Forked from
Ad Aures / Castopod
833 commits behind the upstream repository.
semantic-release-bot authored
# [1.0.0-alpha.58]( (2021-06-11) ### Bug Fixes * cast actor_id to pass as int to set_interact_as_actor() function ([56a8e5d7]( * **analytics:** set duration field to precise decimal as episode's audio file duration ([d7726854]( * **analytics:** update migrations to set decimal precision for latitude and longitude ([714d6b5d]( * check for database connection and podcasts table existence before redirecting to install ([eb74e81c]( * save transcript and chapters files to podcasts folder ([63f49c71]( * set cache expiration to next note publish to show note on publication date ([0a66de3e]( * set episode description footer to null when empty value ([3a7d97d6]( * set location to null when getting empty string ([71b1b5f7]( * update condition in home controller to redirect to install page ([33f1b91d]( * **activity-pub:** cache issues when navigating to activity stream urls ([7bcbfb32]( * **activity-pub:** get database records using new model instances ([92536ddb]( * **category:** remove uncategorized option to enforce users in choosing a category ([8c64f25a]( * **install:** redirect manually to install wizard on first visit ([2ceaaca4]( * **types:** update fake seeders types + fix bugs ([76a4bf34]( * update broken contributor dropdown fields ([e5b75150]( * **ux:** redirect user to install page on database error in home page ([9017e30b]( * update condition in AnalyticsTrait ([fbc0967c]( ### Performance Improvements * **cache:** use deleteMatching method to prevent forgetting cached elements in models ([76afc0cf]( ### Reverts * set deprecated config options back in App config ([433745f1](
semantic-release-bot authored# [1.0.0-alpha.58]( (2021-06-11) ### Bug Fixes * cast actor_id to pass as int to set_interact_as_actor() function ([56a8e5d7]( * **analytics:** set duration field to precise decimal as episode's audio file duration ([d7726854]( * **analytics:** update migrations to set decimal precision for latitude and longitude ([714d6b5d]( * check for database connection and podcasts table existence before redirecting to install ([eb74e81c]( * save transcript and chapters files to podcasts folder ([63f49c71]( * set cache expiration to next note publish to show note on publication date ([0a66de3e]( * set episode description footer to null when empty value ([3a7d97d6]( * set location to null when getting empty string ([71b1b5f7]( * update condition in home controller to redirect to install page ([33f1b91d]( * **activity-pub:** cache issues when navigating to activity stream urls ([7bcbfb32]( * **activity-pub:** get database records using new model instances ([92536ddb]( * **category:** remove uncategorized option to enforce users in choosing a category ([8c64f25a]( * **install:** redirect manually to install wizard on first visit ([2ceaaca4]( * **types:** update fake seeders types + fix bugs ([76a4bf34]( * update broken contributor dropdown fields ([e5b75150]( * **ux:** redirect user to install page on database error in home page ([9017e30b]( * update condition in AnalyticsTrait ([fbc0967c]( ### Performance Improvements * **cache:** use deleteMatching method to prevent forgetting cached elements in models ([76afc0cf]( ### Reverts * set deprecated config options back in App config ([433745f1](
This project manages its dependencies using npm.
Learn more
package.json 4.16 KiB
"name": "castopod-host",
"version": "1.0.0-alpha.58",
"description": "Castopod Host is an open-source hosting platform made for podcasters who want engage and interact with their audience.",
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"license": "AGPL-3.0-or-later",
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