_url alternative for transcript and chapters files
    - add replied to post or comment to reply element
    - add json-ld objects to podcasts, episodes, posts and comments pages
    - add task to housekeeping setting for resetting all instance counts
    - add unique listeners analytics
    - add user permissions and basic groups to handle authorizations
      closes [#3](
    - **admin:** make header stick on scroll and show title + action buttons using
      css only
    - **admin:** update admin layout for better ux + update brand pine colors
    - allow cross origin requests on episode comments
    - **analytics:** add 'other' group to pie charts in order to display more
      accurate data
    - **analytics:** add charts and data export
    - **analytics:** add service name from rss user-agent
    - **analytics:** add weekday and hour bar charts
    - build hashed static files to renew browser cache
      closes [#107](
    - **cache:** add podcast and episode pages to cache + clear them after insert or
    - **categories:** create model, entity, migrations and seeds
    - **clips:** setup clip entities and model + save video clip to have it
      generated in the background
    - **comments:** add comments to episodes + update naming of status to post
    - **comments:** add like / undo like to comment + add comment page
    - **components:** add custom view renderer with ComponentRenderer adapted from
    - create optimized & resized images upon upload
      closes [#6](
    - **custom-rss:** add custom xml tag injection in rss feed for ❬channel❭ and
    - **devcontainer:** add devcontainer settings for dev environment
    - display castopod version in admin footer
      closes [#68](
    - display legal disclaimer and warning on podcast import page
      closes [#34](
    - edit + delete podcast and episode
    - **embeddable-player:** add embeddable player widget
    - enhance admin ui with responsive design and ux improvements
      closes [#31](
    - enhance ui using javascript in admin area
    - **episodes:** add create form and view pages for episode
      closes [#1](
    - **episodes:** add migrations, model and entity for episodes table
    - **episodes:** replace all audio file URL parameters with base64 encoded data
    - **episodes:** schedule episode with future publication_date by using cache
      expiration time
      closes [#47](
    - **fediverse:** implement activitypub protocols + update user interface
      closes [#69](
    - **fonts:** replace Montserrat with Inter for better readablity
    - import podcast from an rss feed url
      closes [#21](
    - integrate stylized form components and update podcast edit page
    - make displayed publication time as relative time using @github/time-elements
    - **map:** display geolocated episodes on a map page
    - **media:** clean media api + create an entity per media type
    - **media:** save audio, images, transcripts and chapters to media for episode
      and persons
    - **meta-tags:** add activitypub alternate links to podcast, episode, comment
      and post pages
    - minor corrections to some tables
    - **monetization:** add Web Monetization support
    - **nodeinfo2:** add .well-known route for nodeinfo2 containing metadata about
      the castopod instance
    - **partner:** add link and image in episode description
    - **person:** add namespace person tag
    - **platforms:** add AntennaPod
    - **platforms:** add Fediverse and some funding platforms, add link on logo
    - **platforms:** add helloasso
    - **platforms:** add missing's platforms
    - **platforms:** add
    - **platforms:** add Podcast Index
    - **platforms:** add podfriend
    - **podcast-form:** update routes and redirect to podcast page
    - **podcast:** create a podcast using form
    - prefill season and episode numbers + set episode number as mandatory for
      serial podcasts
      closes [#134](
    - **public-ui:** adapt public podcast and episode pages to wireframes
      closes [#30](
    - **pwa:** add service-worker + webmanifest for each podcasts to have them
      install on devices
    - redesign public podcast and episode pages + remove any information clutter for
      better ux
    - replace form helper functions with components in admin template
    - replace slug field with interactive permalink component
    - restyle episode and person cards + add focus style to interactive elements for
    - **rss:** add ˂podcast:guid˃ tag for channel
    - **rss:** add podcast-namespace tags for platforms + previousUrl tag
      closes [#73](
    - **rss:** add podcast:comments tag to link to episode comments
    - **rss:** add podcast:location tag
    - **rss:** add soundbites according to the podcastindex specs
      closes [#83](
    - **rss:** add transcript and chapters support
      closes [#72](
    - **rss:** generate rss feed from podcast entity
    - **rss:** update monetization tag so that it meets PodcastIndex requirements
    - **select:** enhance select input with choices.js
    - set app parameter forceGlobalSecureRequests = true forcing requests to go
      through https
    - set podcast / episode description in the pages description meta tag
      closes [#44](
    - **settings:** add general config for instance (site name, description and
    - **settings:** add theme settings to set an accent color for all public pages
    - simplify podcast page's layout for better ux
    - **soundbites:** add soundbite list and creation forms with audio-clipper
    - style file inputs using tailwind's file class
    - **themes:** add ViewThemes library to set views in root themes folder
    - **themes:** set different default banner per theme
    - **themes:** set generic css variables for colors to enable instance themes
    - toggle podcast sidebar on smaller screens
    - **transcript:** parse srt subtitles into json file + add max file size info
      below audio file input
    - **ui:** create ViewComponents library to enable building class and view files
    - update analytics so to meet IABv2 requirements
      closes [#10](
    - update pine colors + create charts components
    - **users:** add myth-auth to handle users crud + add admin gateway only
      accessible by login
      closes [#11](
    - **ux:** remove admin dashboard and redirect directly to podcast list
    - **video-clip:** add video-clip page with video preview + logs
    - **video-clip:** generate video clips in the bg using a cron job + add video
      clip page + tidy up UI
    - **video-clips:** add dimensions for portrait and squared formats
    - **video-clips:** add new themes + add castopod logo as a watermark
    - **video-clips:** add route for scheduled video clips + list video clips with
    - **video-clips:** allow episodeNumbering text to stand in the indent of
      episodeTitle paragraph
    - **video-clips:** generate a 16:9 video using ffmpeg
    - **video-clips:** generate subtitles clip using transcript json to have
      subtitles accross video
    - **video-clips:** replace hardcoded colors with config's theme colors
    - **vite:** add vite config to decouple it from CI_ENVIRONMENT
    - write id3v2 tags to episode's audio file
    ### Performance Improvements
    - **cache:** update CI4 to use cache's deleteMatching method
    - **cache:** use deleteMatching method to prevent forgetting cached elements in
    - defer javascript + lazy load images for faster page loads
    - **docker:** add redis caching service for development
    ### Reverts
    - set deprecated config options back in App config
    - **soundbites:** remove soundbite table from episode's public page
    - use basic input file for episodes audio files instead of button for better UX
    - **analytics:** analytics_podcasts_by_player table and analytics_podcasts
      procedure were updated
    # [1.0.0-alpha.80]( (2021-12-29)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - add application/octet-stream mimetype to mp3 and m4a extensions to prevent
      ext_in error
      closes [#145](
    # [1.0.0-alpha.79]( (2021-12-20)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - **import:** set episode and season numbers to null when not present in item
    # [1.0.0-alpha.78]( (2021-12-15)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - **import:** add extension when downloading file without + truncate slug if too
    # [1.0.0-alpha.77]( (2021-11-23)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - **cors:** add preflight option routes for episode, podcast and status objects
    - **podcast-import:** move guid attribute declaration for Episode entity to
      include slug data
    # [1.0.0-alpha.76]( (2021-10-26)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - replace hardcoded style links with vite service + set default value for remote
      transcript url
      closes [#149](
    # [1.0.0-alpha.75]( (2021-10-05)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - **rss:** cast number type values to string in rss_helper
      closes [#148](
    # [1.0.0-alpha.74]( (2021-09-28)
    ### Features
    - **platforms:** add missing's platforms
    # [1.0.0-alpha.73]( (2021-09-22)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - **map:** update episode markers query to discard unpublished episodes
    # [1.0.0-alpha.72]( (2021-09-20)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - rename field status to task_status to get scheduled activities
    # [1.0.0-alpha.71]( (2021-09-17)
    ### Features
    - **map:** display geolocated episodes on a map page
    # [1.0.0-alpha.70]( (2021-08-31)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - **partner:** set correct image URL
    # [1.0.0-alpha.69]( (2021-08-23)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - **import:** cast description's SimpleXMLElement to string
    # [1.0.0-alpha.68]( (2021-08-19)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - **analytics:** redirect to mp3 file even when referer was not set
    # [1.0.0-alpha.67]( (2021-07-24)
    ### Features
    - allow cross origin requests on episode comments
    # [1.0.0-alpha.66]( (2021-07-24)
    ### Features
    - **rss:** add podcast:comments tag to link to episode comments
    # [1.0.0-alpha.65]( (2021-07-22)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - update conditions when checking for empty max_episodes and season_number
    # [1.0.0-alpha.64]( (2021-07-12)
    ### Features
    - **activitypub:** add Podcast actor and PodcastEpisode object with comments
    # [1.0.0-alpha.63]( (2021-07-12)
    ### Features
    - build hashed static files to renew browser cache
      closes [#107](
    # [1.0.0-alpha.62]( (2021-07-02)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - **episode:** replace guid's empty string value to null
    # [1.0.0-alpha.61]( (2021-06-23)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - **release:** add missing version number to castopod-host package
    - **ux:** allow for empty message upon episode publication and warn user on
      closes [#129](
    # [1.0.0-alpha.60]( (2021-06-21)
    ### Features
    - **rss:** add ˂podcast:guid˃ tag for channel
    # [1.0.0-alpha.59]( (2021-06-15)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - check that additional files are valid when creating episode
    # [1.0.0-alpha.58]( (2021-06-11)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - cast actor_id to pass as int to set_interact_as_actor() function
    - **analytics:** set duration field to precise decimal as episode's audio file
    - **analytics:** update migrations to set decimal precision for latitude and
    - check for database connection and podcasts table existence before redirecting
      to install
    - save transcript and chapters files to podcasts folder
    - set cache expiration to next note publish to show note on publication date
    - set episode description footer to null when empty value
    - set location to null when getting empty string
    - update condition in home controller to redirect to install page
    - **activity-pub:** cache issues when navigating to activity stream urls
    - **activity-pub:** get database records using new model instances
    - **category:** remove uncategorized option to enforce users in choosing a
    - **install:** redirect manually to install wizard on first visit
    - **types:** update fake seeders types + fix bugs
    - update broken contributor dropdown fields
    - **ux:** redirect user to install page on database error in home page
    - update condition in AnalyticsTrait
    ### Performance Improvements
    - **cache:** use deleteMatching method to prevent forgetting cached elements in
    ### Reverts
    - set deprecated config options back in App config
    # [1.0.0-alpha.57]( (2021-05-12)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - **follow:** add missing helpers to Actor controller
    # [1.0.0-alpha.56]( (2021-05-12)
    ### Bug Fixes
    - **rss:** use originalPath instead of originalMediaPath in Image library
    # [1.0.0-alpha.55]( (2021-05-03)
    ### Features
    - add remote_url alternative for transcript and chapters files
    # [1.0.0-alpha.54]( (2021-05-03)
    ### Features
    - set app parameter forceGlobalSecureRequests = true forcing requests to go
      through https
    - **ux:** remove admin dashboard and redirect directly to podcast list
    - add cache to ActivityPub sql queries + cache activity and note pages
    ### Performance Improvements
    - **cache:** update CI4 to use cache's deleteMatching method
    - **docker:** add redis caching service for development