- Feb 03, 2022
Yassine Doghri authored
update CommonMark to v2 + add Autolink, SmartPunct and DisallowedRawHtml extensions
- Dec 29, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
Yassine Doghri authored
soundbites js
Yassine Doghri authored
- replace some helper components and forms with class components in the ui - create viewcomponents service and load the component function to be used in views
Yassine Doghri authored
- add parameter to prevent escaping value in SimpleRSSElement's addChild method - clean prosemirror residue (typedef + DEPENDENCIES.md) - remove type definition generation in tsconfig fixes #138, #71
Yassine Doghri authored
- create markdown-write-preview + markdown-preview webcomponents using lit - create form_markdown_editor helper form component - simplify form_dropdown and form_multiselect components - fix partner fields display fixes #93, #94, #120
- Jun 11, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
update types and some remap logic
Yassine Doghri authored
fix some style issues
Yassine Doghri authored
Apple podcasts requires a category to submit a valid podcast RSS feed. The "uncategorized" category is not a valid category.
Yassine Doghri authored
- update .devcontainer settings: remove auto-formatting for php + set intelephense as default formatter - remove prettier php plugin as it lacks php 8 support - add captain hook action for checking style pre-commit - fix style with ecs on all files except views
- May 17, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
- fix lazy loading properties + podcast import controller - rename all snake_case variables to camelCase - fix broken routes - refactor Location construction logic and setters
- May 14, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
- May 12, 2021
Yassine Doghri authored
- update CI process to include quality stage (tests + code review) - add captainhook to install git pre-commit & pre-push hooks - remove .devcontainer Dockerfile to use project's docker-compose services: all services can now be started automatically using vscode - update docs/setup-development.md
- Oct 15, 2020
Yassine Doghri authored
updated podcast import translations closes #34
Yassine Doghri authored
- add podcast sidebar navigation - add podcast dashboard with latest episodes - add pagination to podcast episodes - add components helper to reuse ui components (button, data_table, etc.) - enhance podcast and episode forms by splitting them into form sections - add hint tooltips to podcast and episode forms - transform radio inputs as buttons for better ux - replace explicit field by parental_advisory - replace author field by publisher - add podcasts_categories table to set multiple categories - use choices.js to enhance multiselect fields - update Language files - update js dependencies to latest versions closes #31, #9