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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Dec 20, 2020
  2. Dec 07, 2020
  3. Nov 30, 2020
  4. Nov 26, 2020
  5. Nov 24, 2020
  6. Nov 19, 2020
    • Benjamin Bellamy's avatar
      feat(rss): add podcast-namespace tags for platforms + previousUrl tag · dbba8dc5
      Benjamin Bellamy authored and Yassine Doghri's avatar Yassine Doghri committed
      - add podcast:id tag
      - add podcast:funding tag
      - add podcast:social tag
      - add podcast:previousUrl tag
      - add missing platforms with icons
      - update platforms table to include social and funding platforms
      - rename platform_links table to podcasts_platforms
      - move podcast import methods from podcast controller
      - update import functionality to insert platforms from rss
      closes #73, #75, #76, #80
  7. Oct 29, 2020
  8. Oct 26, 2020
    • Benjamin Bellamy's avatar
      feat: add CDN url · 972bcbf6
      Benjamin Bellamy authored
      feat: rename ?s to ?_from to match podcastindex recommendation
      feat: adust map height
      feat: display pie chart on 1 column for small and medium screens
      feat: handle empty rss user agent
      fix: correct bug when importing episode with empty image
      fix: add service to FakePodcastsAnalyticsSeeder, resize pie charts so that all lines fit
      fix: set page title to ->title when it exists
      fix: replace %20 with +
      closes #37
  9. Oct 21, 2020
  10. Oct 20, 2020
  11. Oct 15, 2020
    • Benjamin Bellamy's avatar
      feat: update analytics so to meet IABv2 requirements · 03e23a28
      Benjamin Bellamy authored and Yassine Doghri's avatar Yassine Doghri committed
        - no IP address is ever stored on the server. Only aggregate data is stored in the dababase.
        - rolling 24-hour window
        - castopod does not do pre-load
        - IP Blacklisting
        - user-agent Filtering
        - ignores 2 bytes range "Range: 0-1" (performed by official Apple iOS Podcast app)
        - in case of partial content, adds up all requests to check >1mn was downloaded
        - identifying Uniques is done with a combination of IP Address and User Agent
      - add AMcharts
      - add some graphs
      - add regions to analytics
      - add ipcat blacklist
      - enhance useragents performances
      - add filesize and header size in order to calculate 1mn downloads
      - update publisher ID3 field
      - update castopod icon
      - add disclaimer and warning import form translation
      - update docs/
      closes #10
    • Yassine Doghri's avatar
      feat: enhance admin ui with responsive design and ux improvements · 2d44b457
      Yassine Doghri authored
      - add podcast sidebar navigation
      - add podcast dashboard with latest episodes
      - add pagination to podcast episodes
      - add components helper to reuse ui components (button, data_table, etc.)
      - enhance podcast and episode forms by splitting them into form sections
      - add hint tooltips to podcast and episode forms
      - transform radio inputs as buttons for better ux
      - replace explicit field by parental_advisory
      - replace author field by publisher
      - add podcasts_categories table to set multiple categories
      - use choices.js to enhance multiselect fields
      - update Language files
      - update js dependencies to latest versions
      closes #31, #9
    • Yassine Doghri's avatar
      feat: create optimized & resized images upon upload · 02e4441f
      Yassine Doghri authored
      - resize uploaded image to thumbnail, medium, large, feed, and id3 formats
      - set image url formats where adapted in views
      - set format sizes and extensions in Images config file for customization
      - add validation for image uploads: `min_dims` and `is_image_squared`
      - update codeigniter4 and myth-auth php packages to latest develop versions
      - update npm packages to latest versions
      - update public/.htaccess
      closes #6
    • Yassine Doghri's avatar
      feat(public-ui): adapt public podcast and episode pages to wireframes · 40a0535f
      Yassine Doghri authored
      - adapt wireframes with responsive design
      - refactor models methods to cache requests for faster queries
      - update public controllers to cache pages while retaining analytics hits
      - add platform links to podcast page
      - add previous / next episodes in episode page
      - update npm packages to latest versions
      closes #30, #13
    • Benjamin Bellamy's avatar
      feat: import podcast from an rss feed url · 9a5d5a15
      Benjamin Bellamy authored and Yassine Doghri's avatar Yassine Doghri committed
      * add podcast import form
      * add League\\HTMLToMarkdown
      * add guid field in podcast table
      * change podcast category from string to id
      closes #21
    • Yassine Doghri's avatar
      feat: add pages table to store custom instance pages (eg. legal-notice, cookie policy, etc.) · 9c224a8a
      Yassine Doghri authored
      - add pages  migration, model and entity
      - add page controllers
      - update routes config to input page forms and page view in public
      - fix markdow editor focus area
      - show pages links in public side footer
      closes #24
    • Yassine Doghri's avatar
      refactor: rewrite form pages using form helper · a1a28de7
      Yassine Doghri authored
      - add installGateway to app config
      - update route names and groups
      - remove `author_name` and `author_email` from `episodes` table
      - remove `author_name` and `author_email` from `podcasts` table
      - remove `owner_id` + add `created_by` and `updated_by` fields in `podcasts` and `episodes` tables
      - remove unnecessary comments in database fields
      - remove confirm password inputs from auth forms for better ux
      - rename `pub_date` field to `published_at` and add publication time field in episode form
      closes #14, #28
    • Yassine Doghri's avatar
      refactor: add php_codesniffer to define castopod's coding style based on psr-1 · ed6e9530
      Yassine Doghri authored
      - add .editorconfig file
      - format all files to comply with castopod's coding style
      - switch parsedown dependency with commonmark library to better follow commonmark spec for markdown
      - add prettier command to format all project files at once
      closes #16
    • Yassine Doghri's avatar
      refactor: update js files to typescript and replace parcel with rollup · e0da1151
      Yassine Doghri authored
      - add basic rollup config to bundle minified and browser compatible js
      - use babel to transpile
      typescript files to js
      - add static code checkers: eslint and stylelint
      - update package.json
      - update file to include rollup and popper
      - set html in rss feed
      description fields
      - update Podcast and Episode entities to add description_html attribute
      generated by parsing markdown to html using parsedown
    • Yassine Doghri's avatar
      feat: edit + delete podcast and episode · ac5f0c73
      Yassine Doghri authored
      - refactor model / entity and controller logic for DRY code
      - update episodes and podcasts
      - define callbacks for podcast and episode models for enclosure update and cache
    • Yassine Doghri's avatar
      feat(rss): generate rss feed from podcast entity · c815ecd6
      Yassine Doghri authored
      - refactor episode, podcast and category entities to add dynamic properties
      - refactor Routes when adding feed route
      - update migration files to better fit itunes' and rss' specs
      - update podcast and episode forms
      - add SimpleRSSElement class to Libraries
      - add rss_helper
      - update home controller to redirect if system has only one podcast